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  • ¿y Si Pudieras Elegir A Tu Propio Dios?

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Oct 21, 2021

    Tema: Este sermón trata de cómo crearías tu propio Dios si no quisieras el que se encuentra en las Escrituras.

    ¿Y si pudieras elegir a tu propio Dios? Éxodo 32: 1-8 Romanos 1: 21-25 Tema: Este sermón trata de cómo crearías tu propio Dios si no quisieras el que se encuentra en las Escrituras. ¿Cuántos de ustedes alguna vez han creado algo desde cero? Podría more

  • Three Essentials Of The Christian Life

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Nov 1, 2021

    We mortals understand for us to live in this physical life there are somethings that are essential.

    These things we cannot survive without in this physical world, they are: • Air to breathe • Water • Food • Sleep • Shelter • Income These things are essential to life here on earth. Also, when it comes to our spiritual life there are somethings that are essential to live the Christian more

  • Las Puertas Deben Ser Abiertas Series

    Contributed by James Dina on Jan 11, 2022

    Si estas puertas permanecen cerradas, limitará nuestro servicio a Dios y obstaculizará el cumplimiento de nuestro destino; pero cuando estas puertas se abran, tendremos un crecimiento exponencial de la iglesia, mejores finanzas y abundantes bendiciones.

    LAS PUERTAS DEBEN SER ABIERTAS "Cuando pasaron la primera y la segunda sala, llegaron a la puerta de hierro que conduce a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; salieron y pasaron por una calle, y en seguida el ángel se alejó de él" (Hechos 12:10) Vamos more

  • Morada De Los Pastores

    Contributed by James Dina on Feb 15, 2022

    Nuestras iglesias ya no serán refugio de mendigos, sino refugio de pastores. Nuestra tierra ya no se llamará "desolada", sino "Beulah", porque el Señor se regocija en nosotros, y nuestra tierra será casada.

    MORADA DE LOS PASTORES "Así dice el Señor de los ejércitos: de nuevo en este lugar, que está desolado, sin hombres y sin animales, y en todas sus ciudades, habrá morada de pastores que hagan descansar sus rebaños" (Jeremías 33:12) Muchos pueblos y more

  • Justified Fools For Christ-5 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 24, 2015

    5 of 8. Paul admonished the Corinthian Church regarding his apostolic ministry. The church must regard apostles those who are fools for Christ! But How/When are these Justified? Fools for Christ are justified thru their...

    JUSTIFIED FOOLS For CHRIST-V—1Corinthians 4:1-21 Attention: I was in the barber shop one Friday & Christine showed me a you tube video of an unusual scene in Rockaway, NJ. A black bear family—a mother & 5 cubs!—decided to enjoy themselves in an above-ground pool! They were more

  • Unleashing Your Spiritual Vitality-1(2015) Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 25, 2015

    1 of 3. Peter steered the Christians of Asia into the vitality born of their privilege in Christ. What characterizes/Looses/Releases that vitality? To unleash the privilege of spiritual vitality, we must commit to....

    UNLEASHING YOUR SPIRITUAL VITALITY-I—1Peter 1:13-21 Attention: Chicken Plants: A life-long city man, tired of the rat race, decided he was going to give up the city life, move to the country, & become a chicken farmer. He found a nice, used chicken farm, which he bought. Turns out that his more

  • Arrival Of The Christ-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 3, 2011

    Luke records for us the revelatory/telling circumstances/events surrounding the arrival/birth of Christ the Lord. What are these revelatory events? A revelatory event surrounding the 1st arrival of Christ the Lord is His...

    ARRIVAL Of The CHRIST-II—Luke 2:1-20 Attention: Need: How do I know that Jesus is indeed Lord as you Christians say He is? What makes Him so special? He was evidently an intelligent & gifted man, no doubt, but what makes Him any different than any other recognizable personality from more

  • Loving The Brethren-8 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 11, 2016

    8 of 8. Peter exhorted the aliens to love their brothers & sisters in Christ as they were also loved by God. Christians are to love as they are loved by God. But how are they to live out that love? God’s love is lived out thru an encounter with...

