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Sermons on 2 Chronicles 20:29: showing 1-15 of 46

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  • From Crisis To Conquest

    Contributed by Brian Spence on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 190 ratings

    When attending Bible School in Edinburgh, Scotland, I was constantly confronted by a statement that hung on the dining room wall.

    When attending Bible School in Edinburgh, Scotland, I was constantly confronted by a statement that hung on the dining room wall. It went something like this; "When God is going to do something wonderful, He chooses a difficulty. When He is going to do something very wonderful, He chooses an more

  • Get Ready For A Turnaround Because Your Victory Is In Your Praise!

    Contributed by Charles Jones on Jul 31, 2005
    based on 207 ratings

    Everytime you and I praise God it is giving God an opportunity to Get us Ready For A Turnaround. Are you ready to confuse the enemy? Are you ready for a complete turnaround? Are you ready to get back what the enemy stole from you?

    Get Ready For A Turnaround because your Victory is in your Praise! 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 V.22 Text by Bishop Charles Jones D.D. Here we read that the Moabites and their allies(the Ammonites and Edomites) have declared war upon Judah(Praise),and word has reached Jerusalem that a vast army more

  • Unity, Worship And Relying On God In Hard Times.

    Contributed by Hannah Pinkstone on Dec 16, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    in hard times bring Christians close to share with you and intercede for you. worship from beginning to end and always trust God’s way! speak the name of Jesus in the face of the enemy!!

    You know how you can get excited about something, so much that when you try to tell people all about it, it just comes out as over excitement?!?!?! Well, I’m excited about this chapter, it’s really cool. So I’ve tried my best to make this part a ’preach’ that’s will be understood, and that it will more

  • The Power Of Praise

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jul 13, 2003
    based on 195 ratings

    Jehoshaphat’s victory shows us how praising God gives us victory in the battles of life.

    It was Easter morning, 1799, and the people of Feldkirch, Austria, were terrified. Indeed, they believed this Easter would probably be the very worst day of their lives. Outside the gates stood the army of Napoleon, and he wanted in. The citizens were ready to raise the white flag of more

  • "What If ...?"

    Contributed by Ray Scott on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Asking "What if ...?" brings a lot of worry into our life. Instead, ask "Who now?". King Jehoshaphat found the key to giving the battle over to God.

    “What If ….?” 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 INTRODUCTION: NOTICE the TITLE of the message this morning. We say this a lot, don’t we? “What if …?” causes a lot of NEEDLESS worry in our lives. I’m guilty of doing this, as I’m sure a lot of you are. We hear it a lot: On September 11, 2001, I received a more

  • Through The Eyes Of Faith

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on Aug 8, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    Through our naked eyes, we could only see our wretchedness and hopelessness, but through the eyes of faith, we could clearly see God’s wonderful working.

    <PRE> A man of faith is a man of prayer, and a man of prayer is doubtless a powerful servant of God. Jehoshaphat was a man of faith and prayer. Through his faith, God displayed His power in the midst of Judah and beyond. He also led many people to walk in the path of righteousness by more

  • Victorious Worship

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 1, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    What do we do in a crisis? The answer is worship God and He will bless you with victory!

    VICTORIOUS WORSHIP 2 CHRONICLES 20:1-30 INTRODUCTION… Key verse 2 Chronicles 20:20 (use several) KJV: “Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” MSG: “Listen Judah and Jerusalem! Listen more

  • Facing Impossibilities

    Contributed by Victor Nazareth on Apr 15, 2002
    based on 245 ratings

    There comes a time in the life of every believer when he or she is faced with a seemingly impossible situation. How do we conduct ourselves during these times? Why does God allow them? Can we really prepare for them?

    Introduction: There comes a time in the life of every believer when he or she is faced with a seemingly impossible situation. How do we conduct ourselves during these times? Why does God allow them? Can we really prepare for them? In this story we can learn a lot on how to respond when trouble more

  • How To Pray About Your Problem Series

    Contributed by Jim Mooney on Jan 26, 2001
    based on 194 ratings

    We all face problems in life. Praying correctly about the problems we face will assure us of God’s help to solve the problem.

    HOW TO PRAY ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS II CHRONICLES 20:1-30 It is a fact that even believers have problems and challenges in their lives. Sometimes they seem to be perplexing and overwhelming. Let me ask you. How do you, as a believer, go about solving those problems and facing those challenges in your more

  • The Weapons Of Our Warfare Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Nov 15, 2004
    based on 76 ratings

    We learn from the story of Jehoshaphat just what our spiritual weapons are.

    THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE 2 CHRONICLES 20 The apostle Paul wrote, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself more

  • Facing The Giants Of Your Life With Prayer Series

    Contributed by Christopher Gregas on May 17, 2011
    based on 30 ratings

    A message that encourages us to commit the great challenges and trials in our life to God in prayer.

    “Facing The Giants In Your Life With Prayer” Text: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 We all have probably heard the story of David and Goliath in I Samuel 17…how God used a brave young man full of faith to face a huge hulk of a man so that God could get the glory. With sling in hand, he more

  • Keys To Victory

    Contributed by Nathan Cooper on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever done something you knew was right and felt that it was what God wanted you to do, only to have it come back and bite you?

    2 Chronicles 20:1-30 Keys to Victory Intro: Have you ever done something you knew was right, according to His Word and will, only to find yourself in a mess? Or doing His will always seems to come back to bite you in the butt… This was the case with the people of Judah and Jehoshaphat. They more

  • The Cost Of Following Jesus

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Jun 9, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    There is a cost to be paid for everything we do in life, even in our spiritual lives. We explore this concept using King Jehoshaphat and his decision to turn the battle over to God and let God fight it for him.

    Last week, we spoke about our having problems and how those problems will undermine our walk with Christ if we let them. I reminded you of just how important it is to stay on top of the storms in your life, and that you can only do that by fully relying, not on yourself, but on Jesus Christ to more

  • 3 Keys To Overcome In The Valley Series

    Contributed by John Davis on Nov 25, 2008
    based on 35 ratings

    How to turn your Valley of struggle into a Valley of Blessing

    As we read in vs. 26 they renamed the "Valley of Tekoa" the "Valley of Beracah which means Praise or Blessing." How many of you would like to know how to turn your valleys of struggle into valleys of Praises and Blessings? Well, where do we get the Valley of Jehoshaphat? in Joel 3:2,12& 14 Joel more

  • Finding Victory Through Prayer

    Contributed by Tim Patrick on Jul 7, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon shares four keys to finding victory through prayer.

    Are you looking to find victory in some area of your life? I think that is a dream within the heart of every person. All of us would like to know that we are experiencing victory with God. I read about a pastor who had a five-year-old daughter. The daughter noticed that every time her dad walked to more

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