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  • How To Know The Will Of God Series

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Mar 15, 2011
    based on 26 ratings

    A classic sermon from the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection about determining God's will for your life.

    This Sermon From Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection Used By Permission © 2010 Take God’s Holy Word, please, and turn with me to the Book of Colossians, chapter 1. We’re going to read verse 3, and then, verses 9 and 10. And, as you’re finding it, and as you’re more

  • Don’t Miss God’s Best

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Jun 7, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    A classic sermon by Adrian Rogers about God's best for you and how people can receive it.

    Would you take God’s Word and find Colossians, the second chapter? And, I want to talk to you tonight about God’s best—God’s best. You know, the devil would try to keep you from getting saved. And, if he can’t keep you from being saved—and, by the way, he more

  • The Strange Case Of The Snooty Usher

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Jul 19, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    A classic sermon by Adrian Rogers declaring the church should be a place where "everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord."

    This sermon from the Adrian Rogers Legacy Library © 2010 Rogers Family Trust. Used by permission. Introduction Take your Bibles, please, and turn if you will to James chapter 2. We worked our way through James chapter 1. As we continue our more

  • How To Pray In The Spirit

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 39 ratings

    A classic sermon by Dr. Adrian Rogers giving guidance on how to pray and what can impede our prayers.

    This sermon from the Adrian Rogers Legacy Library © 2010 Rogers Family Trust. Used by permission., Turn to the book of James, would you please for just a moment, the book of James chapter 4, and you will remember this morning we were preaching on more

  • How To Understand The Bible

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 20 ratings

    A classic sermon by Dr. Adrian Rogers providing guidance on Bible study and not just reading but receiving the Word of God.

    Take God's Word and turn to James chapter one would you please. And in a moment we're going to begin reading in verse twenty one. James one twenty one. You will never be a growing Christian without a knowledge of the Word of God. May that sink in. You will never be a growing Christian without a more

  • Birthmarks Of A Believer (A) Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Series inspired by “What every Christian Ought to Know” by Adrian Rogers and “Saved without a Doubt” by John Macarthur

    SERMON SERIES: “Blessed Assurance” SERMON #2: “Birthmarks of a Believer (A)” SERMON TEXT: I John 5:13 (Series inspired by “What every Christian Ought to Know” by Adrian Rogers and “Saved without a Doubt” by John Macarthur) OPENING JOKE: “God-Zilla” On the way home from church, a pastor’s young boy more

  • Birthmarks Of A Believer (B) Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    Series inspired by “What every Christian Ought to Know” by Adrian Rogers and “Saved without a Doubt” by John Macarthur

    Sermon Series: “Blessed Assurance” Sermon #3: “Birthmarks of a Believer (B)” Text: I John 5:13 INTRODUCTION: Welcome to week 3 of a 5 week study on how to be assured of our salvation. We have learned so far that true salvation lies in our being ‘born again’ by God’s Grace through faith in Jesus more

  • Birthmarks Of A Believer (C) Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    Series inspired by What every Christian Ought to Know by Adrian Rogers and Saved without a Doubt by John Macarthur

    Sermon Series: “Blessed Assurance” Sermon #3: “Birthmarks of a Believer (C)” Text: I John 5:13 INTRODUCTION: Welcome to week 4 of a 5 week study on how to be assured of our salvation. QUOTE: Remember that I have been stressing the point that faith alone saves – but faith that saves will never more

  • Birthmarks Of A Believer (D) Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Series inspired by What every Christian Ought to Know by Adrian Rogers and Saved without a Doubt by John Macarthur

    Sermon Series: “Blessed Assurance” Sermon #5: “Birthmarks of a Believer (D)” Text: I John 5:13 OPENING JOKE: “Lamb’s Book of Life” On the way home from Vacation Bible School, Melissa asked her mother if they could stop by the library. The question seemed peculiar so Nora Newport asked her more

  • The Believers Birthday Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 58 ratings

    Series on assurance inspired by What every Christian Ought to Know by Adrian Rogers and Saved without a Doubt by John Macarthur

    SERMON SERIES: “Blessed Assurance” SERMON #1: “The Believer’s Birthday” SERMON TEXT: I John 5:13 (Series inspired by “What every Christian Ought to Know” by Adrian Rogers and “Saved without a Doubt” by John Macarthur) OPENING JOKE: “IF I CAN’T BE GOOD ENOUGH” Little Billy, caught in mischief, was more

  • Discovering Your Treasure Series

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Mar 15, 2011
    based on 34 ratings

    A classic sermon from the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection about gaining the treasures of wisdom and knowledge found only in Jesus Christ.

    This Sermon From Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection Used By Permission © 2010 Introduction Would you take God's precious Holy Word, and open to the Book of Colossians chapter 1, tonight. We're going to have a good time in the Word tonight, because we're just going to brag on Jesus. I more

  • The Cradle That Rocked The World Series

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Mar 15, 2011
    based on 19 ratings

    A classic sermon from the Adrian Rogers Legacy Collection on the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ and His necessary pre-eminence as a result.

    Introduction Find God’s Word, and turn to Colossians chapter 1. And, in a moment, we’re going to begin reading in verse 15. And, because it is an extended passage, we’re going to break in, into the middle of a sentence—Colossians chapter 1. John Blanchard has estimated more

  • Man And His Money

    Contributed by Adrian Rogers on Jul 19, 2011
    based on 16 ratings

    A classic sermon by Adrian Rogers that suggests you can tell a lot about a man’s character by his reaction to money, whether it be in plenty or whether it be in poverty.

    This sermon from the Adrian Rogers Legacy Library © 2010 Rogers Family Trust. Used by permission. Introduction I want to talk to you about a subject that’s on every body’s mind and that’s the subject of money. We’ve heard more

  • Sin, Sufering, And Sleep

    Contributed by Robert Tallent on Feb 12, 2014

    Adrian Rogers once said that every problem that mankind has ever faced could be traced back to one of three things. Sin, Suffering, and death, or eternal sleep

    Sin, Suffering, and Sleep. Job 14:1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. I. Sin thoughts or behavior which are contrary to the glory or character of God, to commit an offence against God's laws Ps 51:5 more

  • A Church On Fire

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Aug 26, 2024

    Based on Acts 2 - Challenges hearers to consider the 4 components of a church on fire for the Lord (adapted from Adrian Rogers' sermon - "The Ingredients of a Church Aflame")

    “A CHURCH ON FIRE” Acts 2 FBCF – 8/25/24 Jon Daniels INTRO – Monticello Methodist Church fire – Jan 11, 1980 This was a literal church on fire. FBCF was already a church on fire before this week’s revival w/ Dr. Don Wilton. But after what we experienced this week, the Holy Spirit poured MUCH more