
Summary: Today through the Word of God before us we too will be led to see our Savior’s glory through the miracle he performed. May the Holy Spirit take us back to a wedding in Cana and to the miraculous sign that Jesus gave as a witness to his glory!

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A man and his dog were walking along a beach. After walking a good distance, they met another man walking toward them. The owner of the dog was proud of his dog’s abilities. So when the other man showed interest in his dog he had his pet show off for the stranger. He had him sit, speak, and shake. But he saved his dog’s special ability for the grand finale. He told the stranger, “Watch this!” Then he tossed a piece of driftwood far out in the ocean. He told his dog to fetch. The dog ran on top of the water to fetch the piece of wood! Only his paws were getting wet. After reaching the stick the dog came running back. Again he was on top of the water! He dropped the stick at his master’s feet. The stranger was shaking his head in disbelief. Just to show him that this wasn’t a onetime miracle the man had his dog do it two more times. Still the other man stood there speechless. He just kept shaking his head. Finally, the owner of the dog couldn’t take it anymore. He asked, “Well, aren’t you going to say anything, can you believe my dog can walk on water?” He want on to ask, “Isn’t that amazing? Don’t you think that’s impressive that my dog can walk on water?” At last the man had something to say about his dog. Slowly he responded, “Your dog can’t swim can he?”

Of course it is silly to think that someone could miss seeing something so impressive and focus on something far less impressive. Does something like that ever happen to us? Perhaps when it comes to Jesus’ miracles we are at times like that man. The Bible puts something amazing and supernatural right in front of us and we miss it. Or because we have heard about them many times and read about them many times we discount the miracles as not being all that important. We acknowledge that Jesus did them. But we miss their meaning. In the Gospel Lesson for this Sunday, we heard about the first miracle that Jesus performed. He turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana.

As you listened to those verses did you catch John’s testimony concerning the impact that the miracle had on Jesus’ disciples? John declared, “This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.” The supernatural transformation of water into wine allowed the disciples to see the Savior’s glory. What they saw confirmed the truth about Jesus and they put their faith in him as the Messiah.

Today through the Word of God before us we too will be led to see our Savior’s glory through the miracle he performed. May the Holy Spirit take us back to a wedding in Cana and to the miraculous sign that Jesus gave as a witness to his glory. Our time in the Scriptures will strengthen our faith in Jesus as our Savior as we see a sign of his glory. I invite you to:


I. A sign of his concern for you

II. A sign of his power to help you

III. A sign to confirm your faith in him

Although we don’t even know the names of the bride and groom, the wedding at Cana is probably the most talked about wedding in history. Of course it isn’t the wedding that has made the even so famous. It is the special guest who was invited. John tells us, “On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.” This wedding took place three days after Jesus had said, “follow me,” to a man named Philip. (Remember in John 1 we hear about Jesus calling his first disciples.) It was also three days after Jesus had wowed Nathanael into becoming a disciple as well. So with at least five disciples Jesus went to a wedding to which they all had been invited.


We don’t know if it was just a result of poor planning, or if it was caused by the addition of many unexpected guests. But a crisis developed at the wedding. John tells us, “When the wine was gone…” Just a short time into their married life the conditions were perfect for that couple to have their first fight as husband and wife. They were facing a socially unacceptable situation. They had run out of wine at their wedding reception.

Sensitive to the situation Mary tried to help. She informed her son. “When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” At first it seemed as though Jesus didn’t want to get involved with the situation. “Dear woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.” Although Jesus was respectful of his mother he made it clear that his life was now being guided by his mission as the Messiah. But Mary obviously still hoped that Jesus would help. John goes on to tell us, “His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

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