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Sermons on amnesty:

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  • Amnesty- Week 1 Series

    Contributed by Rob Ketterling on Apr 23, 2014

    This is our Easter 2014 Sermon. It launched a 4 week series on forgiveness and has mixed live and video content.

    Amnesty - Part 1, Pastor Rob Ketterling PASTOR ROB: Well, I want to say welcome to all of our campuses as we celebrate Easter together. I, along with our teaching pastors and our campus pastors, are going to be doing an interactive sermon that will be live and on video and have video more

  • Amnesty - Week 4 Series

    Contributed by Rob Ketterling on Jun 14, 2014

    Forgiving those close to us

    Amnesty - Part 4, Pastor Rob Ketterling SARAH: On June 9th of 1997, it was a Monday, between four and five o'clock in the afternoon. Got off early that day, and I used to love going down to the bluffs over the Mississippi River. Decided to sunbathe laying on a towel. And you know when you've more

  • "In Remembrance Of Me"

    Contributed by Emil Boniog on May 1, 2006
    based on 13 ratings

    As we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, let us remember the PROMISE, PROVISION, and PLAN of God for us in Jesus Christ our Lord.

    INTRODUCTION Congress is debating a new immigration bill. Proponents of both sides of the issue were demonstrating in the streets of major cities. In the center of it all are the 11 million illegal immigrants. What should be done with them? Deport them? All of them? President Bush says, more

  • What A Miracle

    Contributed by Dan Campbell on Feb 16, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Up to this point Luke does not give us any indication what those miraculous signs and wonders may have been. But now, as we come to chapter 3, we have an account of one of them, it is the story of the lame man who was healed at the Beautiful Gate of the

    WHAT A MIRACLE! Acts 3:1-10 Luke described the early church by saying, Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles Acts 2:43. Up to this point Luke does not give us any indication what those miraculous signs and wonders may have been. But now, more

  • Divine Amnesty. Acts.16:23-30, Mark 11:1-10, Acts.12:1- End

    Contributed by Oluwadamilola Daramola on Apr 23, 2009
    based on 30 ratings

    Amnesty (from the Greek word amnesia, oblivion) is a legislative or executive act by which a state restores those who may have been guilty of an offense against it to the positions of innocent persons. It includes more than pardon, in as much as it oblite

    DIVINE AMNESTY Welcome to a season of divine release. The Lord is granting total freedom to you as you read this message. By His Grace and through the leading of the Holy Spirit, I will be talking on DIVINE AMNESTY in this edition. My prayer is that no matter the entanglement, as you read along more

  • Salvation, Liberty,satisfaction

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Sep 22, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Understanding we are in the arms of the Lord

    SALVATION, LIBERTY,SATISFACTION John 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 1.Access----- I am the door The door is always open The door is free pass to our heavenly father The only door to go more

  • Forgiveness- Forgiving Yourself Series

    Contributed by Rob Ketterling on May 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about forgiving oneself.

    Amnesty part 3--Pastor Rob Ketterling ANDREA: My uncle was full of life and just so much joy. He loved to find the simple things in life and to just enjoy the present. And I so admired that about him. And I knew he cared immensely for me. And so when he took his life, I was shocked. We showed up at more

  • Divine Release Series

    Contributed by Oyewole O. Sarumi on Mar 12, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    It is the desire of God to grant release and relief to His people. However, God's people must play their part in the divine principle for God to move His hands or send help. Man y believers expect God to do His part without the man's part - this will not

    DIVINE RELEASE Text::Mk.11:2-3, Isa.49:25 Introduction An Illustration: Around 8pm in the evening, a Sister was driving home after a Bible study. She got to a check point where police were checking, and was waved to stop. The officer came to her and asked her to come down and open the boot of her more

  • When He Heard That John Had Been Arrested, Jesus Withdrew To Galilee'

    Contributed by Simon Harrison on Apr 4, 2001
    based on 99 ratings

    How do we cope with our guilt feelings about things we can’t change in the world?

    I have recently been feeling a little guilty about failing to renew my membership of Amnesty International. This feeling particularly strikes when I hear in the news of some injustice somewhere in a far flung corner of the globe. I suppose that if I was still in amnesty, I would still more

  • In Remembrance Of Me

    Contributed by Emil Boniog on Apr 6, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    In this message, we shall consider the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ that we must always remember, namely: God’s PROMISE, God’s PROVISION, and God’s PLAN.

    INTRODUCTION This week there were huge demonstrations in major cities of America. They were mostly in support of illegal immigrants. The core of the national debate is what to do with the 11 million illegal immigrants in the country. One side wants to throw them out and the other side wants to more

  • Sour Grapes And Teeth On Edge

    Contributed by Bledar Valca on Dec 24, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The soul that sins shall die

    SOUR GRAPES AND TEETH ON EDGE Ezekiel 18:1-32 As a kid I remember one time that we went and ate sour grapes. We were so excited about them that we ate beyond control. As a result in the evening at home I was suffering from two things: 1) my teeth were set on edge, and 2) my stomach was aching. more

  • Stained With Blood

    Contributed by James Jack on Mar 18, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    An introduction to Isaiah, revealing the judgement and mercy of God.

    In a lot of senses, the passage that we just heard read is a microcosm of the whole book of Isaiah. It starts out by proclaiming a judgment upon Judah and Jerusalem but it ends with a promise from the LORD to redeem his faithful people, cleanse them from sin and establish Zion as the mountain more

  • Home Series

    Contributed by Garth Wehrfritz- Hanson on May 5, 2001
    based on 95 ratings

    Jesus offers us a wonderful promise that he will come to us and make his home with us. In his home we are blessed with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wholeness.

    Sermon for 6th Sunday of Easter, Year C Based on Jn. 14:23 & 27 By Pastor Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson “Home” Home…. What is a home? For some, it’s a place of sorrow, insecurity, hurt, pain and abuse. For others, it’s a place of joy, security, comfort and love. The Gospel of John often has a more

  • "We Are Not Just Forgiven; We Are Changed.”

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Feb 23, 2002
    based on 159 ratings

    March 3, 2002 -- THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 95 Let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation. (Ps. 95:1) Romans 5:1-11 John 4:5-42 Title: “We are not just forgiven; we are changed.”

    March 3, 2002 -- THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 95 Let us shout for joy to the rock of our salvation. (Ps. 95:1) Romans 5:1-11 John 4:5-42 Title: “We are not just forgiven; we are changed.” Verses one to eleven, further develop Paul’s doctrine of justification. Paul has been making the more

  • Who? Why? How?

    Contributed by Sean Smuts on Jan 15, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    A look at the end of the pentacostal sermon delivered by peter.

    Text: Acts 2:36-39 Sean Smuts Subject: Forgiveness Theme: Divine Forgiveness "Who? Why? How?" Introduction: A lot has been said about forgiveness... "For the American people are a very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible exception of more

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