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Sermons on abandon your pet sins:

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  • Mental Health And The Virus Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Fresh Hope For Mental Health on Dec 16, 2022

    This is the second in our sermon series on Mental Health. Today I want to talk to you about the consequences of sin. I don’t want to talk necessarily about your sin or my sin — I just want to talk about the consequences of what happened when mankind fell into sin.

    This is the second in our sermon series on Mental Health. Today I want to talk to you about the consequences of sin. I don’t want to talk necessarily about your sin or my sin — I just want to talk about the consequences of what happened when mankind fell into sin. So, I let’s look at Genesis more

  • Feeling Abandoned By God? (Isaiah 49:14-50:3) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Jan 3, 2025

    Lady Zion feels abandoned by God. God comforts her by saying He will make her beautiful again, and give her children. God also says, she feels abandoned because she was-- but that's about to change.

    A few weeks ago, in Isaiah 47, we read about the fall of Babylon, the capital city of the Babylonian empire. The city was described using female imagery-- as a delicate virgin daughter, as a queen. She was described as being proud, and boastful, and savage in her treatment of God's people. more

  • The Awful Consequences Of Sin

    Contributed by Pastor Yolito De Gracia on Sep 17, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    Lamentation means wailing, great mourning, and weeping. Let our text today be a strong warning for all of us that if we live in sin and allow sin, to have dominion over us, then we will experience those awful consequences of sin, for it is the just a

    Title: AWFUL CONSEQUENCES OF SIN Text : Lamentations 1:1- 5;8 v5 ( Jerusalem ) Her adversaries are the chief, her enemies prosper; for the LORD hath afflicted Jerusalem for the multitude of her transgressions: her children are gone into captivity before the enemy…v8 Jerusalem hath more

  • The Search

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 18, 2019

    Though every situation is different, God wants the lost to be found; your burden is not yours alone. This message is to encourage those of us burdened for lost or straying family and dear friends.

    The Search (Luke 15:1-10; Psalm 139:7-12) 1. C Ryle writes this: We may use all means, by but we cannot command success. We may teach, but we cannot convert. We may show those around us the bread and water of life, but we cannot make them eat and drink it. We may point out the way to eternal more

  • Sin And Self-Deception Series

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Jul 8, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Man’s way of dealing with sin vs. God’s way.

    Sin and Self Deception I John 1:7-10 INTRO.: New York City’s Jesuit University, Fordham, has for many years had a ram as mascot for its football team. The ram is selected by an audition and is cared for by the students. In 1974, a newspaper article appeared announcing that the then Ram mascot, one more

  • Your Heart Is The “matter”! Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the Great Physician; your depraved heart can be surgically repaired by Him.

    Your Heart is the “Matter”! Jeremiah 31 PROPOSITION: Since Christ is the Great Physician; your depraved heart can be surgically repaired by Him. I. What is wrong with your heart? A. Sin has been ingrained into your heart! 1. You have an inward propensity to pursue idols. 2. You more

  • Worldliness The Respectable Sin.

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Feb 11, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    What is worldliness. The consequences of worldliness and compromise in the life of the christian.

    Worldliness the respectable sin. Genesis 19:1-38 Everyone in this world has a philosophy of life, and while there are thousands of variant philosophies, they can be boiled down to just two: the world's and the Christian's. The philosophy of the world is: "My life is my own to more

  • Can I Lose My Salvation? Series

    Contributed by Kevin Humphrey on Mar 13, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    After you accept Jesus as your savior, can you be bad enough to lose your salvation? Or if you doubt your salvation is that proof you are not saved?

    Joke: At the pearly gates, St. Peter greeted a minister and congressman and gave them their room assignments. “Pastor, here are the keys to our nicest efficiency unit and Mr. Congressman, the keys to our finest penthouse suite.” “This is unfair!” cried the minister. more

  • Trust Above Your Circumstances

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Apr 22, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Our faith tends to rise and fall based on our circumstances. The more pain we feel the more doubt we express. But Jesus, even as he died on the cross, rose about his feelings of abandonment and entrusted his spirit into the Father’s care.

    Introduction: I saw an article recently entitled, “God’s Friday.” That makes far more sense to me than “Good Friday.” There is nothing good about what happened to Jesus in and around Jerusalem about 2000 years ago. 1. Jesus’ Circumstances • Satan and his more

  • The Revealing Of The Son Of God

    Contributed by Sunday Adelaja on Jan 16, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    God has called all believers to preach the Good News. Each one of us has been called to preach the Gospel to others. Only you can give this world the answer it’s looking for to the question: how to be delivered from the curse of sin. You are this world’s

    God has called all believers to preach the Good News. Each one of us has been called to preach the Gospel to others. Only you can give this world the answer it’s looking for to the question: how to be delivered from the curse of sin. You are this world’s hope. The whole world is waiting for more

  • Stopping Sin's Progress Series

    Contributed by Todd Pugh on Feb 6, 2007

    Contending for the faith

    Series: America, Bless God Sermon: Stopping Sin’s Progress Sunday October 31st, 2004 Intro: Jude 3-4 “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” more

  • Purity

    Contributed by Mark Kang on Jan 20, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    Nothing will steal the joy of your Christianity like struggling with your purity.

    "I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl" Job 31:1 Before I was a Christian I was an immoral, impure, club-hopping religious guy. I was enslaved to all kinds of sexual sin, relationships, pornography etc. Now I am a happily married man who has the privalage of working for more

  • Hating Your Life Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Sep 17, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    God glorifies the Messiah through death both to give life to his people and to honor those that die.

    Scripture Introduction John’s way of telling the story of Messiah has provided many opportunities to focus on him both as prophet (the very Word of God in human flesh) and as priest (the sacrifice for the sins of the people). In today’s text, Christ as King is the focus. 500 years more

  • Your Peace Of Mind

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on May 6, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Here God gives 4 keys for our peace of mind: 1. Confession to the Lord (vs. 1-5). 2. Confidence in the Lord (vs. 6-7 & 10). 3. Calling on the Lord (vs. 6). 4. Character like the Lord's (vs. 8-9 & 11).

    Your Peace of Mind Psalm 32:1-11 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - April 28, 2013 *Mark Sutton told a story about Bronko Nagurski. He played for the Chicago Bears back in the 1930's, and was a charter member in the Pro-football Hall of Fame. Bronko was known for his strength and more

  • Be Angry, But Do Not Sin

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Aug 5, 2015
    based on 45 ratings

    Anger is one of the hardest emotions for Christians .to deal with. We often do not acknowledge we have it .because we feel we are not supposed to have it In the first place. There has to be a better way and beloved there is! Updated August 2018.

    Everyone has their Pet Peeve... One of mine is ……telemarketers. Is there any group more persistent than telemarketers? Like the determined character in a horror movie, once a telemarketing company has you in its sights, it won’t stop chasing you until you agree to buy some product you have no more

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