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Sermons on Romans 8:24-34:

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  • God's Remedy For Stress Series

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on Mar 12, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    By suffering the punishment of our sins, God has given us a lasting remedy for the stress caused by guilt.

    Stress. Anxiety. Pressure. It comes in many forms. The cry of a baby at 3:00 in the morning. A huge presentation at work. A sound system that doesn’t want to work when you’re about to have your first services in Doral. The loss of a spouse. The news that your father has alzheimers. The more

  • El Remedio De Dios Para El Estrés Series

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on Mar 12, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    Al morir en la cruz por nuestros pecados, Cristo nos dio un remedio duradero para el estrés que proviene de la culpa.

    El estrés. Su hija de dos años está llorando con una fiebre muy alta a las tres de la mañana. Te llamaron hoy para decirte que tu papá va a morir de cancer. Hoy es el aniversario de la muerte de su esposo. Tienes que dar una presentación importantísima en el trabajo y andas muy atrasado. more

  • God's Remedy For Stress 2 Series

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on Mar 19, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    God can help us with the stress caused by the world around us.

    Forty three percent, almost half of all American adults, suffer adverse health affects due to stress: migraines, high blood pressure, acne, fatigue, depression... One million workers here in the United States are absent on an average workday due to stress related complaints. Stress is real and it more

  • ¡no Se Preocupe!

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on Mar 19, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    Dios nos puede ayudar con el estrés causado por el mundo en nuestro derredor.

    La semana pasada vimos que el 43% de todos los adultos aquí en los Estados Unidos sufren algún problema de salud causado por el estrés: migrañas, alta presión, fatiga, depresión, entre otros. Un millón de trabajadores aquí en los Estados Unidos faltan al trabajo cada día por quejas relacionadas more

  • A God That Is On Your Side

    Contributed by Terry Owens on Apr 26, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    God’s not working against us, He’s on our side.

    Have you ever felt like nothing good ever happens to you? That somebody else is getting the blessing you need. Have you ever said to yourself, why can’t God bless me? I’ve got a news bulletin for you this morning. The feelings of isolation, loneliness, and abandonment that you have faced are more

  • The Tragedy Reveals Us

    Contributed by Jeffrey Samelson on Sep 3, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    A Sermon in Response to the 9/11/01 tragedy

    September 16, 2001 — Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Sixth Day of National Tragedy Christ Lutheran Church of Columbia Pastor Jeff Samelson The Tragedy Reveals Us with reference to Romans 8: 31-35,37-39 I. "The Human Spirit" II. What We Are III. What We Need IV. What We Do with What We more

  • The Knowledge That Changes Everything Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Sep 5, 2002
    based on 150 ratings

    Three things Christians know that empower them to face horrible suffering with courage and hope.

    Note: This sermon was introduced with a video clip from the North American Missions Board of the Southern Baptists called "Where Were You?" Where were you? I can still remember exactly where I was when I first heard the news on the radio about the World Trade Center. I was taking my oldest son to more

  • Remembering Your Sacrifice

    Contributed by Scott Sharpes on Sep 5, 2002
    based on 149 ratings

    Special sermon for 9-11 honoring Police and Firefighers. Remembering their sacrifice, remembering the sacrifice of Christ, and remembering to lay down your life as a living sacrifice.

    Title: Remembering Your Sacrifice 09/08/02 West Side Text: Romans 8:35-39 A.M. Service Purpose: Special service honoring our local Police and Firefighters. A 9-11 Sunday Morning Service. May be used at any more

  • The Real Fountain Of Youth Exists

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Every man and woman longs to find the fountain of youth, to live forever and to be eternally young. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us of The One who has made everything appropriate in its time has also “set eternity in our hearts.” Mankind doesn’t want to die,

    THE REAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH EXISTS Every man and woman longs to find the fountain of youth, to live forever and to be eternally young. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us of The One who has made everything appropriate in its time has also “set eternity in our hearts.” Mankind doesn’t want to die, he more

  • The Certainty Of Faith

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Romans 8:28 runs a close second to John 3:16 as one of the best know and loved verses in the Bible. It comes to the heart of every Christian when facing a time of crisis, difficulty or trial. It comes to the mind of the Christian when circumstances are

    The Certainty of Faith Romans 8:28 runs a close second to John 3:16 as one of the best know and loved verses in the Bible. It comes to the heart of every Christian when facing a time of crisis, difficulty or trial. It comes to the mind of the Christian when circumstances are too difficult to more

  • "What We Have Here Is…failure To Communicate”

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    “What We Have Here is…Failure To Communicate.” Perhaps some of you are old enough to remember this famous line from the authoritarian captain played by character actor Strother Martin in the 1967 movie, “Cool Hand Luke.” Paul Newman’s academy award nomi

    “What We Have Here is…Failure To Communicate” “What We Have Here is…Failure To Communicate.” Perhaps some of you are old enough to remember this famous line from the authoritarian captain played by character actor Strother Martin in the 1967 movie, “Cool Hand Luke.” Paul Newman’s academy award more

  • More Than A Conquer

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Oct 14, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    "DON’T BE LIKE THE WORLDLY". Who let trials destroy them. "BE MORE THAN A CONQUER"!!!

    More Than Conquers Romans 8:28-37 Pastor Greg Mc Donald Intro: How was week? Good, Bad, Ugly, or Don’t want to talk about it? If not bad, have you ever had a bad week? Felt all alone, helpless, and nobody cares? GUESS WHAT? God cares and so do I. Today share words of hope and more

  • Free At Last,...i'm Free From Sin Series

    Contributed by Alan Braun on Mar 22, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    A study on the Book of Romans

    Free At Last, …I’m Free From Sin Romans 8 “There is not even one bit of condemnation” because of my perfect inner life in Christ (8:1). The opposite of condemnation is justification. There is no waiting for the punishment for us because our punishment has already been paid in full by Jesus more

  • Standing In The Gap

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Mar 25, 2002
    based on 314 ratings

    What is Intercessory Prayer, and why is it necessary for our church, our community and our nation?

    This morning we want to prepare for the coming New Year with the most important topic a Christian church can entertain – the ministry of Intercessory Prayer. What I want to place before you this morning is based upon Scripture and has formed the most firm belief inside me that the most important more

  • You Always Have Hope Series

    Contributed by Tim Bond on Mar 26, 2002
    based on 524 ratings

    When a person is "in Christ" there is no such thing as a hopeless situation.

    It was a balmy October afternoon in 1982. Badger Stadium in Madison Wisconsin was packed out. That day there were more than 60,000 die-hard University of Wisconsin football fans watching their team take on the Michigan State Spartans. It didn’t take long to determine who the better team was. more

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