
Summary: Jonah’s disobedience became a hindrance the entire crew of unbelievers aboard that ship. This is a caution to us that as believers we should walk in total obedience to God and not become a stumbling block to those outside the church.

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We read in Jonah 1:13, “Instead, the sailors tried to get the ship to shore, rowing with all their might. But the storm was becoming worse and worse, and they got nowhere.” (GNB)

As we continue these studies on the life of Jonah, there are many lessons that we can learn from the same. Though Jonah had received the word of God, he chose to disobey, and the consequence was that the ship in which he voyaged encountered a furious tempest. The entire crew on that ship were filled with dread, but they somehow sensed that someone on that ship was responsible for this turmoil. On casting lots they discover that Jonah was the wrongdoer, and then began to question him.

We read in Jonah 1:10, Then the men were terrified. They knew that he was running away from the LORD, because he had told them. They asked Jonah, "Why have you done this?" (GW)

The men on that ship were so perplexed that they asked Jonah, “Why have you done this?” because he had put all of them in much trouble, because of his disobedience.

Oftentimes, when as children of God we disobey the Lord, and do things that we are not supposed to do, it creates a sense of disquiet and becomes a hindrance to many around us. That is the reason why we should be cautious to walk in obedience to the word of God all the time.

We are the salt of the earth

These are the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:13, "You are salt for the earth. But if salt loses its taste, how will it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by people. (GW)

Salt is used for various purposes. Salt is used to preserve food items, so that they do not get spoilt. Salt is also used to add taste to the food we prepare. If salt loses its flavor, then it becomes unfit for use. This is why Jesus said that such tasteless salt, would be fit for nothing, but to be thrown out and trampled by men.

Jesus said we are the salt of the earth, and we must be aware that the eyes of many are constantly watching us. People around us are keenly observing our lives, our speech and our activities, for we are their role models. However, when we walk in disobedience to God we will be the cause for confusion, and also be a stumbling block to those who are not yet in the fold.

Abram was questioned by Pharaoh

Abram walked out of his own country by faith in obedience to the word of God. Nonetheless when Abram came to Egypt, he asked his wife Sarai to hide the fact that she was his wife, and to pretend that she was his sister. The reason Abram did this was because he feared that since Sarai was beautiful, the king of Egypt might do away with Abram in order to take possession of Sarai.

Things happened just as Abram thought they would. Pharaoh’s men noticed that Sarai was beautiful and informed him, so Pharaoh had them bring Sarai to his palace. When Sarai went to Pharaoh’s palace, the Lord in His grace intervened. God brought many plagues on Pharaoh’s household because of Sarai.

These are the word of Pharaoh as we read in Genesis 12:18, Then the king sent for Abram and asked him, "What have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me that she was your wife? (GNB)

This was a question that was so similar to the one that the sailors asked Jonah. Both the sailor on Jonah’s ship and Pharaoh were unbelievers, who did not know the true God. However, they realized that these were people of God, who believed in the true and living God. They also perceived that because of their disobedience or deceit of God’s people, they as outsiders were challenged with the consequences.

Pharaoh questioned Abram as to why he hid the fact that Sarai was his wife. Though Abram tried to explain things away, this would have been an unforgettable experience for Pharaoh and his household.

As children of God we must be sure to see we live circumspectly before others around us, so that we do not in any way become a hindrance to their coming to faith in the Lord.

The donkey questioned the prophet

There is another incident in the bible about the prophet Balaam. Balaam who was allured by the big offer of gifts from King Balak, proceeded to go ahead to curse the people of Israel, though God had clearly warned him not to do so. The Lord allowed Balaam to continue on his journey, but midway the angel of the Lord stopped Balaam in his tracks. Though the donkey in which Balaam travelled saw the angel of the Lord standing with a drawn sword, the prophet failed to recognize the angel of the Lord. When the donkey out of fear edged in towards the wall and sat down, Balaam began to beat the donkey.

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