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Sermons on John 20:19-22:

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  • Thomas Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jul 16, 2003
    based on 83 ratings

    This is one part of a series I did on eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ. Each message was prefaced by a dramatic monologue, which is included.

    Thomas (Adapted from Curt Cloninger’s Witnesses) (Consider getting taped music of men singing) Fellas, what are we doing here? What are we doing here guys, sitting around in the dark singing worn-out songs? It’s over with, guys…it’s over. What are you guys looking at me like that for? C’mon more

  • Jesus Appears To Us

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 118 ratings

    Introduction 1.

    Introduction 1. I felt that God had gone away. I felt little hope and the joy of ministry had disappeared. I no longer had the desire, the mission to bring the good news that had motivated me into ministry. It was a dark time, one of the worst times of my life. 2. Do you know what I am talking more

  • 40 Last Days With Their Lord

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 58 ratings

    The way Jesus spent His days on earth after his resurrection were quite different from His ministry before. we consider how and why it was.

    1. Tonight we pause to consider the empty tomb. 2. As we said this morning the resurrection was of the utmost importance to the early church. 3. Easter was not just that day that Christ became alive, but the beginning of new life for His disciples and the promise and seal for new life for all who more

  • Solution To A 'grave' Problem!

    Contributed by Dennis Marquardt on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 1 rating

    Easter sermon ... resurrection of Christ

    "SOLUTION TO A ’GRAVE’ PROBLEM!" TEXT: John 20:1-31 INTRO: There is no event greater in human history than the resurrection of Jesus Christ! If there is no resurrection, there is no Christianity! The apostle Paul says this clearly: (I Cor. 15:17-19) "And if Christ has not been raised, your more

  • Show Me Your Scars

    Contributed by Kelvin Baker on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 76 ratings

    Missouri "Show Me State" A name attributed to Representative Willard Van Diver.

    Missouri "Show Me State" A name attributed to Representative Willard Van Diver. It conotates a certain self-deprecating stubbornness and devotion to simple common sense. Don't tell me about what you are going to do for me. Don't write to me about something that has happen. But show me The world more

  • Make The Most

    Contributed by Edgar Mayer on Jan 21, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    A sermon on James 5:13-20.

    Sermon on James 5:13-20; Pastor Edgar Mayer; Wilsonton/Glencoe Parish; 28.1.01; 4th Epiphany. For more sermons and other writings check out pastor’s homepage: "Heavenly Father, let us not be so satisfied with our salvation that we do not go further and more

  • Thomas: The Disciple Of Doubt Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jan 23, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    A sermon adapted from an IVP Bible Study by C. Nystrom

    THOMAS: THE DISCIPLE OF DOUBT JOHN 14:1-7; 20:19-31 OPENING ILLUSTRATION… Doubts with us Have you ever experienced this? It often descends one day like a big dark cloud. The nagging questions started to surface and play around in the back of our minds. Then they all just clumped together into more

  • The Celebration

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Feb 26, 2001
    based on 329 ratings

    John mentions four people by name in his gospel account of the resurrection. Let’s look at them.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX ILL. Shohoiya Yokowai spent 28 years of his life in prison. It was not a prison of bars & locks & wardens, but a self-imposed prison of fear. He was a Japanese soldier on the island of Guam during WW2. And when the more

  • Behold My Hands

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Mar 3, 2001
    based on 281 ratings

    The scars tell a story.

    What is the only man made thing in heaven? I believe it is the scars on the body of Jesus. What do those scars teach us? When one goes on vacation, they so often bring back a souvenir. When Jesus visited earth as the God-man, he brought back a souvenir, but it was not something cheap and more

  • Mile 20 On The Marathon Of Faith

    Contributed by Jeeva Sam on Jun 26, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    When you "hit the wall" of doubt on your faith journey, what do you do?

    Listen to these entries in David Heller’s delightful little book, Dear God: Children’s Letters to God. Dear God, What do you do with families that don’t have much faith? There’s a family on the next block like that. I don’t want to get them in trouble, so I can’t say who. See you in more

  • Joy

    Contributed by Danny Pinksen on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    How one can expereince the same joy the disciples felt on the first Easter Sunday morning.

    TITLE: “JOY! (Easter)” INTRODUCTION: ILLUS: A missionary had arrived in a small Chinese town. After she arrived, she soon noticed that a gang of bandits had just destroyed the little town and everything in it. Then a native Christian, showed the missionary the ruins of his home; a burnt roof and more

  • Our Principle Of Power - Spirit Filled Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Jul 13, 2001
    based on 91 ratings

    Our Core Value that describes the effective power that is behind the church and the Christian.

    FOR THESE THINGS I LIVE - CV-02 Our Principle of ‘Power’ Ephesians 5:15-21 We are busy studying our way through a series in the Word of God that I have entitled "For These Things I Live". It is a study through the Core Values of His People Community Church. So far we have looked at the first more

  • What Is The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit? Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Jul 17, 2001
    based on 388 ratings

    What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and how is it different than being indwelled by the Holy Spirit? This study looks at how God transforms lives and ministries when we allow Him to pour His power into our lives.

    Baptism of the Holy Spirit One of the least understood principles of scripture is the infilling and baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many miss the greater blessing of experiencing God because they believe that salvation is the baptism and what you get is all there is. This is not what the Bible more

  • The Evidence For Christ's Resurrection (Part One) Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Jul 22, 2001
    based on 56 ratings

    Part of an adult Sunday school series on the Person of Christ.

    • THE RESURRCTION OF CHRIST WAS A PHYSICAL RESURRECTION. Some skeptics have tried to solve their dilemma of not being able to explain away the resurrection by suggesting it was a “spiritual resurrection.” Dr. Wilbur M. Smith wrote of the nonsense of this view. "There is no such thing as the more

  • The Resurrection And New Life

    Contributed by Robert Tomas on Apr 24, 2002
    based on 41 ratings

    Without the Resurrection, Christians would be the most hopeless of all people!

    APRIL 20, 2001 WORSHIP SERVICE SCRIPTURES ·First Reading Acts 5:12-16 ·Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 ·Second Reading Revelation 1:9-13, 17-19 ·Gospel John 20:19-31 REFLECTION According to Scriptures (e.g. 1 Cor 15:14-19; 1 Pet. 1:3), had the LORD Jesus not risen from the dead, the entire more