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Sermons on 2 Reyes 16:11:

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  • The Lure Of Popularity

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 24, 2019

    King Ahaz was like many immature American Christians, who are lured by the world's deceptive popularity and prosperity, not knowing their decision will bring about their downfall.

    THE LURE OF POPULARITY 2 Chron. 28:22-23 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Three men went into a greasy spoon restaurant in England and each ordered a bowl of soup. When they got their soup, each had a fly in their soup. 2. The first man, an Irishman, just picked it out, threw it away, and kept more

  • The Unrelenting God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 23, 2018

    God did not give up on Ahaz, despite his idolatry and unbelief. God came to him through prophet Isaiah, assuring him and urging him to trust Him.

    We are going to look at our unrelenting God, the One who never give up on us. We looked at the five kings of Israel in chapter 15. It ends with an account on King Jotham of Judah. • Jotham did what was right in the eyes of the Lord but not perfectly because he did not remove the high places of more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 2, 2019

    1 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s WASTED...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED-I — 2Kings 16:01-18; 18:01-07, 14-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37 OR: Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: 1787—Benjamin Franklin, eldest member at the Constitutional Convention—"I've lived, more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 2, 2019

    2 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s wasted...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--II— 2Kings 16:01-18; 18:01-07, 14-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37 Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: President George Washington "And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-3

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 9, 2019

    3 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s wasted...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--III— 2Kings 16:1-4(16:01-18; 18:01-07, 13-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37) Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: Thomas Jefferson regarding his concern for America regarding her shameless sin, even more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 9, 2019

    4 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s WASTED...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--IV— 2Kings 16:1-4(16:01-18; 18:01-07, 13-16; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37) Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: President Ronald W. Reagan’s statement of concern for his country—"Without God more

  • Breaking The Cycle In A Land Misled-5

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 19, 2019

    5 of 5. King Ahaz of Judah’s reign was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance is misled & to be pitied. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s WASTED...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In A LAND MISLED--V— 2Kings 16:1-4; 18:1-7(16:01-18; 18:01-07, 14-16, 17-18; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37) Overcoming Political Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: “America was founded by people who believed that God was their rock of safety. I more

  • Breaking The Cycle In/Of A Misled Land-1[2022]

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Feb 1, 2022

    The Reign of King Ahaz of Judah was marked/defined by political expediency, acquiescence, & compliance. A land defined by those things is misled & to be pitied, because in a misled land there is much that is Wasted. The cycle must be broken in a misled land, due to it’s WASTED...

    BREAKING The CYCLE In/Of A MISLED LAND-I—2Kings 16:1-4(1-20) [2Kings 16:1-4; 18:1-7(16:1-18; 18:1-07, 13-16, 17-18; 19:1-7, 14-20, 35-37)] Overcoming Political Compliance/Acquiescence Overcoming The Politics of Spiritual Acquiescence. Attention: 1787—Benjamin Franklin addressed the U.S. more