
Summary: Self-righteous Jonah rejoiced over a plant that gave him shade, but had not compassion on the people of Nineveh who genuinely repented of their sins. There’s no room for self-righteousness, as all of us are sinners saved by God's grace alone.

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We read in Jonah 4:6, “Then the LORD God made a plant grow up over Jonah to give him some shade, so that he would be more comfortable. Jonah was extremely pleased with the plant.” (GNB)

As we studied the life of Jonah there are numerous lessons that we have picked up, both for our personal lives, and for the church as well. Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh, and the people repented of their sinful ways. The Lord relented and withdrew His judgement on the people of Nineveh which was a major disappointment to Jonah, who went out of the city, and sat down to watch if God would destroy the city as He had planned. Since the place where Jonah rested was a wilderness, the heat of the sun scorched him as he sat under a temporary shelter. Graciously the Lord caused a plant to grow which give shade to Jonah from the sweltering heat, and Jonah felt comfortable under its shade.

Jonah was angry with God

Earlier in Jonah 4:1, “Jonah was very unhappy about this and became angry.” (GNB)

Jonah who was unhappy and angry in verse 1 of chapter 4, was suddenly filled with joy as recorded in verse 6. While Jonah was elated over a little plant that provide shade to him, he was annoyed that God was compassionate to the people of Nineveh who repented of their sins.

Often times we too make the same mistake that Jonah made. There was another man the bible talks about who was also angry with God just like Jonah.

The brother who was angry

We read in Luke 15:28, “The older brother was so angry that he would not go into the house; so his father came out and begged him to come in.”(GNB)

In this parable that Jesus taught, a father had two sons, and the elder one went out to work as usual on that particular day. As he returned home, he heard the sound of music and partying and he had no clue as to what was happening.

We read in Luke 15:26, “So he called one of the servants and asked him, 'What's going on?'” (GNB)

This was the response he received as recorded in Luke 15:27,'Your brother has come back home,' the servant answered, 'and your father has killed the prize calf, because he got him back safe and sound.' (GNB)

The one who had returned home was his younger brother who had a few years prior demanded his share of property from his father, moved off to a distant place, and squandered all of his wealth is riotous living. It was no wonder then that the elder son was upset with his father as he knew that his younger brother had wasted all of his father’s hard earned money. Notice how the servant explained this to the elder son by asserting that the one who returned was his own brother, and also the son to their father. The servant also explained that against all odds the younger son had returned safe and sound, which he said was the reason for the rejoicing at home. Though the elder son had lost nothing in this process, and was still heir to all that his father possessed, the reason for his anger was that his father showed compassion on his wayward brother, forgave Him, and took him back.

Often we refer to the parable as the story of the prodigal son, where we refer to the younger son who took his share, and squandered it all as the bad son. Actually if you study this story in depth, we might be alarmed to realize that the elder son had no compassion whatsoever on his younger brother.

This was so much like Jonah, who could not rejoice that the people of Nineveh repented, but rather was angry with God that He spared them from His punishment and judgement.

One of the reasons why Jonah and the elder son were enraged was because both had a self-righteous attitude. Self-righteousness can be defined as the attitude that makes one think that they are better than someone else. It is generally possible for all of us to have it, but when this gets to an extreme, it results in such people constantly finding fault with others. Sadly, there many such self-righteous people in the church and in ministry too. Some will fake extreme concern for others and speak about it loftily, but in reality this actually stems from self-righteous attitude. We can discern self-righteousness in someone when they subtly speak ill of others, thereby elevating themselves to appear very good. Self-righteousness will also make one constantly compare themselves with others. If such an attitude is lurking inside of us, we must confess it to the Lord and be rid of it. Whenever we speak ill of others we are judging them, and also we make the mistake of demeaning others just to promote ourselves.

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