    LOVING THE BRETHREN-VIII—1Peter 1:22—2:12 Attention: Hurricane Matthew(Oct. 4-10, 2016)—Haiti & the Bahamas were on the north-eastern side of Matthew as it traveled between themselves & Cuba. The residents of Haiti experienced a loss ~900+/- lives. They had already been more

  • Strength To Stand-8 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 16, 2017

    8 of 11. Paul closes his direction to the Ephesian church by encouraging them to find their strength in the Lord. But where or how can God's people find the strength to stand victorious? God’s people acquire strength to stand victorious thru a distinct...

    STRENGTH To STAND-VIII—Ephesians 6:10-20 Attention: A charter boat was returning to the dock with a huge marlin that was much bigger & heavier than the fisherman who caught it. Another fisherman had just netted a bucket of mullet & was on his way to the cleaning shed, when he walked by more

  • Choosing Excellence Over Loss-3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 31, 2018

    3 of 4. Paul told the Philippian Christians the value & means of maintaining a proper level of commitment to Christ. Christians are expected to maintain their commitment to Christ. But Who will, & How? Those who maintain their commitment to Christ...

    CHOOSING EXCELLENCE Over Loss-III—Php. 3:7-16 Attention: Try to Be Ugly: Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was. Ugly was the resident tomcat. A life spent outside had it's effect on Ugly. To start with, he had only one eye & where the other should have been was a hole. more

  • A Chronological Exposition Of The Christmas Narratives Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Dec 3, 2019

    Each event in the Christmas narrative is explained and applied to our lives.

    A SHORT EXPOSITION OF THE CHRISTMAS STORY IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER From the Book, “Every Day with Jesus”, a one year’s journey through the Life of Jesus in chronological order with devotional comments for each day. An E-Book is available at bob maraurelle A. The Birth more

  • Fe En Navidad

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Dec 13, 2019

    Este sermón analiza la fe que José necesitaba para esa primera Navidad.

    Fe en navidad 12-11-05 Isaías 7: 13-17 Lucas 1: 26-38 Déjame contarte sobre mi idea para otro programa ridículo sobre Jerry Springer. Parejas que están comprometidas y la mujer queda embarazada antes del matrimonio, pero el futuro esposo no sabe que está embarazada. more

  • Sin Cruzar Sin Corona

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Aug 23, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    En esta reflexión, reflexionamos sobre cómo pasamos de la confusión de Pedro al enfoque de Jesús, de la cruz de nuestras vidas a la corona de nuestras vidas celestiales siguiendo a Cristo Jesús con nuestra conducta en nuestras vidas en esta tierra.

    Sin cruzar sin corona Jeremías 20:7-9 , Romanos 12:1-2 , Mateo 16:21-27 . Reflexión Queridos hermanos y hermanas, Leamos la Palabra de Dios para este domingo. El texto está tomado del Evangelio de Mateo (Mateo 16:21-27): “ A partir de ese momento, Jesús comenzó more

  • En Cuyo Informe Creerás: La Resurrección

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Apr 9, 2021

    Tenemos la opción de qué informe creeremos acerca de la resurrección. Algunas veces, como Thomas, preferimos nuestra lógica al testimonio de otros.

    En cuyo informe creerás: la resurrección 9/4/2021 Jeremías 38: 14-23 Juan 20:19:31 Cuando recibe alguna noticia, ¿qué determina si está dispuesto a creerla o no? ¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos dudado porque la noticia parecía demasiado buena para ser more

  • Testigos De La Navidad:elizabeth Y María

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Dec 14, 2024

    La Navidad es un recordatorio que el protagonista de la historia no somos nosotros, sino nuestro Rey.

    En el mes de octubre el Dr. Richard Pratt estuvo en Mérida impartiendo unas conferencias en el Seminario San Pablo. El Dr. Richard Pratt es un renombrado profesor en Antiguo Testamento y fue mi maestro en el Seminario hace como 30 años. Es una de las personas que más admiro y que more

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