
Summary: Baptist Union of New Zealand's Self Denial Appeal for their mission agency Tranzsend.

Call to Worship: Psalm 99:3-4

Self Denial Appeal #1


“Beautiful feet”

INTRO: Look at your feet. Aren’t they beautiful?

READ Isaiah 52:7

The messenger – says to Zion (the people of God)

Not the heathen/unbelievers

God promises restoration following judgment

Hebrew people deserved punishment through generations of rebellion

(v. 3) God promised to restoration as a free gift

Why? Because otherwise God’s name will be despised (v.5)

This promise of restoration is the reason the dirty, dusty feet of the messengers (v.7) are called “beautiful”, because of the beautiful message they bring.

READ: Acts 8:26-40

Are you being sent?

vv. 26-28 Angel tells Phillip to “Go south” to Gaza. On way met an Ethiopian man reading Isaiah 53:7-8 (vv. 32-33)

Are you willing to explain the good news?

v. 34 Philip tells the man the good news of Jesus

What can you do?

Share your faith to others

Raise money to support mission overseas

Go to mission somewhere overseas

Self-Denial Appeal Ideas

Donate what you save by:

Avoiding window shopping, TV advertisements, surfing on Trade Me, and the $2 shop

Borrowing not buying, a book, magazine, music CD or video

Choosing less expensive options - pop your own corn, bake, buy generic food brands

Cooking a meatless meal, missing a meal, giving up sweets, ice-cream, chocolate

Drinking less, Coke, coffee, juice, wine

Giving up a leisure activity - hiring movies, going to the movies, massage, swim or gym session,

Having txt and /or online free days

Call to Action: (Say together)

Lord, grant us simplicity of faith

and a generosity of service

that gives without counting cost

A life overflowing with Grace

poured out from the One

who gave everything

That we might show

the power of love

to a broken world

and share the truth

from a living Word

Lord, grant us simplicity of faith

And a yearning to share it

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