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  • "Death And The Dance: David, Uzzah, And The Ark”

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 7, 2002
    based on 268 ratings

    God is holy, and not to be trifled with. We wisely enter His presence with the awareness that He is a consuming fire.

    “Death and the Dance: David, Uzzah, and the Ark”, II Samuel 6 This chapter qualifies as one of the difficult passages of Scripture. We are taken aback at the harsh action of God, in what we might regard as a merciless act of justice. On the surface, we see Uzzah doing what appears as a more

  • What To Do When... Things Go Right Series

    Contributed by Brian Moon on Aug 15, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Life is an ever changing mix of good times and bad times, often we take our eyes off of God in these times. This series will show you how to keep your eyes on God no matter what is going on.

    What to Do When… part 3 “When things go right” Story – my good day: woke up feeling good after a good nights sleep. I for the first time in my life had an outfit that was less that 1 year out of fashion and it was hanging up waiting for me. I got to school and found out that to that point in the more

  • It'a Time To Dance

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 31, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Sometimes in this life we need to dance before the Lord like David did so that God gets the glory. But there will be critics!

    It’s time to dance! Thesis: Sometimes in this life we need to dance before the Lord like David did so that God gets the glory. But there will be critics! Texts: 2 Samuel 6 The Holy Bible, New International Version 2 Samuel 6:1 (NIV) 1David again brought together out of Israel chosen men, thirty more

  • Michal- The Critic Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 14, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    A sermon on 2 Samuel 6- Adapted from Ian Biss and Jeff Walling

    Michal Sermon for 2/10/2002 2 Samuel 3:16 Introduction: A. A practicing lawyer loved to attack his opponents through letters printed in newspapers. In 1842, he ridiculed the wrong man. James Shields did not take kindly to the anonymous writer who lampooned him in the Springfield Journal. Mr. more

  • How Shall The Ark Come To Me

    Contributed by Robert Simmons on Feb 24, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    How to receive the presence and blessing of God in your life

    How shall the ark of God come to me? Greater than Shakespeare’s probing the human experience with the question, "to be or not to be?" David’s question here is one which strikes terror, anxiety, frustration in the souls of men. The ark of God, now enfamed by Indiana Jones, was said to be the more

  • Thrilling God's Heart

    Contributed by Bob Hostetler on Jul 6, 2001
    based on 129 ratings

    Four characteristics of the kind of worship that thrills God’s heart, as exemplified in the life and worship of David

    Thrilling God’s Heart Text: 2 Samuel 7:18-29, 6:16-18, 24:18-25 INTRO: I want you to imagine that this worship service has just ended, and people are lingering, hugging, milling around, filing out, smiling, laughing, talking to each other: “Wasn’t worship wonderful today?” someone more

  • The Raiders Of The Lost Ark

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Jul 20, 2001
    based on 186 ratings

    This message uses the experiences of David bringing back the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem in comparison to the Church bringing back the Power of God into Action today.

    Scripture: 2 Samuel 6: 1 - 23 Title: “The Raiders of the Lost Ark” Introduction: For 100 long years the Ark of the Covenant had been separated from the tabernacle and other places of worship. After its capture by the Philistines at Aphek (1 Sam. 4:11) it remained in Philistia for seven months, more

  • Michal

    Contributed by Rickey Shive on Apr 10, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    Do you know anyone who just can’t get a break in life? Do you know someone who seems to resolve one major crisis only to be thrust into yet another? This study presents us with just such a person. Her name? Michal, the youngest daughter of king Saul.

    Introduction: Do you know anyone who just can’t get a break in life? Do you know someone who seems to resolve one major crisis only to be thrust into yet another? You know the kind of person I’m referring to here, the underdog, one we feel sorry for, one we want to reach out to. Do you know more

  • Construction Of Kingdom 6

    Contributed by J. Ritter Jr on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 39 ratings

    Introduction We continue our series, The Construction of a Kingdom.

    Introduction We continue our series, The Construction of a Kingdom. We have looked into the life of David, a shepherd boy, a king's servant, a giant slayer, a cave dweller, a leader - but ultimately, God's man chosen to occupy the throne. We have observed his character, his faith, his obedience, more

  • Worshiping In Spirit

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    A look at the idea of worshiping in spirit (followed the next week by a sermon on worshiping in truth).

    WORSHIPING IN SPIRIT II Samuel 6 Whenever a discussion takes place about worship, it seems that it will inevitably find its way back to music. Hymns and Praise Choruses. Traditional, contemporary or modern. But one thing we know for sure, regardless of what preference you align with. . .both more

  • An Obedient Heart - A Man After God's Own Heart Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 88 ratings

    Why did God strike Uzzah dead? Because he touched the ark... but why hadn’t they carried the ark the way God told them to? The answer may surprise you.

    OPEN: Several years ago, Reader’s Digest told of a young couple who had just bought a water bed. While assembling the bed, the couple realized they would need a hose to fill it with – and they didn’t own one. So, the husband went to the hardware store and bought one. They attached the hose to the more

  • Every 6! Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Sep 7, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    Worshipping the right God the right way gives us joy.

    Everyone is wired to worship. Last night, 160,000 people came together to worship. Where? At the Bristol Motor Speedway. Every August, the Sharpie 500 takes place in Bristol, TN, a town of only 25,000 people. Just across the state line is Bristol, VA, a town of only 18,000 people. But 160,000 more

  • Bringing The Ark To Jerusalem

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 47 ratings

    We learn a lot about worship from reading of how the Israelites brought the ark to Jerusalem

    Bringing the Ark to Jerusalem II Samuel 6 Tonight we’re going to look at the story of David bringing the ark to Jerusalem. This is the ark of the covenant, that metal-covered box that God told Moses to make. It’s not Noah’s ark! The ark was a small wooden box, covered in metal. It was, for the more

  • "Before You Walk Away"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on May 18, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    If David and Michal were made to stand before a judge and state the reason for wanting a "divorce," what would David’s answer be? He would have to say something like this, "You see judge, it all starter when my wife said that I was a bad dancer..."

    “Before You Walk Away” Introduction: David would not divorce Michal following this event. He simply turned his affection to other women. How sad. Here is the counsel that I would have given to David to help in trying to keep their marriage together: 1. Remember your first love. Michal was more

  • "A Good Cup Of Coffee"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on May 18, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    David and his wife could not sit down and have a decent conversation and a good cup of coffee together!

    “A Good Cup of Coffee” Introduction: There are many reasons why I am very impressed with David in this text. 1. He could speak with the tongues of angels. David was a song writer and a writer of poems. I am sure that in this text David probably wrote a couple of Psalms as he made his way from more

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