Sermon # 33 - God's Unchanging Laws Series
Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Sep 1, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: We are indeed saved by grace, but does that mean that the laws of God given in the Old Testament are no longer applicable to us? God’s word gives us clarity, and helps us to understand how God’s grace and God’s laws apply to us today.
In Romans 3:31, Paul writes, “Does this mean that by this faith we do away with the Law? No, not at all; instead, we uphold the Law.” (GNB)
There is a lot of teaching on the grace of God and faith that we must place in Him. Grace and faith are fundamental for our walk with God, but it is important to understand that God desires that we have a balanced view of these important principles. Some have taken these teachings to the extreme, and thereby forgotten a very crucial aspect of our relationship with God, namely that God is also a God of justice. It is true that we are saved by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, and His finished work on the cross, but this does not in any way mean that once we are saved, God will ignore sin, for this will make Him an unjust God. There is an erroneous belief that as believers of the new covenant, there is no obligation to read or follow the Old Testament, as it based on the Mosaic Law. The consequence of such teaching, which overstresses the grace of God, is that it has led many believers to lead a life of indiscipline, with no fear whatsoever of sin or its consequences.
The purpose of the Law
1. The Israelites were redeemed from bondage
The people of Israel were in slavery in Egypt for more than four hundred years, with no hope whatsoever. The Lord intervened, and delivered them from their bondage with His mighty hand. There was nothing the Israelites could do to liberate themselves. The Lord made the way, and all they had to do was to sacrifice the lamb without blemish, smear the blood on the doorpost and lintels, to be set free from the cruel dominion of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. This was God’s redemptive plan for the people of Israel to walk out into freedom from captivity. It was also a fore shadow of the salvation that we were to receive through the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. The Israelites passed through the Red Sea
The Lord then led the Israelites through the Red Sea, as a sign of the waters of baptism that we go through after we believe in the Lord Jesus.
3. The faith of the Israelites was tested
The Israelites saw the wonders of God through the ten plagues, they witnessed His mighty hand of deliverance through the Red Sea, but the first thing that they encountered on the other side of Egypt, was the bitter waters of Mara. They came expecting a land flowing with milk and honey, but their first experience was the taste of the bitter waters of Mara. The Lord could have easily given them sweet water at the first instance, but He chose to let them be tested, so that their faith in Him could be refined. The next test was for food, and God graciously provided them with manna. Again they were encountered thirst, and this time the Lord brought forth water from the rock and quenched their thirst. These trials they confronted were lessons from God, to teach the Israelites to come to a place of complete dependence on God alone.
4. The Israelites are confronted by an enemy (Amalekites)
The next challenge the Israelites ran into was the threat from the Amalekites. There was a big struggle, but finally God helped them to have victory over Amalek. This symbolizes the struggle with the flesh that we so often are challenged with. Moses lifted up his hands in prayer for the people of Israel as they battled with Amalek, and God wrought a wondrous victory. So also, when we pray, we can have victory over our fleshly desires.
5. The Israelites quarrel among themselves
When the enemy was overcome, the people of Israel now started to fight among themselves. They all plodded to Moses, who was wearied with trying to sort out, and judge the numerous issues they faced with each other.
The Lord gives the Israelites the laws and commandments
It was at this time, not more than 3 months after the Israelites had come out of Egypt, that the Lord called out to Moses to come with Him on the mountain, so he could give him the commandments and the laws that were to be implemented among the people, so as to make them a civilized lot.
Even today we have many who are still in bondage to traditions, rituals, society, and are unable to step out in freedom. Irrespective of what we are in bondage to, when we have faith in the Lord, He is able to deliver us, and set us free from every form of enslavement in our lives. Once we have experienced the gift of salvation that the Lord Jesus offers, the laws of God are given to teach us to live a life that is pleasing to God. The salvation that we have received is totally free, and there is nothing we can do to attain it. However, we have a responsibility as ones who have experienced this gift of grace, to walk in obedience to the word of God.