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Sermons on Judges 4:17-22:

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  • Spiritual Renewal:women's Challenge To The Church

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jul 6, 2001
    based on 238 ratings

    This sermon was preached on a Women’s Day Celebration and involes how God used Deborah and Jael to bring about His plans and purposes for the nation. My wife and I preached this sermon together.

    Spiritual Renewal: Women’s Challenge To The Church Women’ Day 9:30 September 20, 1992 Text Judges 4 Ps19:1-7 Romans 8:31-39 TOBY .ls2 Speak to us O God, that which we need to hear this day concerning our spirittual renewal as your people more

  • Cycle Of Deliverance

    Contributed by Dr. C. David White on Mar 25, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    Most people tend to go through the same problems over and over again. God stands ready to deliver.

    1- “Cycle” = An interval of time which a characteristic is repeated / or a sequence of events occur. 2- If ministry has taught me anything: Most people go through the same things over and over again. (Both definitions) 3- The key to breaking this vicious cycle is to understand it. 4- Ask yourself more

  • A Woman's Place Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Aug 29, 2002
    based on 184 ratings

    Judges, Pt. 1

    Judges is a most bizarre period in Israel’s history. Every man did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord (Judg 3:12, 4:1, 10:6) and what was right in his own eyes (Judg 17:6) The transition from Joshua’s leadership to the kings of Israel was characterized by lawlessness, apostasy, and more

  • A Woman Of Warfare Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    Continuing our series on the Essential 100 with Deborah and her leadership of Israel.

    A Woman of Warfare Judges 4-5 Essential 100 Series February 10, 2008 Evening Service This message has been adapted through the use of a variety of sources including points from other messages on the same passage here on Sermon Central. Introduction Here is an abridged version of the Judges cycle more

  • Fight Like A Girl! Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 20 ratings

    It is an insult that is still used today on playgrounds across the globe. Little boys testing their strength and dexterity against one another revert back to this proverbial slap in the face by throwing down the gauntlet of this time proven stab. However

    “Like a Girl” Part 1 – Fight Like A Girl I. Introduction It is an insult that is still used today on playgrounds across the globe. Little boys testing their strength and dexterity against one another revert back to this proverbial slap in the face by throwing down the gauntlet of this time more

  • What About The Women? Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Too many times, even modern believers allow the male-dominated nature of our traditions to overshadow the fact that God calls female leaders, too.

    The Bible is certainly a male-dominated book that reflects a male-dominated culture. Even if we separate the history in the Bible from World History, we see that human history is full of tales of testosterone-driven leaders using the force of military might, personal strength, and personal charisma more

  • Star Wars: The Original Version

    Contributed by James O. Davis on Nov 30, 2015

    Today God is looking for some Baraks who will put their faith and feet together and will believe that God will order the stars in their courses for our good and for His glory. And we will win the battle of Star Wars - the original version!

    Star Wars: The Original Version By Dr. James O. Davis (Hebrews 11:1, 6, 32; Judges 4:1-9; and 5:19-21 NASB) When Michel Gorbechev was President of the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s, a good friend of his became an astronaut and was sent into space for a short, routine mission. The trip more

  • Choosing Faith Over Fear Series

    Contributed by Paul Basehore on Aug 21, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Don’t rely on another person to help you in your walk with the Lord, only rely on the Lord Himself!

    Choosing Faith over Fear Last week we started our series on Impact people of the old testament. In that message I gave you a challenge to be an impact person like Gideon, not an impacted person like his father. I understand, though, that doing this -- that rising up to this challenge -- is easier more

  • Deborah Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Sep 28, 2014

    The historical events surrounding the leadership of Deborah. (Part 1 of 3 examining women in ministry and the opposing doctrines of complementarianism and egalitarianism.)

    Dakota Community Church September 28, 2014 Deborah In the Book of Judges you will recall there is a repeated cycle throughout the entire book; a cycle of sin, bondage, repentance, and devotion, followed by sin and bondage again. Israel would follow the Lord when there was a leader who reminded more

  • Deborah The Encourager

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jun 18, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    A Mother's Day message focusing on Deborah, a woman we need to know from the Bible.

    Deborah the Encourager Judges 4:4-17 May 12, 2013 Each year on Mother’s Day I preach about a woman I believe we need to learn about from the Bible. This year we’re going to look at an Old Testament woman, a very powerful woman, in fact she was the most powerful woman in the land of more

  • Sisera And His Chariots

    Contributed by Tim Secrist on Feb 22, 2013

    There are those, even among God's people, who depend on their own strength for success. Sisera and is charioteers discover that even great military might is no match for almighty God. And it's no match for the rest of us, either.

    Sisera and His Chariots Judges 4:1-4; 12-17 Sisera had it made, he must admit. He was general over the army of Jabin, king of Canaan. He had risen through the ranks and now he was General of the Army. And not just any army; he had 900 iron chariots at his disposal, far more than anyone else in more

  • Jael's Extraordianry Day

    Contributed by Tim Secrist on Feb 22, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    Sometimes the ordinary seems mundane, but occasionally it turns exraordinary. This is a narrative of an ordinary day turning into much more. Even a "nobody" can do something extraordinary in the hands of God.

    Jael’s Extraordinary Day Judges 4:17-24 Jael’s life was nothing if not predictable. Living in the low mountains of Eastern Israel, bordering Canaan, among the scorpions and rocks and dust, Jael’s life was difficult at best, and monotonous at worst. Boredom and monotony were her more

  • Out Of Weakness! -- Deborah Series

    Contributed by Timothy Cooley, Sr. on Sep 13, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God gave victory through three weaklings!

    Deborah sat patiently under the palm tree that was her office. Dozens and dozens of people lined up every day. Every person had his or her own complaint. Each one wanted somebody else straightened out. Wearily she listened to their cases. She must often have felt like Moses, so weary she could not more

  • Deborah

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Aug 27, 2013

    When we choose our ways over His ways when we choose to follow other gods instead of Him We can expect His displeasure.

    Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church Aug. 25, 2013 Judges 4:1-24 DEBORAH: A WOMAN OF CONVICTION AND COURAGE Intro: The book of Judges is a gritty, dirty book. • Filled/sin, violence/judgment of God. • Action book/appeals more/men than women. • A modern more

  • Deborah And Barak

    Contributed by Tim Secrist on Oct 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    God is willing to use anybody that is willing to be used for His glory. This sermon is about God using an unlikely character to accomplish something big. If He can use this person, He can use anybody.

    Deborah and Barak Judges 4 and 5 Intro: Some people never seem to learn. A man pulled into a gas station, walked over to a soda machine, and stared at the sign, which read, “Soda: $2.00.” “Two dollars for a soda – that’s incredible” the man said. more