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Sermons on anaias:

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  • Anaias And Saphira - Wasn't It Just A Tad Ott To Kill Them?

    Contributed by David Petticrew on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 50 ratings

    A look at the story of Ananias and Saphira to see that God treats sin seriously and that we are called to be people of Integrity

    Introduction Have any of you seen the movie Catch Me If You Can. I have to say before I say it I thought it was recipe for disaster. I mean it starred Leonardo Di Capreo. But actually it turned out to be quite good. It’s the true story of Frank Abignail, who as a teenager runs away from home and more

  • Saul’s Radical Conversion And Fellowship Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 20, 2024

    Saul’s actions after having been called, stricken blind, and healed are a model for each of us to follow when it comes to being obedient to Jesus. Would we be so bold today as to willingly allow our lives to be changed by Him?

    To the Ends of the Earth, Part 12 Saul’s Radical Conversion and Fellowship Acts 9:1-22 Introduction - Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth” -- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise) -- And we looked ahead, anticipated more

  • What Are You Waiting For? The Response.

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on May 17, 2017

    Answer God’s Call

    Title: What Are You Waiting For? The Response. Place: BLCC Date: 5/24/15 Text: Acts 22.16; Acts conversions CT: Answer God’s Call FAS: In the ongoing battle against oversleeping, humanity has devised some clever alarm clocks. But for all their clever designs, most alarm clocks still suffer from a more

  • Digger Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Dec 10, 2019

    No campfire is complete without them. They send chills up our spines and keep us awake at night. Ghost Stories. But we don’t have to afraid of THE Ghost!

    Ghost Stories Pt. 1 - Digger I. Introduction Open with Campfire Scene - (Lights Dim) Before we jump in I need to lay out a couple of foundational statements. As we examine "Ghost Stories" this month. I need to tell you . . . 1. The stories we will read often seem so different from more

  • Dipped And Saved

    Contributed by Jim Caswell on Apr 10, 2018

    Answer God’s Call

    Title: Dipped and Saved Place: BLCC Date: 4/15/18 Text: Acts 22.16; Acts conversions CT: Answer God’s Call [Screen 1] FAS: The following is from a USA Today article detailing the decline of water baptism in many American churches: There are now baptism-style ceremonies where God is never mentioned more

  • A New Life?

    Contributed by John Howard on Jan 14, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    A look at the new life we have in Christ and how Christ wants us to respond.

    Col 3:1-4 I have struggled with getting my topic or my idea captured - In words on paper - It seems I have had a restlessness - About what to talk about today - I have a desire, a deep desire - To encourage you to look heavenward - In every day, in every situation, in every moment Let me read you more

  • A Life Changed By God Series

    Contributed by Rob Peterson on Jun 10, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    intro to a series on Ephesians

    Today intro on the Apostle Paul, the author of Ephesians and about 1/3 of the NT is either about Paul, or written by him. After Jesus, Paul is clearly the most influential person in the history of Christianity. Some would say Paul wrecked Christianity, more would say that what Paul did prevented more

  • The Hostage Negotiator

    Contributed by Patrick Schatzline on Feb 4, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon is designed to show that Christians can walk in freedom form the enemy. Jesus came and died as our ransom. The enemy lost the battle at the cross.

    A. You are Royalty – Rom. 8:17. We’re co-heirs B. There is an attack going on (news bulletin) There is no such thing as a soldier that doesn’t have scars! Terrorists are lose! C. Islamic Fundamentalists: (sorrow) You can’t have a hostage without a ransom D. Somebody has to pay ransom! *He that the more

  • Being Smart With My Money What Should I Avoid

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Oct 12, 2012

    This message is on dealing with two motivating factors of how we spend our money 1) it looks good now and 2) it will impress others later. We should be more concerned with pleasing God than each other.

    Being Smart With My Money—What To Avoid Genesis 13:5-13 and Acts 5:1-11 We are in part 2 of our series, Being Smart With My Money. Last week Pastor Toby preached “What Do I Need”. Next Week Pastor Kellie will do “What Cost Me The Most”, Pastor Toby will return more