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Sermons on Amós 7:14:

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  • Whose Line Is It Anyway

    Contributed by Susan Greene on Feb 23, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    We are built God tough. We are built on a firm foundation and Jesus is that foundation. Today if God were to hold the plumb line up to measure your life, how would you line up with the plumb line of the perfect life of Jesus Christ how would we hold up?

    Whose Line is it Anyway? There are many times in our lives when we must make decisions/choices. We choose what type of friend we are going to hang around, and we choose the type of food we are going to eat. We make decisions about daycare and schools and jobs. We choose what to wear each day more

  • Shape Up Or . . .

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 19, 2011

    Amos sends Israel a clear message from God: you are not meeting my standards, and I am about to cut you off.

    Good morning. I am special correspondent Shinon Byorus for the Mesopotamian News Network, coming to you live from Bethel in Israel, where controversy has been stirring for months around the inflammatory rhetoric from the prophet Amos, who appeared some time ago from Judea with a very harsh message more

  • Amos - 9 Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Aug 4, 2010

    God is not seeker sensitive!

    Dakota Community Church June 20, 2010 Amos 9 1. God’s warning – locusts, fire, a plumb line & ripe fruit 2. Mercy triumphs over judgment 3. Human opposition to God as judge and to His messengers of judgment Amos 7:10-17 10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of more

  • Standing Firm For Truth

    Contributed by Leonard Davis on May 29, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    If we expect God to use us to do the work of the kingdom, then we will have to be faithful in proclaiming the truth even in the face of opposition and ridicule.

    STANDING FIRM FOR TRUTH Why is it so difficult to face up to the truth when things aren’t going very well and to take action to make things right? We see this problem in every area of life. One particular outworking of this refusal to face up to the truth and to take proper action is in the more

  • The Prophet Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 8, 2009

    There are prophets in every age speaking for God. In our age Pope Benedict has called us to look at Charity in Truth, and consider our responsibilities to the world economically.

    Fifteenth Sunday in Course The Prophet July 12, 2009 All over the temperate zone, fruit from the varieties of fig and sycamore are ripening now, and so the Church gives us a reading from the migrant worker, Amos, the reluctant prophet. I call him a migrant worker because he engaged in seasonal more

  • Amos: God's Plumb Ain't Dumb

    Contributed by Matt Hoffmann on Jul 9, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    God’s Plumb Line (His Law) isn’t dumb! It speaks to us about our sin. But we are blessed that God isn’t silent about his grace either, that reaches out to us from the cross

    Sermon 071209 Amos 7:7-15; Ephesians 1:3-14 I read a book this week that really challenged me. It was a book that speaks against all kinds of things going on in society today. I’ll list some topics, and think about what comes to your mind: Self-Righteousness, Deceit, Greed, Oppression of the more

  • The Plumb Line

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Jul 11, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    Amos uses the Plumb Line as a metaphor to explain that both nation and the religious establishment are under judgment for being "out of line"; unrighteous.

    The Plumb Line by Charles Scott, Church of the Good Shepherd, Indianapolis Trinity 5 —Proper 10B July 12 2009 The Plumb Line Old Testament Reading Amos 7:7 THIS IS WHAT the Lord God showed me: behold, the Lord was standing beside a wall built with a plumb line, with a plumb line in his more

  • Aim To Be An Amos, Not An Amaziah

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 27, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    This world is filled with Amaziahs. They’re people (including ourselves) who think they can have spirituality without the light of God’s Word.

    If you could be any person from the Bible, who would it be? Would you like to be Adam or Eve barefooting around the Garden of Eden with no fear of stepping on a rusty nail or a thorn? Wouldn’t it be an experience to play with a full-grown lion the way you would a kitten? Both would have been more

  • Amos--- God,s Able Prophet

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Aug 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Able body men to take a stand.

    AMOS--- GOD,S ABLE PROPHET No doubt Amos lived in a day similar to ours Lawlessness, worldliness, wickedness and ungodliness. A day of rape, riots, robbery and rottenness shooting and unrighteousness. How ever God’s prophet Amos was ready . Amos 7: 10 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel more

  • Amos: Enduring Grace Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jan 14, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God's warning is an act of grace, an act of love and a gift of hope. His desire is not to condemn but to save.

    [Read Amos 7:7-17] Amos saw a vision – God standing by a wall that has been built true and straight. • He was also holding a plumb line in His hand, to confirm that the wall has been build true and straight. • If the wall is true, the plumb line will prove it. If it is not, then more

  • The Trouble With Truth

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Aug 11, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    Today Jews are looking to the time when God will be worshiped by Israel once again and Jerusalem will be the center of that worship. But just as in the days of Amos a false religion will replace the true worship. Saints that time is fast approaching

    Message: Today we look at a farmer who stands on the Word of God and who takes on a King who has replaced the word of God with a lie. It is really a David and Goliath kind of story but this farmer never throws a stone he just uses God’s word to cut this king down to size. This farmer goes to more

  • The Plumb-Line Test.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 3, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Aligning ourselves with God, as opposed to going against His Word.

    THE PLUMB-LINE TEST. Amos 7:7-17. When I was at High School, we were building a garage. We were taught how to mix mortar, lay bricks, and to check everything was lined up straight with a plumb-line. The work had been begun by those of the Year above mine: but in mid-January 1968 ‘Hurricane more

  • A Doctor You've Never Heard Of

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 29, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The sixteenth century saw so much heretical scriptural writing that we usually write it off. But good Catholic scholarship was going on in that century, and John of Avila was one of the brightest lights.

    Thursday of the 13th Week in Course 2018 Reformation/Revolution The vocation to be a prophet is not for the faint-hearted. We see in this reading from the Book of Amos that the poor fellow was a migrant shepherd and tree-dresser, but he heard the voice of God and responded “yes.” And then God told more

  • In Season Or Out Of Season!

    Contributed by Neal Gracey on Jul 28, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    We are not microwave cooks! We do not bring about “instant” Christians! We merely mix ingredients, and share receipts. In other words…We share the Gospel!

    Happy “Speak-Up” Weekend, Everyone! Amos, an Old Testament book that we don’t spend much time in is where we will be studying this Sunday. Amos is called one of the “lesser” books of the Bible, not because it’s less important, but because it’s smaller. Amos, like Hosea, Joel, Obadiah, Micah, more

  • Seeking Not Ease Nor Applause Of Men

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on May 12, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Are you looking to minister or be ministered to as a celebrity? Would you speak to twenty as well as two thousand?

    Galatians 1:17-24 Proposition: You must submit to the Lord’s leadership! I. By seeking Him personally! 17-19 A. By being alone with Him! 17 B. By being dependent on Him! 18-19 II. By serving Him honestly! 20 A. Declare what you know! 20a B. Do not stretch the truth! more

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