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Sermons on Joshua 9:1-10:20:

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  • Compromise While On The Way Series

    Contributed by Robert Massey on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 98 ratings

    Compromise has deadly results. Here are three lessons each believer needs to remember when tempted to compromise their faith.

    For the last several weeks, I have been preaching out of Joshua a series of messages on “Receiving Your Inheritance.” During this series of messages, God has given me several positive ones, such as “Pulling Down Strongholds” and “The Faithfulness of God”. However there are several messages that I more

  • Better Ask The Boss Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 16, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    The Gibeonites deceive the Israelites into a treaty because the Israelites fail to ask the Lord. We learn to involve God in our decisions, act with integrity when we make a poor decision, and trust God to redeem even those bad decisions.

    Better Ask the Boss Joshua 9 Intro: Have you ever been deceived? Have you ever gotten burned by somebody who seemed sincere, whom you trusted, and who turned out to have been lying to you all along and took advantage of you? Sadly most of us can relate all too easily. We have placed our trust more

  • The Gibeonite Deception Series

    Contributed by Robert Robb on Jul 22, 2002
    based on 89 ratings

    Foolish carnal reasoning that led to a wrong decision

    Study 12 Chapter 9 – The Gibeonites Introduction In our last study we were considering together the way in which Joshua and the people of God, having experienced a humiliating defeat at Ai, had returned to the place of defeat, re-engaged the enemy and gained a glorious victory over them. In more

  • Living With A Bad Decision Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 130 ratings

    An examination of a decision by Joshua and the elders of Israel that lingering consequences.

    A Study of Joshua Sermon # 8 “Living with A Bad Decision” Joshua 9:1-27 “A wealthy eccentric died and left a million dollars to his nephew, John. When the will was read at the lawyer’s office, the lawyer said to John, more

  • The Miracle Of Prayer

    Contributed by Bob Hunter on Jan 27, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    This message on prayer will encourage people to cry out to God for the miraculous.

    “The Miracle of Prayer” Joshua Ch.10 Pastor Bob Hunter We’ve been studying the book of Joshua in the O.T. Last week we talked about the peace treaty Israel signed with the Gibeonites. That was in Ch. 9. So Just when you thought maybe things would more

  • How Big Is Your God? Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on May 9, 2002
    based on 185 ratings

    How big is the God you serve? The question really is, how big is your concept of God? Is the God you serve big enough to perform miracles in your behalf. Or does your faith limit what God is able to do for you? This episode from the life of Israel gives u

    A Study of Joshua Sermon # 9 “How Big Is Your God?” Joshua 10:1-14 How big is the God you serve? The question really is, how big is your concept of God? Is the God you serve big enough to perform miracles in your more

  • Danger Of Carnal Reasoning Series

    Contributed by Robert Robb on Dec 16, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    We must beware of using carnal reasinging in the Lord’s work and always seek his will through prayer.

    Study 12 Chapter 9 – The Gibeonites Introduction In our last study we were considering together the way in which Joshua and the people of God, having experienced a humiliating defeat at Ai, had returned to the place of defeat, re-engaged the enemy and gained a glorious victory over them. In more

  • Within And Without The Veil

    Contributed by Duke Jeffries on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 18 ratings

    A: INTRODUCTION This week's study will focus on one portion of a rather large text.

    A: INTRODUCTION This week's study will focus on one portion of a rather large text. All are encouraged to read chapters 9-12 of Joshua this week. Before turning our attention to the specific text verses this morning, let us consider briefly the historic content of these chapters. 1. Chapter 9 more

  • A Holy War Indeed

    Contributed by Anthony Hodge on Jan 12, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon addresses the concept of war from a literal standpoint as well as from a spiritual standpont.

    A Holy War Indeed (Joshua 10:1-15) We have been bombarded with literature, media coverage, and may have even had persons come up to us and state that a war is being fought as a result of God’s intervention on behalf of a people. While in most instances that I have just more

  • What Gives Us The Right?

    Contributed by Lowell Hochhalter on May 14, 2003
    based on 7 ratings

    Helping students understand their position with Christ. Helping them to know that their Father in Heaven desires to bless them, give to them and to communicate with them

    What Gives Us The Right To Ask? Romans 8: So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God’s very own children, adopted into his family The power of adoption -the full rights of son ship -full inheritance illus: Family picture We can and should 1. Ask more

  • Deception: Truths I Have Learned Series

    Contributed by Dan Morrison on Aug 20, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Two major issues in Scripture, Deliverence, and Deception. In Joshua chapter nine we see a people affected by deception.

    Some Truths about Deception Joshua 9: Two major issues in Scripture: 1.The issue of Deliverance, Redemption; and 2. The issue of Deception; Deception is a danger to us all and this danger is personified throughout the Bible; WHY IS IT SUCH A MAJOR ISSUE? THREE REASONS; The Minister of more

  • Prayer Problems Series

    Contributed by Michael Reeves on Sep 6, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    We will examine one of the prayers of Joshua this PM and one he should have prayed. Though Joshua was a great man of faith, we find in these two episodes in Joshua chapters 7 and 9, examples of trouble that always arises when everthing is not brought to

    Introduction: We will examine one of the prayers of Joshua this PM and one he should have prayed. Though Joshua was a great man of faith, we find in these two episodes in Joshua chapters 7 and 9, examples of trouble that always arises when everthing is not brought to the Lord in prayer. We need more

  • Making Deals With The Devil Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Aug 12, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    16th in series on Joshua. This talks about compromise, and avoiding it by listening to God’s voice.

    Joshua 9:1-26 – Making Deals with the Devil A New York family bought a ranch out West where they intended to raise cattle. Friends visited and asked if the ranch had a name. “Well,” said the would-be cattleman, “I wanted to name it the Bar-J. My wife favored Suzy-Q, one son liked the more

  • Giving It Over Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Aug 27, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    17th in long series on Joshua. This gets into prayer, and giving our burdens to God. Close tie-in with 1 Peter 5:7.

    Joshua 10:1-15 – Giving It Over I found a little poem by an anonymous author that sounds so familiar, it’s as if I could have written it. It says: “Lord, I’m so discouraged, I don’t know what to do; I have so many burdens, And I gave them all to you. But you didn’t take them, Jesus, will you more

  • The Mistake Of Joshua

    Contributed by Byron Maynard on Apr 29, 2005
    based on 105 ratings

    The mistake of Joshua was that he neglected to consult God and it caused a perplexing problem. It could have been a great tragedy, but he responded in a godly way. How we respond to our sin and shortcomings will determine how much God can use us.

    Sermon Preached May 05 by Pastor Byron THE MISTAKE OF JOSHUA Joshua 9 - 11 INTRODUCTION: It is always amazing to see how people act when they only know a small percentage of the facts. We make some pretty bad decisions when we are only partially informed. We do some really brainless things. more