Sermon # 25 - God's Wondrous Works Series
Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Mar 3, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Often our hectic schedules hinder us from spending time with God, and growing in our relationship with Him. This sermon will help us remember the wondrous works of God, and set our priorities straight.
We live in a day when everyone has such busy schedules that it has become a huge struggle for many to set aside time for things pertaining to God. Many have come to a place in their lives, where God has been forgotten. Many believers don’t even start their day with God in prayer and reading of His word. If our lives are so busy that we forget to give God the due prominence, we will soon come to a point where we get dissociated in our relationship with God. Have you noticed how we make time for those things that we think are important to us? We make time to be on social media to check WhatsApp or Face Book and we are always on schedule on matters that pertain to our work and well-being. If we continue this way, there is a danger that we will gradually become a generation that does not remember God, and for whom God becomes a nonentity.
We read in Psalm 77:11-12, “I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.” (KJV)
The Psalmist says in the above mentioned passage, “I will remember the works of the Lord.” Notice how he mentions three things about God; His works, His wonders and His doings, all of which he would remember, ponder and meditate upon. It is only when we read God’s word, and meditate on it will we truly understand who God is.
What are the works of God that we should remember?
• God Exists
In Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”(KJV). The origin of this world, and everything in it is with God alone, for He alone was at the beginning.
So also in our lives, we must seek God and give Him the eminence as we begin each day. If we don’t discipline ourselves this way we may soon come to a place, where we even stop believing in the existence of God. Sadly many young people today have concluded that there is no God, and their premise is that, since they can’t see Him, they cannot believe He exists.
If we think about it, we don’t see the wind, but all of us believe it is there, because we feel it. A professor went to a little girl and told her ‘there is no God’ and when she questioned him as to why he believed so, he said, ‘you can’t see God, and we don’t believe anything that we can’t see with our eyes’. The little girl thought for a second and retorted back to the Professor, ‘Uncle, I don’t think you have brains.’ The professor was aghast, and asked her why she thought so, to which she replied promptly, ‘because I too can’t see it with my eyes’. There are many things that we believe in that we can’t see with our physical eyes, but when it comes to believing in God, sadly many demand for proof to do so.
If we take a moment to observe all of the created world, we will not doubt for a moment that there is a great creator God, who has created this world and sustains it. This world which was created thousands of years ago, is still a mystery to every scientist and scholar who are researching these things.
The wonders of God are all revealed in His word, and the more we read it, the better we understand who our God is. In times of hardships and confusion instead of running to men, we would be wise to run to the Lord, searching out His word, which can assuredly guide us and deliver us from all our trials.
We read in Psalm 14:1, “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”(ESV) The word is clear-cut that only a foolish person will conclude that there is no God. There are those who may not openly declare that there is no God, but their life styles distinctly display the fact that they do not believe in the existence of God. For instance, this is evident when someone gets entangled in an extramarital affair, for they are outright denying the word of God which admonishes us against adultery. The Lord will never forcefully pull us out of some situations, because He has already given us explicit instructions in His word. When we choose to willfully disobey God’s word, oftentimes the Lord will remain silent.
When Eve took the forbidden fruit, the Lord was watching, but He did not prevent her from doing so, as He had plainly instructed Adam and Eve not to take and eat of it. God’s word is categorical that a man should not commit adultery. So, when David went ahead and disobeyed the word of God, God did not stop him, but David had to face all the consequences of his sinful action later on.