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  • The Arrest Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 15, 2009

    A short intro to the person of Judas.

    The arrest of Jesus John 18: 1-11 Last week we finished a bit early, and there were a few things that I wanted to see here. Now, when we hear the name Judas today it’s synonymous with Hitler, Dracula or some perverted mass murderer. It’s like it’s the epitome more

  • The Arrest Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus was in complete and absolute control of the situation. He wasn’t the helpless victim of a cruel and unjust system and His life wasn’t snatched from Him either but He surrendered Himself to sinful hands.

    The arrest of Jesus John 18:11-27 Job 5:7 says, "People are born for trouble as predictably as sparks fly upward from a fire." Troubles are part of life. And there’s no end to the troubles you will probably face. Let me give you some examples. A fierce gust of more

  • The Arrest Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Oct 6, 2016

    Jesus has completely surrendered Himself to these guards; He signifies that He is their substitute. We must take a moment to grasp this: He places Himself in front of them (and us) to protect them from the danger.

    The Arrest of Jesus John 18:1-14 Following Jesus’s prayer in the garden, the events unfold quickly (setup for Sun) Re: This is at night, following Passover supper; after time spent in prayer ∆ Jesus Identifies and Surrenders In the garden, where a powerful time of prayer is more

  • The Arrest Of Jesus

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 24, 2018

    Last weekend we focused on the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane and learned that it was a place of support, sorrow, solitude, struggle, submission, and finally, strength. Today we have front-row seats to the arrest and most infamous trial in history.

    Play a clip from Billy Graham’s last message to America…and the world. God loves you and is willing to forgive you for all your sins! This clip is from Billy Graham’s last message to America, delivered when he was 95 years old. Billy Graham preached the gospel live to nearly 215 million people more

  • The Arrest Of Jesus.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 4, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    The willingness of Jesus to die for us.

    THE ARREST OF JESUS. John 18:1-14. After the Passover meal, the institution of the Lord’s Supper, the Upper Room discourse, and Jesus’ great high priestly prayer, Jesus led His disciples over the brook Kidron to the garden of Gethsemane (John 18:1). Judas, possessed by Satan (cf. John 13:2; more

  • Betrayal And Arrest Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 1, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    The betrayal and arrest of Jesus in Luke 22:47-53 teaches us that Jesus was in control of God's plan of redemption.

    Scripture Jesus’ last night on earth was spent eating a meal with his twelve apostles. He earnestly desired to eat this meal with them, because he knew that he was about to suffer and die the next day (Luke 22:15). However, the Last Supper was very disappointing to Jesus. Instead of a more

  • The Betrayal And Arrest Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The betrayers come into the garden of Gethsemane with the force and arms they thought necessary to seize Jesus. He faces this dark hour directly yet with restraint and compassion.

    LUKE 22: 47-53 [JESUS’ LAST NIGHT SERIES] THE BETRAYAL AND ARREST OF JESUS (Matthew 26:47–56; Mark 14:43–50; John 18:3–11) Luke now turns his attention from the spiritual warfare in the Garden to the arrest of Jesus. Satan, finding himself baffled in his attempts to terrify and dissuaded our more

  • Jesus On Trial: The Arrest Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 6, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    I would like to examine briefly the arrest behind the death of Jesus.

    Scripture Last year I began what I plan to be a seven-year series of messages. It is based on the book by James Montgomery Boice and Philip Graham Ryken that is titled, Jesus on Trial. My goal is to teach on seven important aspects of the trial of Jesus Christ: the diabolical conspiracy to kill more

  • Arrested Series

    Contributed by Tim White on May 11, 2014

    The enemies of the cross at Jesus' arrest show us strong lessons about the Kingdom of Christ.

    When we hear the word, “arrested”, we think of criminals. Criminals are an unusual sort, as far as I can tell. I hear tell of a set of criminal brothers who did all sorts of crime. As a matter of fact, if a crime occurred in this small community, one, if not both, of these boys had more

  • “the Arrest Of Jesus The Nazarene” Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jun 13, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    After Jesus' High Priestly prayer, Jesus meets His Betrayer and His accusers in the Garden of Gethsemane and is arrested. There are similarities and contrasts in the Garden with an event in history concerning King David.

    “The Arrest of Jesus the Nazarene” John 18:1-12 We have examined John 13-17 recently which is considered to be Jesus’ “Farewell Discourse”, occurring on the night which Jesus was arrested. Today we study John 18:1-4 with the arrest of Jesus: “When Jesus had more

  • The Arrest Of Jesus - Mark 14:41-52 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on May 12, 2024

    What's with the strange story about the young man fleeing naked at Jesus' arrest? Mark leaves out so many big aspects of that event, but he includes this. Is it a meaningless, throwaway story? Or is it Mark at his best, crafting a profound message in a vivid picture?

    Jesus leads the 12 into battle even though he knows they will fail. When the hour comes, you’ll have to face the battle, ready or not. Jesus fights this battle on four fronts. Front #1: Judas (Jesus fights dis-couragement by calling out to Abba, Father). Front #2: the rogue disciple who jeopardizes more

  • Arrested

    Contributed by Norman Lawrence on Jul 4, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Message looking at the dramatic experience and calling of Paul on the road to Damascus. Indicates hope for people who may have had a difficult past.

    "ARRESTED" In England there’s a paper factory that makes the finest stationery that’s made. One day a man touring the factory asked what it was made from. He was shown a huge pile of old rags. The rag content is what determined the quality of the paper. The man wouldn’t believe it. In 6 more

  • Arrest Series

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a Maundy Thursday Sermon, part of a series calls Words of Lent and deals with the arrest!

    When we think of a big arrest today, what do we think of?... “Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do when they come for you?” (Theme from “Cops”) We think of S.W.A.T. Teams and people fleeing the scene in high speed chases. We think of cops breaking in doors and storm troopers rappelling in through more

  • The Arrest Series

    Contributed by Tony Mccreery on Sep 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The 1st in a series going through all Christ endured leading up to the Cross. The series ends Easter Sunday with the Glorious Resurrection

    “The Arrest” 15 Things They Did To Our Lord John 18:1-11 January 8, 2006 Today we begin a new series. There are 15 weeks leading up to Easter. From now until Easter we will be looking at 15 different things they did to the Lord. We are going to look at some of the different aspects leading up more

  • I Am He Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Nov 29, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    At the arrest of Jesus He revealed his divine authority.

    Jesus has finished His “high priestly prayer” of the previous chapter; He crosses the Kidron Valley (geographically the Wadi en-Nar) to the Garden of Gethsemane, and quietly waits… Gethsemane, a walled olive grove, was a favorite, secluded place for Jesus and His followers to get more