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Sermons on Hebrews 10:23-28:

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  • Get Up, A Sense Of Urgency

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 8, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    Laziness and Apathy are destroying our foundations, we must arise and attack.

    Develop a Sense of Urgency by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. In our daily walk with Jesus, it is very easy to lose our sense of URGENCY, a spirit of gradualness slowly slips our heart into an idle, aimless drifting into trivial pursuit, while the weightier things go unguarded. more

  • The Protective Blood Series

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Apr 16, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Part 2 of a series on the redemptive, atoning, covering, strengthening, sanctifying and healing blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

    „h It is the Precious Blood of Jesus that makes atonement for the world „h There is also a protection from the blood covering „h When God set Israel free from bondage of Egypt, He sent plagues on Egypt to break Pharoah¡¦s stubborn heart „h The 10th and final plague was the straw that broke the more

  • Experiencing Boldness In Worship Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Henes on Jun 14, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    How do we enter the presence of God in boldness? The Hebrew writer discusses three ways of doing so.

    EXPERIENCING BOLDNESS IN WORSHIP Hebrews 10:19-25 INTRODUCTION I have been in a variety of worship settings over the year – very often the leaders would tell you that is “the” way to worship. I have attended charismatic services where everyone is instructed to stand and raise their hands and more

  • Supporting The Ministry Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Jun 17, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    A deductive exposition of selected texts on supporting the church’s ministry with attendance, lifestyle and financial giving.

    Introduction: 1. This is God’s church because gave His life for us (Acts 20:28). 2. “Commitment” is so important to God that He searches the world for it (2 Chronicles 16:9). Each Sunday this month, we are becoming aware of a different commitment you and I can make to God through His church. more

  • Encouragement

    Contributed by Ken Gilmore on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 184 ratings

    We need more encouragers in our churches. What are the characteristics of an encourager and a discourager. And some Bible examples of encouragers.

    ENCOURAGE Hebrews 10:19-25 What is encouragement? - The Greek word for "encourage" may be translated as comfort, console, inquire, beg, plead, counsel, urge, challenge. We see from this that encouragement has a two-fold emphasis: to comfort or reassure, to challenge or caution. - To encourage more

  • Some Assembly Required

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 1, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    Designed for a day devoted to reclaiming inactive members, this sermon argues that the spiritual life is like a piece of equipment: unpack, read the instructions, assemble, plug in the power.

    Nothing you purchase comes ready to go. You can’t buy anything ready to use. Everything takes finishing and finagling before you can use it. You would think that when you have paid good money for your purchase, it would be ready. But not so. Something else always has to be done. You more

  • Should I Go To Church?

    Contributed by Robert Travis on Jun 27, 2001
    based on 57 ratings

    There is no question about where I will be Sunday morning if God permits.

    SHOULD I GO TO CHURCH? HEBREWS 10:25 (Hebrews 10:25) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. (KJV) I. THE GREAT IMPERATIVE "Not more

  • 10 Reasons People Do Not Attend Church

    Contributed by David Smith on Jul 2, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Some common reasons and excuses people use for not attending church

    10 REASONS PEOPLE DO NOT ATTEND CHURCH HEB 10:24-25 1 - TIME work schedules ballgames kids mowing gardening 2 - BORING IRRELEVANT music preaching - cannot relate to it (or the people) 3 - OTHER INTERESTS friends hobbies t.v. ....etc. 4 - GUILT living a sinful life that they love more more

  • The New And Living Way

    Contributed by Tony Searles on Jul 7, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    To rejoice in the New & Living way we have to live in Christ Jesus our Savior!

    “THE NEW AND LIVING WAY!” BECAUSE OF THE CAUSE OF CHRIST HEBREWS 10:19-25 Have you ever gotten a new thing before and have treated that thing as gold? - no one could touch it - no one can use it - no one can look at it - everyone is using it wrong once you do allow more

  • Fellowship

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Jul 22, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    What is Christian fellowship? why is it important? How do we do it?

    I’ve never run a marathon, which probably doesn’t surprise most of you. Nor have I ever competed in a triathlon (although I do own an Ironman Triathlon wristwatch, which is almost the same thing). But what you may not know is that in high school, I was a runner. I lettered in cross-country, and my more

  • Sinners In The Hands Revisited

    Contributed by Shelly Griffin on Mar 30, 2001
    based on 101 ratings

    Jonathan Edwards’ sermon is still relevant today.

    A few days ago someone asked me why preachers never talked anymore about what was going to happen to you if you didn’t do what God said. I answered that I thought it was because we’d lost the whole concept of sin and judgment over the past 30 or 40 years because everybody’s been preaching that more

  • Excuses, Excuses, Excuses, What's Yours?

    Contributed by Mark Umbehagen on Aug 23, 2001
    based on 227 ratings

    Good sermon to be used on a "No Excuse Sunday".

    “Excuses, Excuses, Excuses, What’s yours?” Hebrews 10:22-25 Central Baptist Church August 26, 2001 “No Excuse Sunday” To make it possible for everyone to attend church, how about having a special "No Excuse Sunday?" Cots will be placed in the foyer for those who say "Sunday is my only day more

  • What Do I Owe My Home Congregation?

    Contributed by William Young on Aug 25, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    To Help others come to a Full Understanding of What They Owe Their Home Congregation

    WHAT DO I OWE MY HOME CONGREGATION? Acts 2:42-47 Intro: 1. Too many folks in the world tie themselves to one building. 2. When they tie themselves to one building, they tie the Lord to it as well! 3. We live in a world of individuality; a world where we want to do as we please. 4. We are free to more

  • Maintaining Family Series

    Contributed by Paul Newell on Aug 29, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    As we conclude our series on our church covenant we need to understand what it means to actually support our church family.

    It still amazes me, almost 25% of all marriages will end in divorce. That means one out of four marriage covenants will be broken, tossed to the sidelines and forgotten. Families will be torn apart. Interesting is the typical reasons given for ignoring the marriage covenant. communication more

  • Going To See Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 2, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    People come to church for all kinds of reasons, but the only "good" reason to be in church is to "see Jesus." Hebrews 10 tells us how we can make sure we have the right attitude in worship.

    It was Palm Sunday and, because of strep throat, the family’s 5-year-old son had to stay home from church with a baby-sitter. When the family returned home carrying palm branches, he asked what they were for. His mother gently explained. "Well honey, people held them over Jesus’ head as he more