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Sermons on Matthew 27:15-25:

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  • Do It On God's Appointed Time

    Contributed by Dr. Ade Oyeyemi on Feb 15, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    Often we run our program and expect God to comply with what we are doing, but the easiest way to get things done and right is to work with God's timetable. Christians are to learn patience and reliance on God, anytime we operate on the permissive will of

    The Ultimate Substitute God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham’s precious son, to Him. Abraham did not ask any questions but obeyed because he trusted wholeheartedly in God and believed something was going to happen. God, in response to Abraham's faith and obedience, provided a more

  • Barabbas - A Man Who Was Freed

    Contributed by Dusan Tillinger on Apr 14, 2014

    What does it really mean that Jesus died for us? There is a story of Jesus Barabbas who should die on the cross but his place was taken by Jesus Christ, God´s Son.

    Today I want to tell you a story of a man whom we meet during the Lenten season but we don´t know him very well because his name just briefly shows up in the passion story. This person made many unusual decisions in his life and tried some things that an ordinary person may never experience. Now, more

  • The Greatest Question Of Life

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Apr 30, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We are all faced with questions but there is one that is the most important of all, What will I do with Jesus?

    Matthew 27:22 KJV Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. I. INTRODUCTION—QUESTIONS A. From the Bible -All throughout the Bible there are many questions that were asked by men and women. Some of the more

  • What Shall I Do With Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Nov 3, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The preacher, the Christian and the outsider all must answer the same question--What Shall I Do With Jesus? Each of us must answer; we cannot evade. For salvation and for service, our answer reveals who we are.

    “What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ” [1] Almost every message I have heard from this text was directed to lost people. That is certainly appropriate. However, in our study today, I want to consider how this question applies not only to the lost, but also to each of us who bear the more

  • Heart Surgeon!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 19, 2014

    Friend, trust God to speak to the hard hearted people in your life.

    Heart Surgeon ! Mathew 27:19 “While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent to him, saying, "Have nothing to do with that just Man, for I have suffered many things today in a dream because of Him." Though I had read the book of Mathews several times, but interestingly I was more

  • When The Cheers Turned Sour

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Apr 21, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    Christ rode into Jerusalem as the crowds gathered and cheered. But the sweet sounds of cheers turned sour and faded over the next few days as they gave way to shouts of “Crucify Him!” To understand this we must first understand why the crowds followed Chr

    When the Cheers Turned Sour Matthew 27:15-26 In fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy (Zech. 9:9 “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a more

  • A Close Look At The Cross

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 27, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Take a close look at the Lord’s: 1. Serenity (vs. 11-14). 2. Purity (vs. 15-24). 3. Loyalty (vs. 25-31 & 38-44). 4. Destiny (vs. 33-37). 5. Majesty (vs. 45-54). 6. Victory (vs. 50-53).

    A Close Look at the Cross Matthew 27:11-54 Sermon by: Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - March 25, 2012 (Revised from sermon preached at McClendon Baptist Church - April 1, 2007) *Today we will look at the darkest day in human history, the day when the holy Son of God was nailed to a cross more

  • The Decision About Christ Series

    Contributed by Ric Veal on Jun 16, 2011

    Following Christ in His last days on earth.

    The Decision About Christ Matthew 27:11-26 1. The Control (27:11-14) powerful testimony of Jesus A. The Asking (27:11a) truthfully; 1 Timothy 6:13 B. The Agreeing (27:11b) C. The Accusations (27:12a) Luke 23:5 1. Their Bare speech = empty talk more

  • The Messiah And Mob Rule Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Mar 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We must always do the right thing and not follow the crowd.

    The Messiah and Mob Rule Text: Matt. 27:11-26 Introduction 1. Illustration: In a recent NCAA cross-country championship held in Riverside, California, 123 of the 128 runners missed a turn. One competitor, Mike Delcavo, stayed on the 10,000 meter course and began waving for fellow runners to follow more

  • Whose In Charge?

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Aug 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus' trial before Pilate was a hodge-podge of differing desires. But they are all just background noise to what was really going on, and what God was using to bring about His purpose.

    Passage: Matthew 27:11-26 Intro: It’s very interesting to watch the wrangling in Washington these days. 1. debt-ceiling debate, a lot at stake. 2. we know that much going on “behind the scenes”, as people seek to gain the upper hand of power. 3. trade-offs, promises, more

  • The Crowd Or The Christ

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on May 19, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This message was inspired by Dr. David Platt's book, "Radical". This message centers around the question of Pilate, "What will you have me do with Jesus?"

    The Crowd versus the Christ Matthew 27:22 * What words comes to your mind when you hear the term “Radical?” (I.E. drastic, thorough, sweeping, extreme, militant, fanatical, revolutionary, uncompromising) * What are you radical about? Every person in this room has something about which more

  • What Shall I Do With Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Dec 13, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The question asked by Pilate is one that each of us face every day of our life as a believer in Christ. This determines whether or not we will FOLLOW Christ

    What Shall I do with Jesus? Matthew 27:22-26 • Important questions for life are found all through God’s word. These questions have eternal consequences for each one of us and deserve our attention. (TEXT CALL) • Nothing is worse than injustice. Over the last several years we more

  • I Was Sitting In The Barbers...

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Jan 31, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Lessons from a little boy in Sunday School, the great theologian Thomas Aquinas, the first disciples Andrew and Phillip, and of course members of our own church .. but what about?

    I was sitting in the barbers - you know the one? Just down at Old Field circus. I think it was the second time I had been to that barbers since I moved in, but the first time that particular girl had cut my hair. And we get chatting about the music they are playing in that salon (I think it was more

  • Peter Speaks - A First Person Narrative Series

    Contributed by Jamie Bogaard on May 2, 2017

    Peter speaks about some of his experiences with Jesus over the past three years. He recounts the struggles and emotions of what happens during Holy Week. Where is Jesus? Is he really alive? What does the mean?

    Peter Speaks Various accounts from the gospels about Holy Week EASTER – April 16, 2017 You are welcome to use this first person narrative. It was a joy to write and a joy to share. I was just finishing a series on Peter but it could be used anytime but especially around Good more

  • The Sacrificial Lamb Of God

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Mar 13, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The Meaning of Easter

    Easter Message/Devotion For: April 22, 2018 Reading: Matthew 27:1-66, 28:1-20 The Sacrificial Lamb of God We’ve been talking about darkness and sin a lot lately, haven’t we? We have also been talking a lot about the light that shines through that darkness for all who seek it. Let’s begin our more