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  • Understanding Your Year

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 31, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Israel’s God established a new paradigm for understanding their calendar year. A new paradigm for understanding the calendar year must be established among God’s people. A new paradigm for understanding your year is established thru...

    UNDERSTANDING YOUR YEAR—Exodus 12:1-3ff. OR ’A New Paradigm’ Israel’s God ordained/established a new paradigm for understanding a calendar year. A new paradigm for understanding the calendar year must be established among God’s people. How is a new paradigm for understanding the calendar year more

  • Strategic Goals Of Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Apr 20, 2002
    based on 84 ratings

    What are we striving for when we do battle for Christ?

    The Strategic Goals of Spiritual Warfare What is the mission? That question is one of the most important ones we ask as we work on any challenge or project. When we take up the challenge of Spiritual Warfare, we need to understand our mission, our strategic goals. Knowing our mission more

  • The Voice Of History - Faith Or Law Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on May 1, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    Righteousness has always been by grace alone, even Abraham was justified by his faith apart from works

    It might be good to stop for a moment and think again about what it was that occasioned this letter from Paul. Remember that he’s planning to visit Rome but has so far been prevented. But in the meantime he wants to make sure that the Christians in Rome have a sure foundation for their faith. He’s more

  • Temptation Management-101—2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 8, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    Part 2 of a 4 part sermon dealing with the importance of managing temptation effectively so that it will not become sin, thus freeing God to work in our lives.

    Temptation Management 101-II—Luke 4:1-13 We must learn to control/manage life’s temptations. Control our falling into the temptations—Sexual/Drug/Alcohol/Food/ Social-Relationships/ Financial, etc....— so they do not become sin, hindering God’s work in us. Jesus was able manage temptation so more

  • Proof Of Resurrection

    Contributed by Brien Sims on Jan 16, 2008

    Christ hasn’t been dethroned in any way, especially by human effort.Feel hope in knowing that Jesus rose on the third day.

    What if everything you believed in and everything you trusted in turned against you? Most kids believe in the “Easter bunny,” the tooth fairy, and santa clause. Yet, after some time, they finally learn the truth about these mythical creatures. What if it were time to learn the truth about the more

  • God's Purpose In Mercy Series

    Contributed by Gary Moore on Feb 4, 2008

    God is faithful in the execution of his plan of salvation. Paul deals with ethnic Israel.

    This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. INTRODUCTION ROMANS 9.1-11.36 There is an obvious coherency to the first 8 chapters of Romans that culminates with an affirmation of the believer’s more

  • Proof Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Brien Sims on Aug 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The reality of resurrection.

    What if everything you believed in and everything you trusted in turned against you? Most kids believe in the “Easter bunny,” the tooth fairy, and santa clause. Yet, after some time, they finally learn the truth about these mythical creatures. What if it were time to learn the truth about the death more

  • Takling Tough Prophecy

    Contributed by Michael Durst on Jan 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    An in depth look into Hosea and what he has to say about us fulfilling our part of the covenant.

    How many of you here this morning have ever had a speeding ticket? How many of you had to go to court for that ticket? Well, I certainly remember my one and only ticket. I was 17 years old and a senior in high school. I was taking a college class at Old Dominican each morning and so every day more

  • Communication: Listen With The Heart Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Nov 9, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Sermon series based on The DNA of Relationships by Dr. Gary Smally. Communication is more than just hearing words, we have to go deeper to the heart of the matter

    COMMUNICATION: LISTEN WITH THE HEART A. We are continuing our series of lessons on The DNA of Relationships based on the book by Dr. Gary Smalley. Today’s lesson is on Communication: Listen with the Heart. ILLUSTRATION: This story appeared in The News Gazette last May. A minister decided more

  • Dare We Dream Together

    Contributed by John Gullick on Mar 6, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon that discusses how to get God's vision for our lives.

    What is God’s vision? Dare we dream together. Duncan McGregor was a very famous All black In 1905 part of the Originals team that travelled to Britain, Ireland, France and the United States and that only lost one out of 35 games. While on tour, the British press dubbed him the "Flying Scotsman" more

  • The Father Of The Faithful Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 20, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    Through this passage one can understand that Abraham was justified before he was circumcised and before the Law was given. Circumcision and legal obedience are not necessary conditions of justification

    ROMANS 4:9-15 THE FATHER OF THE FAITHFUL Paul has proven that Abraham was not justified nor forgiven on account of his good actions. But what was the nature of the Covenant made with Abraham? Was the promise made on the condition of faith, or on the condition of circumcision, which was the more

  • Meekness Not Weakness Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Apr 25, 2016
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon is about the fourth beatitude, "Blessed are the meek." It looks at the true meaning of meekness and what that looks like in everyday life.

    The Sermon on the Mount “Meekness Not Weakness” Matthew 5:5 As we continue in our study through the Sermon on the Mount we’ll be looking at one of the most misunderstood of the beatitudes, and that’s the attitude of meekness. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall more

  • Nine Fruits: Kindness Series

    Contributed by Ryan Loyd on Oct 28, 2015

    A series on the Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

    Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Introduction: Momma and the Toast
A Sunday School teacher asked her class if they knew the more

  • Pardon For The Greatest Of Sins

    Contributed by Anthony Edwards on Oct 13, 2014

    Great sin is no barrier to God's forgiveness.

    Psa.25:11 "For Your name's sake, O LORD, Pardon my iniquity, for it is great." (1) A few years ago, when we lived in North Queensland, there was a disaster that occurred at Charleville. We saw amazing scenes on News Reports of swollen rivers & Submerged houses. People stranded. Whole communities more

  • "stephen: A Heart Of Commitment" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Oct 27, 2020

    One of the things that are clear as you look at the gospels is that popularity can be costly. Most of us if we would admit it, certainly desire to have it. But we sometimes don’t realize what it can cost us.

    HEARTBEATS “Stephen: A heart of Commitment” Acts 6:8-15 and 8:54-60 One of the things that are clear as you look at the gospels is that popularity can be costly. Most of us if we would admit it, certainly desire to have it. But we sometimes don’t realize what it can cost us. We see in the more

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