Seeking Wisdom Series
Contributed by Shane Speck on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Where do we turn when we want to know something. God encourages us from His word how we might find great wisdom within Him word.
“Seeking Wisdom”
(James 1:5-8)
WISDOM – one of the greatest possessions one can ascertain in the world…with it one can achieve great things
As we seek direction in our lives we know that with the proper wisdom in certain situations we can overcome great obstacles
This section is talking about getting wisdom to go through trials that we may come out the other end the way He wants us to, thus this is application for us as to how to get through our trials!
This morning we want to consider:
1. Recognition & Plea for Wisdom (vs. 5)
2. Requirements to obtain wisdom (vs. 6a)
3. Warning about our attitude (vs. 6b-8)
A. Consider the text:
1. “If any of you lacks wisdom”
a. this is not just any ordinary wisdom, it is the wisdom one would need to get through a trial
• Trials are to be considered joyfully, thus it would take some understanding and wisdom to get this attitude about our trials
b. If one lacks knowledge – he should go to a university, BUT wisdom is an entirely different thing
• Knowledge = facts of situations (understanding how to do you finances)
• Wisdom = practical use of knowledge (actually doing them with the ins and out’s of the situation)
B. “Let him ask of God…”
1. Notice you must first recognize you lack it, then you must ask for it!
a. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us…
• THUS God is already there to give us our help and wisdom, we must look for it!
2. “ALL men” here refers to all kinds of men as opposed to anyone…
a. why would God give wisdom to one to endure trials if they are not dedicating their life to Him daily
b. God will in other areas grant wisdom to individuals if they desire to seek Him (Ephesians 1:15-17), but in this case it is not intended to mean every single person
c. And we also note that God will give to these individuals who seek Him generously!
• Matthew 7:7,8
C. Application for us today:
1. We need to understand here that in ANY and ALL circumstances we can go to God to gain wisdom in our trials on how to get through them
A. Consider the text:
1. “But let Him ask in faith without any doubting”
a. Faith here may be taken to mean confidence in God, or an act of particular trust
• Ephesians 3:12
b. Note it is contrasted with doubting…thus we must believe that God will answer our prayers
2. Remember –
a. the wisdom here is being asked for to help us in our particular situations to remain faithful in Christ through our trials and to get through on the other side…NOT that we may make more money, etc!
B. Application for us today:
1. God is ready and willing to grant us our requests, but we must be willing to ask that God be with us and give us our wisdom in faith…we can not doubt!
A. Consider the text:
1. “For the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea…”
a. notice the surf of the sea is very unstable – controlled by the wind
b. Our heart and desire for Godly wisdom can not be driven like this…or when something else comes into our mind we will be directed another way
c. This doubting is a tear as to how much personal confidence one should put in God…here is the tragedy
2. “Let not that man expect he will receive anything from God…”
a. God will not give one wisdom who does not know truly if he wants it…God seeks those who seek Him first (Matthew 6:33)
3. “That man is double minded…”
a. Here this man is literally lacking principles and solid trust and faith in God and His provisions
We will all have trials…the difference is that some of will go through them and other of us will go into them
Prayer for wisdom is our way of escape…God has promised He will grant it to us, so if we are not receiving it then we must check our prayers:
A. Some rules for prayers:
1. Actual reliance upon the grace and merits of Jesus Christ – Ephesians 2:18
a. when men say that they doubt themselves it is Satan getting into their minds…yes we are all sinners, but if God has promised us strength then we can be confident!
2. Prayer must be regulated by faith – 1 John 14
a. there is so much power in “Believe and you shall be saved”