
Summary: We were created in the image of God, to reflect His characteristics and to fulfill His purposes. Those who put their trust in Jesus become sons and daughters of God and to such God will reveal His plans, so we can live meaningful and purpose-filled lives here on earth.

We read in Genesis 6:6, And the LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. (ESV)

God’s divine plan when He first created man was unfathomable, until man disobeyed, and went against this awesome purpose which God ordained. Not only did this leave God with regret, it also grieved His heart that He had created man. The truth that we are going to ponder on today is the fact that God has a divine plan for every human being whom He has created on this earth. I hope that by the end of this message each one of us who are in doubt about this, will receive some sort of clarification based on the word of God.

Why did God create man?

We read in Genesis 1:27-28, “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” (ASV)

The first point to note is that unlike all other created beings, God created man uniquely in His own image and likeness. God also created them as male and female. Secondly, when God blessed man, He entrusted them with the authority to rule over and subdue all of creation. Part of the evidence of God’s image in mankind is therefore, this ability to have dominion over all other created beings. This is God’s will for mankind. God also created us in His image, so that we reveal the characteristics of God to those around us.

However, Satan who entered that Garden of Eden craftily, deceived Adam and Eve to go against the will of God. Satan allured them into sin, and brought about great confusion to all of mankind. This is where the question arises as to why we as human beings exist on this earth. There are many people who have no purpose in life, and hence find no reason to live. It is the Holy Bible, the word of God that I believe can help a person truly understand the purpose for which God has created them. Broadly, we understand that God’s overall purpose for mankind is that as those made in His image, we should reflect His attributes to those around us.

If a person does not fully comprehend this purpose, they will sometimes try to find this fulfillment in money, and therefore labor hard towards increasing their wealth. There are also those who make their life’s purpose to gain more popularity, have a better position, enjoy all life’s pleasures or gain more knowledge. In order to achieve this they will be constantly running and striving to attain their goal. There are those who have also reached the pinnacle of fame, but woefully they would end up feeling exactly as King Solomon did as described in the verse below.

Everything is useless and fleeting

In Ecclesiastes 1:14, he says, I have seen everything done in this world, and I tell you, it is all useless. It is like chasing the wind. (GNB)

The writer of this verse above is King Solomon, who was the wisest man who ever lived on the earth. He was a king who had everything at his disposal, unimaginable wealth, gold, silver, horses, armies and people, added to wisdom and knowledge as well. Nonetheless, he realized that everything was useless, and a mere chasing after the wind.

The whole duty of man

However, listen to King Solomon’s summary at the end of the book of Ecclesiastes, as we read in Ecclesiastes 12:13, “After all this, there is only one thing to say: Have reverence for God, and obey his commands, because this is all that we were created for.” (GNB)

Solomon concluded after all his extensive experiences in every area of life that the sole responsibility of human beings was to fear God, and keep His commandments. It is only when we do so can one fully comprehend the purpose of why they were created, and can fulfill the same. To fear God implies that we are aware of His presence, and are mindful that He is watching over us. Moreover, to obey His commandments would mean that it is only when we live in submission to God’s commandments, will be able to comprehend fully the meaning and purpose of our lives as well.

Let me give you an illustration from everyday life. When we purchase a new equipment like a mobile phone for instance, the instrument usually comes along with a little instruction manual. In our excitement to use the phone, we are so keen to immediately charge it, and often do not take time to even go through any of the instructions. However, we must realize that to make the best use of the mobile phone, one would need to go through the manual, as each model has its own unique features. Sometimes, a little mistake on our part can mess up the mobile phone, and make it lose its proper functioning.

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