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Sermons on Job 23:12:

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  • Now You See Me, Now You Don’t Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 31, 2016

    A study of the book of Job 23: 1 – 17

    Job 23: 1 – 17 Now You See Me, Now You Don’t 1 Then Job answered and said: 2 “Even today my complaint is bitter; My hand is listless because of my groaning. 3 Oh, that I knew where I might find Him, that I might come to His seat! 4 I would present my case before Him, and fill my more

  • "Fat” Is Where It’s At

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Aug 19, 2019

    We need to feast on the Word of God much more than we do.

    “Fat” is where it’s at! The state of Missouri is known as the “Show Me” state. The phrase, “Show Me,” was coined in 1899 by then Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver while delivering a speech in Philadelphia. “I come from a state,” he said, “that raises corn and cotton, and cockleburs and more

  • Keys To Spiritual Breakthrough Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 4, 2020

    In 2020 we are looking for a spiritual breakthrough in our lives, families, churches, school, community – to get the desired breakthrough in our lives we need to have 20 – 20 vision from the Lord to see into the spiritual realm and how to use His weapons which bring breakthrough.

    Video Illustration: Trailer clip from Breakthrough Summary of the movie: John Smith (Ruiz) is a 14-year-old Guatemalan boy raised in Lake St. Louis, Missouri by his adoptive parents, Brian (Lucas) and Joyce Smith (Metz). Though they are loving and supportive, John struggles with feelings of more

  • Triumph Over Trials Sermon Iii: View Suffering As Inevitable But Redeemable Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on May 13, 2020

    In times like these, when awareness of the inevitability of suffering gives rise to questions and doubts, mature Christians rely on the Word of God and reflect upon personal experiences of trusting God in and through it all.

    MATURE CHRISTIANS VIEW SUFFERING AS INEVITABLE BUT REDEEMABLE Talking to myself this past week, a question posed by many kept surfacing in my mind: “Why am I Suffering”? The answer I gave to myself was, “I am not suffering”. My motto could very well be more

  • What Should I Do When Life Takes A Turn For The Worse? Series

    Contributed by Ricky Burke on Dec 8, 2000
    based on 135 ratings

    This is the fourth sermon in a series of messages called, "When Life Takes a Turn for the Worse."

    We are currently doing a series of studies on the book of Job, which records the struggles of a good man whose life took a turn for the worse. You remember. He lost his finances, his children, his health, and his marriage - one right after the other. And this book has helped us answer some more

  • Thirsty For God, For His Word?

    Contributed by Jay Yousling on Sep 3, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    As I was learning how to parent my boys, I asked God to help me pass on what it means to be thirsty for God, what it means to love God’s word. He gave me this T.H.I.R.S.T.Y. acrostic.

    Thirsty for God, For His Word? Psalm 42:1 "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God." As I was learning how to parent my boys, I asked God to help me pass on what it means to be thirsty for God, what it means to love God’s word. He gave me this more

  • Week 7: Walk By Faith, Not By Sight Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on May 23, 2021

    Does God really exist? How do I know if I can't see him?

    The noted actor and movie director Woody Allen once expressed his skepticism about God’s existence like this. “If God would only speak to me—just once. If he’d only cough. If I could just see a miracle. If I could see a burning bush, or the seas part. If only God would give me a clear sign, like more

  • When God Is Silent

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on May 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Silence has a language all its own. Some of the hardest things to handle are the times in our lives when God seems like He is a million miles away and is not answering our prayers. In this message, Dr. Vorce addresses how to process the "silent times" in our lives.

    Job 23:8-12, 16; Genesis 16 & Genesis 21 Introduction: • Silence has a language all its own. • Some of the hardest things to handle are the times in our lives when God seems like He is a million miles away and is not answering our prayers. • God promised in His Word to always be there, but more

  • He Knoweth The Way That I Take 1 Of 2

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 23, 2022

    The purpose of this sermon is to show the Saint and the Sinner that God has a plan for our lives.

    Only as we follow this plan, we can obtain what God desires for us to achieve in this life. Illus: In an NCAA cross country championship held in Riverside, California, 123 of the 128 runners missed a turn. One competitor, Mike Delcavo, stayed on the 10,000 meter course and began waving for his more

  • A Necessary God

    Contributed by Steven Shubert on Sep 24, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    God must become more than a hobby or a secondary thing in our life; He must become A Necessary God.

    Job 23:12 I. Introduction A. Rarely do I take only one verse such as this and build an entire message around it; 1. However, I have felt strongly impressed to emphasize the words that Job is stating here; a. I strongly believe that each of us needs to develop the sort of relationship with more

  • The Challenge Of Turning Critics Into Friends

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Job learned how to handle criticism and with God’s help turned his critics into friends.

    The Challenge of Turning Critics into Friends Job 23:10-14 How do you handle criticism? Job had his share of critics. He learned to handle his critics with class. God helped Job turn his critics into friends. In fact God encouraged his critics to become prayer partners with Job. Job more

  • Suffering With God

    Contributed by Robbie Parsons on Oct 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In the middle of intense suffering, Job proclaims that God knows and takes notice of our suffering. He also tells us that God is in control of the suffering. Lastly, we will see that God rewards endurance.

    Job has gone through some tough times. In Job, we see him enduring all four major forms of suffering that humankind faces. He faces the loss of income and security, the loss of valued possessions, the loss of loved ones and the loss of health. Either one would be enough do deal with, but Job more

  • Faith Can Survive When There Is Silence.

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Oct 16, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    How Job handled God’s silence

    When was the last time you had a bad consumer experience? Sooner or later, most of us have some experience with the trade or business world that makes us wish we had an easy recourse for at least registering a complaint. There is, of course, the Better Business Bureau, and that agency can be quite more

  • Finding Faith In Hard Times

    Contributed by Allen Patterson on Nov 2, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Keeping our Faith in the face of emotional turmoil

    Job 23:10-14; Psalm 22:1-5; Hebrews 4:12-16 Introduction When I hear the words of the scriptures in today’s passages, I am reminded of the deep feelings of grief and sorrow that Job and David experienced. Job, the perfect man, as the Bible says, was feeling abandoned by God. David felt as if God more

  • The Softing Of The Heart

    Contributed by Tim Parsons on Aug 27, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon deals with softing our heart and a look at Job and see what we can learn

    The Softening of the Heart Job 23:1-17 (text v. 16) 1. Verses 1-6, Job is saying? I would come and let God know just how I feel, and He’d give me strength. 2. Verses 7-9? It was like a game of hide & seek. Job cannot sense God’s presence. Sometimes you will find yourself in some extreme more