
Summary: In this sermon we will study how God’s hand anointed His chosen ones, and how the Lord used them mightily for His glory and the extension of His Kingdom.

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Hand of the Lord

Sermon #2

Anointed by God

Acts 11:21, “And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord.” (KJV)

What is the purpose for which, the Hand of the Lord rests on us

“I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: With whom my hand shall be established: my arm also shall strengthen him.” Psalm 89: 20-21

In the previous chapter we looked at some of the reasons as to why the Lord had to search and find David, and how the Lord is still seeking for such men who are truly a rarity. Between the Lord finding David and His hand establishing Him, the Lord did something very special - he anointed David as King. The Bible says, God anointed David with His holy oil.

Today the word anointing has somehow been widely misinterpreted and misrepresented. However, we need to study the word of God and on the basis of His word try to understand what the true meaning of anointing is, and also find out how and why we need to receive this anointing in our lives.

Let’s study some of the passages where the Bible talks about anointing

The Anointing of Aaron

“Then dress Aaron in the holy clothes, and anoint him. In this way you will dedicate him to serve me as priest.” Exodus 40:13 (GW)

When the Lord anointed Aaron as a Priest, He did so, so that he would be ‘set apart’ by the Lord to serve the Lord. The role of a Priest was to stand in the presence of the Lord and to intercede to the Lord, on behalf of the sins of his people. He would also offer regular sacrifices on their behalf and literally be the one who stands in the gap between God and men.

The primary purpose of God’s anointing is that we should also be ‘set apart’ for Him. His desire is that we should be those like Aaron who will pray and intercede for those around us, who do not know the Lord. We need to desire to rise above our complacencies, and our traditional forms of worship, and seek to be a distinct people so that those around us can recognize God’s anointing on us.

It is indeed a morbid thought, that many who claim to have received the Lord’s anointing are leading dichotomous lives. As there is no real transformation from within, the life within the church and the life outside are in contradiction. We really need to desire to be those special people, chosen by God and who are totally separated for the Lord, whose lives will impact others to come into the Kingdom of God.

The anointing of David

......”The LORD said to Samuel, "This is the one---anoint him!" Samuel took the olive oil and anointed David in front of his brothers.” 1 Samuel 16:12-13 (GNB)

The reason God sent the prophet Samuel to Jesse’s house, was to anoint one of his son’s as King. It was imperative that the one who was to be chosen as King was first to be anointed by the prophet. As Samuel and the family of Jesse wait for David to come, the Lord commands Samuel to rise and anoint David.

“After removing him, God made David their king. This is what God said about him: 'I have found that David son of Jesse is the kind of man I like, a man who will do all I want him to do.’” Acts 13:22 (GNB)

Once David received the anointing he was separated from tending sheep, from the life in the wilderness, from his family so that the Lord could elevate Him to the position of king that the Lord had planned for him.

First and foremost it is the Lord Himself who calls us and anoints us. The intendment of His anointing on us, is that like David we too will seek to do the will of God, and fulfil all that the Lord has purposed for us. If we look at the Lord’s Prayer as taught by Jesus, He said pray, “…your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 (NKJV) that is precisely the reason why the Lord has given us His anointing, to be His instruments to fulfil His divine will on earth.

God has chosen us to be Kings and Priests

“And hath made us kings and priests to God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” Revelation 1:6 (KJV)

Isn’t it an overwhelming thought, that the Lord has anointed us with His Holy Spirit so that we too can be kings and priests. Kings so we can rule and accomplish the will of God on earth, and priests so we can be those intercessors for those around us.

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