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Sermons on John 10:35:

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  • Jesus: Believe Him Or Not?

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Aug 4, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    Jesus must be accepted or rejected, there is no middle ground!

    JESUS: BELIEVE HIM OR NOT? JOHN 10:22-42 AUGUST 5, 2001 INTRODUCTION: A fool is not necessarily stupid he just doesn’t recognize the obvious. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal they lay down for the night, and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and more

  • A Survey For The Servant

    Contributed by Jimmy Gear on Aug 13, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    In order to be an effective servant for Christ, we must make sure a number of areas of our testimony and life are in check.

    Chapter 10: Jesus, The Good Shepherd. Week Three: A Survey for the Servant. (10:31-42) I. Introduction. --Have you ever been in a Mall and gotten cornered by one of those people with a clipboard in their hand, wanting to take a ridiculous survey? I try to avoid those folks as much as possible, more

  • Ears To Hear, Eyes To See Series

    Contributed by Michael Pahls on Jul 17, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    An exposition of Amos and John points us to Christ who gives us ears to hear and eyes to see.

    Appropriating the Prophetic Word The 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) July 15, 2001 Amos 7:7-17; John 10:25-37 COMPLICIT IN OUR OWN FAILED PERCEPTION "We never saw violence or hatred in [our son] until the last moments of his life when we watched helplessly with the rest of the world." more

  • A Pioneering Spirit

    Contributed by Donna Kazenske on Jun 24, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    While meditating about the faith and works of some of God’s pioneers from previous generations, I began to petition the Lord to raise up more true pioneers; men and women of God who are not willing to take “no” for an answer; men and women of God who are

    By: Donna J. Kazenske While meditating about the faith and works of some of God’s pioneers from previous generations, I began to petition the Lord to raise up more true pioneers; men and women of God who are not willing to take “no” for an answer; men and women of God who are willing to go the more

  • Safe And Secure

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Jun 30, 2003
    based on 185 ratings

    Jesus keeps us safe and secure.

    SAFE AND SECURE John 10:22-42 S: Jesus Th: His power over man Pr: JESUS KEEPS US SAFE AND SECURE. ?: Inductive KW: Stages TS: We will find in our study of John 10:22-42 four stages that demonstrate the power of Jesus. The _____ stage is the… I. ENCOUNTER (22-24) II. EXPLANATION more

  • Unfinished Business Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 21, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    Lessons on effective evangelism from the example of Jesus when he was celebrating Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication).

    Unfinished Business Fortifying the Foundations # 24 John 10:22-42[1] Intro: The Jewish Celebration, Hanukkah, began last Friday evening at sundown and will end two days after Christmas. It is an eight-day festival commemorating the rededication of the Temple in 164 B.C. Hanukkah (Chanukah) more

  • I Am The Son Of God Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 13, 2006
    based on 26 ratings

    Part of the "I am" series of statements Jesus made in John’s gospel, This sermon focuses on Jesus’ statement "...I am the Son of God" (John 10:36), and the reaction of the Jewish leaders who attempted to do the following things: 1. Slander Him 2. Stone

    I AM series #4 Castle Hills Christian Ch. 07-11-04 I AM the Son of God John 10:19-42 INTRODUCTION: Of all the “I am” statements Jesus made, which one do you suppose was the most controversial of all? Which one was most responsible for his arrest? Which one caused the Jewish leaders to conspire more

  • One Extraordinary Life Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Oct 14, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 4 in series God in Five Weeks, this message looks at the second person in the Trinity, Jesus - or God the Son. Specifically it examines Jesus’ belief that he was God, Jesus extraordinary life, extraordinary death, and the nature of the choice we are

    One Extraordinary Life God in Five Weeks, part 4 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers 10/15/2006 My head is filled with songs about Jesus from the hymns and choruses I learned growing up in the church. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know. Fills my heart with longing – keeps me more

  • Overcoming The Problem Of Procrastination

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on May 26, 2006
    based on 33 ratings

    Some people think to themselves, "Do it tomorrow - you’ve made enough mistakes for today." Procrastination is the fertilizer that makes difficulties grow.

    Overcoming the Problem of Procrastination Some people think to themselves, "Do it tomorrow - you’ve made enough mistakes for today." "A diet is what you keep putting off while you keep putting on. No farmer ever plowed a field by turning it over in his mind. The kindness planned for more

  • God - Do You Exist Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Jan 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Is Jesus really God?

    Questions I would ask God Prove you exist! John 10.22-39 In 2007 Richard Dawkins produced a best seller ‘The God Delusion’ in which he sought to prove that God did not exist and that those who believed in God were some how deluded. You know, I suspect, as many Christians bought his book as more

  • Not All Who Hear, Hear Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Apr 22, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    God’s divine Messiah thrills his sheep.

    Scripture Introduction During the last few months we have followed Jesus around Jerusalem as he interacts with a variety of people, especially confounding his enemies. Jesus often taught by a kind of paradox — a fact which I have sought to convey (in part) by the sermon titles. In John 8, Jesus more

  • Jesus, The Good Shepherd

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Dec 4, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon explains the reasons Jesus is the good Shepherd of everyone.

    JESUS, THE GOOD SHEPHERD JOHN 10:1-39 The “I AM” statements represent a particular relationship of Jesus to the spiritual needs of men. 1. Bread of life – source of provision for life. 2. True Vine – source of vitality and productivity. 3. Resurrection & Life – more

  • The Great Shepherd's Claims

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 18, 2012

    Jesus made two revealing points. 1. His sacrificial death was the very reason God loves His Son so much. God loves His Son just like any man loves his child. But God loves Jesus even more, in a more special way, because Jesus was willing to pay such a

    As we move along in our study of the Gospel of John you might remember that last Sunday morning the message came from John 10: 1-16 when Jesus referred to Himself as the Good Shepherd. Tonight we will pick up there in verse 17. READ 17-18. This is the final proof that Jesus is the Good Shepherd more

  • Deity On Display Series

    Contributed by Tim Spear on Aug 31, 2011

    Jesus presents irrefutable evidence of His deity to hardhearted unbelievers.

    Jesus, the God Man: The Gospel of John “Deity on Display” John 10:31-42 Introduction: Pat and I have purchased a few timeshares. Part of their presentation is to take you to a model so that you can appreciate what you are going to purchase. The same is true when you go to rent an more

  • If You Had Been Here

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus had for the first time confirmed publically He was Messiah about four months before He was crucified on a cross.The Good Shepherd is bringing His Jewish sheep & His Gentile sheep to make one fold.The blessing that God gave Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob ha

    “If You Had Been Here . . .” March 25, 2012 Chester FBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Jesus had for the first time confirmed publically He was Messiah about four months before He was crucified on a cross. 1 John 10.22-24 a Festival of Dedication more