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Sermons on 2 Chronicles 19:11:

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  • Resolutions

    Contributed by Mark Musser on Feb 25, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    We often make New Year’s resolutions that just "fine-tune" what we already are, but what if God wants to make us completely different, completely new?

    If you look up the word “resolution” in the dictionary, it says “1. A state or quality of being resolute, 2. Firm determination. 3. A course of action determined or decided on. And 4. Resolving to do something. Now, this is the time of year when many of us will make those famous New Year’s more

  • Take Courage

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jehoshaphat put God’s Kingdom in greater Spiritual order than at any time since Solomon. To ensure this order, he set “judges” in place and gave them principles to rule by: 1. Accountability to God (vs.6) 2. Integrity and honesty (vs.7) 3. Loyalty to God

    Take Courage Text: 2 Chronicles 19:11b... Take courage as you fulfill your duties, and may the Lord be with those who do what is right.” Jehoshaphat faces possible death that was diverted by God, he’s rebuked because of his alliances. Vs.2 of II Chronicles 19 say’s, And Jehu more