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  • The Continuation Of Destiny

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on May 5, 2019

    Once a person is saved there is a continuing journey we must all take to reach our individual destiny. Using Jacob's prophecy over Joseph we see the example of the journey that awaits us if we are to become fruitful

    Entering Into the Joseph Anointing! Joseph was the one whom God used to save an entire tribe, nation and people. However, he had to go through a tremendous set of what might be considered "negative circumstances" (he was the one who was separated from his brothers) but he described it more

  • Stay On Target SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Oct 19, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Don't allow yourself to get distracted. Focus on the target.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I am filled with joy and gratitude as I stand before you today, ready to share a message that has been laid upon my heart. A message that I believe is timely and relevant for each one of us, regardless of where we find ourselves on our spiritual more

  • The Parent's Guide To Surviving Summer Break

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 4, 2008

    We need to not only survive, but thrive as parents during the summer and all year long.

    The Parent’s Guide To Surviving Summer Break Psalm 127 June 15, 2008 FATHER’S DAY Chester FBC Dr. Mike Fogerson Introduction: A "I’m Watching You Dad" Video ( B Tonight, 40% of all American children will to sleep in a house in which their fathers do not live. 1 Before more

  • Real Men Let God Lead The Way

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Jun 16, 2019

    Father's Day message from Psalms 127 about letting God lead the way.

    Title: Real Men Let God Lead the Way Theme: To show the importance of letting God lead in the life of men. Text: Psalms 127:1 – 5 Psalms 127:1-5 A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the Lord builds (establish, a foundation) the house, They labor (toil and effort) in vain (they are just spinning more

  • The Greatest Of These Is Love Series

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Feb 4, 2019

    In baptism we have been called as agents of God's love

    February 3, 2019 Hope Lutheran Church Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 The Greatest of These Is Love Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Two weeks ago, I was rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs and more

  • Parenting On Purpose Series

    Contributed by Jerry Gatson on Feb 18, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    2020 is The Year of the Turnaround. Turnaround starts with me! Turnaround starts at home. Turnaround starts with Parenting on Purpose to train up the children in the way they should grow and go!

    Isaiah 1:17 says that doing well is a learned process. In order to learn to do well, we must be trained. When I was in the U.S. Army, we did what was called Train-up Training. Train-up training is training for the next level while you are still on the previous level. Likewise, training children more

  • The Targeted Generation

    Contributed by Brandon Park on Oct 1, 2015

    When parents learn to shoot straight, our children will hit the mark.

    THE TARGETED GENERATION PROPS NEEDED: Bow (Compound) Quiver of Arrows A Twig (small branch that’s slightly crooked) READ Psalm 127:3-5, “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior, so are the children of more

  • "The Greatest Gift Ever Given!" Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Nov 16, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Salvation is the gift of God to us in Christ.

    When the Scripture tells us that Jesus is the "one and only," it is saying that there was no one else like Him! 1. Jesus Is The One And Only Son! It has been said that a son is sure to resemble his father. Surely, this was true of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus was God come in human form to more

  • The Religious Lost!

    Contributed by Brian Archer on Aug 8, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Our title of "Christian" is meaningless if our hearts don’t match our claim.

    The Religious Lost! Romans 2:17-29 I. They Lack Humility 2:17-20 II. They Lack Obedience 2:21-24 III. They Lack Understanding 2:25-29 Introduction In his book, Early Christians of the 21st Century, Chad Walsh wrote: Millions of Christians live in a sentimental haze of more

  • "Under New Management"

    Contributed by Brian Archer on Aug 16, 2001
    based on 380 ratings

    Our eternal destiny is determined by the "management" underwhich we serve!"

    Under New Management Ephesians 2:1-10 I. Consider Your Past 2:1-2:3 A. You WERE Dead 2:1 B. You WERE Unrighteous 2:2-2:3a C. You WERE Objects of Wrath 2:3b II. Celebrate Your Present 2:4-2:6; 2:8-2:10 A. BY GRACE you ARE Saved 2:4-5; 2:8-9 B. BY GRACE more

  • "The Faith Network"

    Contributed by Brian Archer on Aug 16, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    "As believers, we need to be a part of the network, and share our faith."

    THE FAITH NETWORK John 1: 35-46 I. You Must Respond to the Invitation. 1:35-1:37 II. You Go Wherever Jesus Leads You. 1:38-1:39 III. You must seek those who are lost. 1:40-1:46 1. You Must Be Willing to Witness to Those You Know. 1:40-1:42 2. You Must more

  • Kingdom And King Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on May 3, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    Four incidents in Jesus life give Him a chance to teach about the Kingdom of God.

    Kingdom & King Luke 18:15-43 Intro: This section of Luke’s gospel gives us insights into Jesus’ kingdom and His role as king. As we see Jesus react to four different situations, we see that the driving focus of His teaching is the Kingdom of God. I. Let the little children come to me (Luke more

  • Zackie's Story Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on May 3, 2004
    based on 61 ratings

    This sermon looks at the story of Zacchaeus and the lessons it teaches us

    Zackie’s Story Luke 19:1-10 Zachary S. (Zackie to his friends) seemed to have it made. He had a fancy apartment with a shiny yellow sports car out front. Zackie had a comfortable government job, earning good money. Some people said his job was a little too comfortable, that the money was too good. more

  • Remember Who You Are

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on May 3, 2004
    based on 61 ratings

    We need to remember that we are children of God and how special that makes us.

    REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE Begin by asking the kids to tell you the story of the movie "Lion King." Have fun with it. Get them to tell you as many things as they can remember. Then get them to talk about the part where Rafiki goes to see Simba and Simba has the vision of his father. (Remind them that more

  • Reino Y Rey Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on May 14, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    4 historias de la vida de Jesús nos enseñan sobre Su reino.

    Reino y Rey Lucas 18:15-43 Introducción: Esta sección del evangelio de Lucas nos enseña sobre el reino de Jesús y Su papel como rey. A la medida que Jesús va reaccionando a distintas situaciones, vemos que el enfoque de Su enseñanza es el Reino de Dios. I. Dejen que los niños vengan a mí (Lucas more