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Sermons on Ecclesiastes 5:18-20:

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  • Treasures In Heaven Series

    Contributed by Troy Mason on Apr 21, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    Seeking things of heaven vice things of earth helps keep us focused in the right direction

    TREASURES IN HEAVEN Matthew 6:19-24 Eccl. 5:10-20 Introduction – Story of Rockefeller interview. I met a millionaire in Hyde Co. His automatic response to the question, “How are you,” was “If I could just make that next nickel, I believe I would be alright.”. In this world there are only two more

  • The Secret Of Success

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Nov 16, 2000
    based on 104 ratings

    True success in life is not defined by what we have, but by who we are in Christ.

    The Secret Of Success Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 He's the man with the plan. When he walks into the room hearts race, palms sweat, eyes bulge, and backs straighten. He's the C.E.O., Chairman of the Board, President and General Manager, King of the hill. Top of the heap. Ruler of nations. While the more

  • Finding Lasting Job Satisfaction

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    Labor Day sermon.

    Find Lasting Job Satisfaction John 10:10, Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 September 1, 2002 Introduction Tomorrow is Labor Day, a day when we traditionally cease from our labors to enjoy a day off. That is, unless you work in such places as hospitals, restaurants, airlines, Wal-Mart, or any place that more

  • Shove That Job - I'll Take It

    Contributed by Mark Scott on Sep 26, 2005
    based on 49 ratings

    A Message For Labor Day

    “Shove That Job – I’ll Take It” Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 (Labor Day Message) We are in the third message of a series entitled “Seven of the Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make”. Since this is Labor Day weekend, this is a great time to talk about the blessing it is to have a job. Some of us more

  • Show Me The Money

    Contributed by Joseph Conrad Edpao on Sep 13, 2004
    based on 35 ratings

    Money is one of the most important things in life. This sermon tells us the two sides about money. It would help us have a clearer biblical understanding about money.

    Faith Fundamental Baptist Church Morning Worship Service September 12, 2004 ¡§Show Me the Money¡¨ Pastor Joseph Conrad M. Edpao INTRODUCTION: Our study is focused on stewardship. I believe that last Sunday we had a clearer understanding about stewardship. We need to remember that we are not more

  • Professions & Possessions Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Mar 6, 2006
    based on 74 ratings

    Greed is good? If our primary goal in life is material wealth, we will end up with empty, futile lives and spiritual bankruptcy.

    Overcoming Futility, a Sermon Series on Ecclesiastes “Professions and Possessions”, 5:8-20 -Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts Some of us remember Jack Benny. In a skit on his radio show, a robber held him up, pointed a gun at him and said, “Your money or more

  • Money,money, Money Series

    Contributed by Dan Neary on Jun 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Sixth in a series of seven in Ecclesiastes, this sermon deals with money, wealth, and riches.

    Sermon Dan Neary Ecclesiastes on Money and Wealth Sermon #6 of 7 in our series on Ecclesiastes, and we come to money and wealth. We’ve gotten into this habit of tying pop songs to these messages… so I couldn’t resist… ABBA (shouldn’t we all listen to ABBA on Fathers’ Day?). Could it possibly be more

  • "Stand In Awe Of God" Ecc Pt6 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 19, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    The believer must come to church with a sense of awe for God and listen to what the Spirit is saying about broken vows and the misuse of money. If we fail to invite God into our lives then we will live a meaningless life and that life will be a life of mi

    “Stand in awe of God!” Ecclesiastes Pt 6 Opening Illustration: What happens in 30 minutes? Have a timer with on the pulpit – set it for 30 minutes in front of everyone. The lesson from the timer is what motivated Solomon to write the book of Ecclesiastes because time was running out for him and for more

  • Respecting God With Your Very Life Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 17, 2003
    based on 70 ratings

    Many Christians live lives of contempt for God and they don¡¦t even know it. Solomon talks about three ways we can show contempt for God, ways that might seem harmless.

    Respecting God with Your Very Life (Ecclesiastes 5) Intro¡K. 1. There was a woman who went on a short term missions trip to Kenya, helping the missionaries there. Before she left, she stopped at a remote village where she attended a medical clinic. As the native women outside the clinic began to more

  • It's Off To Work I Go - I Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 8, 2003
    based on 51 ratings

    Work is a significant part of our lives. If I am to see my work the way God wants me to see it, how will I view it? As we nurture a biblical view of work we are not only more successful but also happier.

    It’s Off to Work I Go (I) 2Thes. 3:6-15 1-05-03 The holidays are coming to a conclusion. Some people are glad. They are looking forward to letting their children go back to school. Some are sad. They are not looking forward to going back to work. The reality is that almost everyone here will more

  • Why Don't They Ever Say, "Hi, Dad"?

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Jul 14, 2008

    Father’s day message of 5 powerful "father" characteristics.

    WHY DON’T THEY EVER SAY, “HI DAD”? Father’s Day June 15, 2998 Pastor Brian Matherlee THE TOP TEN THINGS YOU LEARNED FROM YOUR FATHER 10.When he was your age, kids had to walk six miles to school in the snow and rain . . . uphill both ways. 9. If he had acted like you, his father would have more

  • Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Feb 11, 2011

    A study of chapter 5 verses 1 through 20

    Ecclesiastes 5: 1 – 20 Buddy, Can You Spare A Dime? 1 Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil. 2 Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily more

  • The Attitude Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on May 29, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Why am I here? Where am I going? What is my purpose? We focus on verses 1-7 as we consider our attitude in worshiping our Savior.

    Ecclesiastes 5:1-20 The Attitude of Worship! (Because of time constraint and emphasis, I only used the first seven verses. I completed the rest and had them in the notes for the church members to do further study.) Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather more

  • Shove That Job - I'll Take It

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Sep 29, 2011

    You cannot watch a news program without hearing about record unemployment and job plans. Johnny Paycheck, “Take this job and shove it” is now “Shov that job - I’ll take it.” Your job is a big deal to God!

    Introduction A You cannot watch a news program without hearing about record unemployment and job plans. 1 People want to work but can’t any jobs. a My dad telling me he could quit one job and go across the street to work the following day. b Johnny Paycheck, “Take this job and shove more

  • Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Dec 5, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    If we ever hope to discover the true meaning of life, then we must address these three "W". ECCLESIASTES 5:1-20 Introduction: What is this title all about? It’s simple. I want to communicate (.com) with you from Ecclesiastes 5 (ECCS) about three issues that all start with the letter “W.” A few sermons back we talked about the letter “I.” more