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  • Return Of The King Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 11, 2013

    Do you contemplate the love of the Lord for you? Do you thinkabout him as the King of the earth and the King of your heart? In these psalms, catch a vision for what it will be like when Jesus rules.

    Psalm 47 is about declaring how wonderful our king really is. 1 – 4 Verse 1 is the source of a well-known chorus (in the New King James version). Clapping of hands was a sign of enthusiastic celebration (2 Kings 11:12, Isaiah 55:12). I picture the king coming into the palace as His more

  • Ascension 2016

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on May 4, 2016

    The description of the ascension of Jesus to heaven is an interesting one. It shows us how consumed we may be with the world and its values instead of being consumed with the Kingdom of God and the mission which Jesus gave to us.

    This coming Thursday is the day that some churches celebrate as Ascension Day because we know that Jesus appeared among His disciples for forty days after His resurrection and then He ascended into heaven. Normally we would celebrate the ascension of Jesus into heaven on the Sunday after more

  • Theophilus And The Ascension Of Jesus

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on May 30, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The Gospel of Luke and Acts were both written by Luke and were both addressed to Theophilus. Are you Theophilus?

    Please stand with me as we read The Apostles Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He more

  • Wake Up And Shine

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Jun 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon examines 1 Samuel 3:1-20, the story of Samuel and Eli, and gives lessons on, what defined them, as a dying priesthood, and a rising prophet. These lessons can be applied to our Churches, and lives today, which can result in what spiritual impact we will have on today's world.

    AWAKE OR SLEEPING 1 Samuel 3:1-20 In our text we see a transition from a Priesthood who had taken God for granted, to a rising Prophet, who would awaken a Nation. From Eli to Samuel. Eli means to ascend or "lofty". There are two ways to look at him, as a Priest he was called to ascend more

  • A Visitor In The Dark

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 3, 2020

    What does it mean to be born again? How are we born of water and the Spirit? Let’s understand the newness of a spirit life in John 3:1-17.

    What does it mean to be born again? How are we born of water and the Spirit? Let’s understand the newness of a spirit life in John 3:1-17. Nicodemus John 3:1 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. Nicodemus was a senator in the Jewish more

  • Kingdom Keys - Ephesians 4 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Mar 29, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    APEST provides a new leadership structure where the body of Christ can receive the impulses of the Holy Spirit to do His work on earth through us

    So maybe you’ve heard it said, ‘read your bible’ so you tried and failed. Our hope as leaders is that all of us will pick up God’s word and come to understand the true nature of God. After all, the bible is God’s Word curated over centuries detailing His nature, His will, the meaning of life and more

  • The Journey To Greatness

    Contributed by Efe Oluwatosin on Dec 7, 2020

    Most times the journey to greatness requires that a person passes through some unpleasant experiences, the outcome of which would determine whether they end up great. It is my prayer that every reader of this article will end up great.

    The Journey to Greatness Most times the journey to greatness requires that a person passes through some unpleasant experiences, the outcome of which would determine whether they end up great. The purpose of this study is to encourage all who would like to attain greatness of what to expect on more

  • Getting Unstuck

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on May 7, 2022

    A message from the Ascension of Jesus. The disciples stood gazing at Jesus. They were stuck

    Title: Don’t Get Stuck Theme: Text: Acts 1:1 - 11 Opening Scripture Act 1:1-11 The former account I made, O Theophilus (the same person Luke wrote to. Luke and Acts are companion books. There was unfinished business at the end of Luke and so Acts steps in. That is why we call this book the more

  • Who Is The Devil?

    Contributed by Kris Roberts on Jun 4, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    A message answering some questions about our adversary, Satan.

    Who is the Devil? 1. Introduction · Show “The Devil” video clip · Is Satan real? Is he a god? Where did he come from? Discuss · Two out of three teens (65%) say that the devil, or Satan, is not a living being but is a symbol of evil. (2000) · Three out of five teens (61%) agree that “if a more

  • Walking Thru A Thunderstorm

    Contributed by Jeff Putman on Jul 22, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    What a Great Big God we serve. A sermon that plays off 2 themes.Jesus walking thru a thunderstorm, and the history behind "How Great Thou Art"

    WALKING THRU A THUNDERSTORM Text: Mark 6 : 45-52 Intro: Carl Boberg - penned the hymn- How great thou art , after walking thru a thunderstorm and marveling at the glorious God we serve. I. GOD IS more

  • Lesson 2: Mary Finds Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on Apr 27, 2005
    based on 24 ratings


    A. WHY SOME WHO SEEK JESUS, MISS HIM. 1. Unbelief. Mary didn’t believe He was raised. “They have taken away my Lord” (20:13). 2. Wrong mindset. Mary thought they stole His body. “They have taken away the body” (20:2). 3. Wrong focus. Mary looked in the wrong place. “Looked into the more

  • What We Are In Christ

    Contributed by Colin Coombs on Jul 29, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Revealing a wonderful progression from one who is a disciple, through to one who puts into action what he is taught, so developing a close relationship with his Master as a loving friend, and being honoured by being accepted as part of the family

    WHAT WE ARE IN CHRIST AS SEEN IN JOHN’S GOSPEL I A DISCIPLE John 8:31 31 So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. [AMP] Disciple: Mayhthv - mathetes - math-ay-tes’; a more

  • The Winner Takes It All

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Mar 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The first thing God will ask us when we arrive home- Did you keep my commandments? In 1 Thessalonians 2: 19 it says there will be an award for such winners.

    Illustration: The man at the lottery stand shouts aloud. Be a winner and go home with millions of dollars. Everyone wants to be a winner and go home rich. But have you wondered if we are really rich in the walk of our life and getting ready to go home as winners. Introduction: The Lord God wants more

  • The Good Wine Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Jul 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    (PowerPoint slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing Looking at Jesus first miracle, and the significance of the good wine.

    Journeying with John, It’s a Trip (JWJ-11) The Good Wine John 2:1-11 This morning my heart is burdened with a rather unusual subject - and it flows directly out of a rather intriguing passage in Scripture. Our text is the account of Jesus’ first sign in Cana of Galilee - at the wedding where He more

  • He Is The God Of All Things Both Good And Bad

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Oct 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    He is God of all praise his name.

    HE IS THE GOD OF ALL THINGS BOTH GOOD AND BAD Psalm 135 1Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the name of the LORD; praise him, O ye servants of the LORD. 2Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of our God. 3Praise the LORD; for the LORD is good: sing more

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