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Sermons on Deuteronomy 6:24-25:

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  • What Is This Job Really About?

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Apr 19, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    A five-part job description for godly fathers.

    WHAT IS THIS JOB REALLY ABOUT?—Deuteronomy 6 (Father’s Day) Father’s Day (“Aw, come on, you don’t have to celebrate…”—And I really mean it when I say it!) For many fathers, it’s a reminder that they’re important—but they don’t know exactly why What is the job about? What is a father more

  • Mothering Godly Children In A Godless Society

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on May 9, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    This sermon gives five essentials for raising godly children in a godless society.

    Mother’s Day Mothering Godly Children in a godless Society Deuteronomy 6 May 12, 2002 Intro: A. [illustration] A four-year-old and a six-year-old presented their mom with a houseplant. They had used their own money to buy it and she was thrilled. The older of them said with a sad face, "There more

  • Grace And Works - The Real Story

    Contributed by Steve Pilon on Nov 17, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    Grace and works are both important if the Christian is to live a valuable life of service to the Lord.

    For the last several weeks we have been studying from the Book of 1st Peter. And for at least two of those weeks I have concentrated on and stressed the grace and mercy of God. Today, I would like to continue that theme and perhaps build upon the foundation already laid. But before I begin let’s go more

  • Focus On The Purpose Of Parents Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 2, 2003
    based on 104 ratings

    What is the purpose of a parent?

    INTRODUCTION • If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it will always be yours. If it doesn’t come back, it was never yours to begin with. But... If it just sits in your living room, watches your TV, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and more

  • Basic Training For Families

    Contributed by Chris Smith on Jun 17, 2003
    based on 134 ratings

    The Word of God ought to be on display in your homes, in every area of your life. It ought to be hung up in your living room, your kitchen, your laundry room, and if you really expect your children to follow the Lord, the Word of God had better be hung u

    Note to readers: Although I have re-written this text extenstively, most of the main points, illustrations, and quotes of this sermon are from a sermon originally preached by Dr. James Merritt at the Pastor’s Conference of the Southern Baptist Convention held at Orlando Florida in June of 2000. more

  • Observations On Obedience

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on May 27, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    God?s requirement of obedience is not something He does to us, but something He does for us. Though today?s world may see living without rules as a dream, it would only result in destruction.

    Observations On Obedience Text: Deut.6: 24 Intro: Obedience is not a topic dealt with too often these days. We hear a lot about options, but not much about obedience. The former term implies no set standard to follow, while the latter implies the existence of some absolutes. The “no more

  • Parenting 101 Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Feb 3, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    Basics of being a good parent.

    PARENTING 101 The other night, I sat down to watch a little TV and unwind before bed time. Just as I sat down, Drew started climbing on me and asking me to wrestle with him, like he does almost every night. Let me tell you, I was tired. It had been a long day, and all I wanted to do was to sit more

  • These Are The Days Of Elijah Part 4: Righteousness Being Restored Series

    Contributed by David Petticrew on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Number 4 in a series looking at the imagery in the modern Hymn These are the days of Elijah, looking at Moses restoring rigtheousness and what it means for revival today.

    Introduction I want to start this morning by using a quote from a Methodist. When you work around the church a while it comes quite naturally, the laughter of cynical disbelief. In 1986 the United Methodist General Conference, on the last day of two weeks of meetings, passed a resolution that more

  • Stop, Look, Listen

    Contributed by Ron Hicks on Jul 10, 2006
    based on 6 ratings


    STOP, LOOK, LISTEN Deut 6:25 25 And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us Grand Trunk R.R contest for words at crossings. Paid $2500.00 for STOP,LOOK,LISTEN. The reason is so you don’t get killed. Many lives more

  • A Family History Series

    Contributed by Christopher Lanham on Nov 30, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    . Our stories as a community of faith -- as those who stand in the history of blessing, as part of the covenant -- are what teaches us about our God and ourselves. They inspire us to obey him out of gratitude.

    Cascades Fellowship Deuteronomy 6:20-25 A Family History: This Is Who We Are Rachel and I have a tradition we follow every time we go back to the hills of West Virginia. We like to take a little time out of each visit to go and pray with my grandmother. When my grandfather was alive, he and more

  • Back To The Future: Turning Points

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Nov 3, 2008

    This sermon was given as part of a congregational celebration for paying off all mortgages and debts.

    Back to the Future: Turning Points Deuteronomy 6:1-25 Sermon Objective: This sermon was given as part of a congregational celebration for paying off all mortgages and debts. Supporting Scripture: Exodus 19:6, John 17:20-26; 1 These are the commands, decrees and laws the LORD your God directed more

  • The Connection Between The Head And The Heart: Living Deuteronomy Series

    Contributed by Christopher Lanham on Feb 11, 2012

    Why is it important that we intentionally form our worldview? Because it is commanded.

    The Connection between Head and Heart: Living Deuteronomy Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 2:6-8; Deuteronomy 6:1-25 Cascades Fellowship CRC, JX MI February 5, 2012 Series: Christ in the Home I have recently enjoyed playing chess on my computer. In fact, when I run into writer’s block as I am more

  • Family: The Lord Makes & Satan Takes Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Oct 16, 2012

    God created three institutions: The Family; The Church; and The Government. Satan attempts to disrupt each of these. This lesson is a reminder of the importance of the Family.

    1. Chuck Swindoll tells the story of a man who backed his bright, shiny new Cadillac out of the driveway and headed for the freeway on his daily commute to work downtown. He was busily shaving himself as he drove--a normal operation for him. I suppose he had his radio on, and he was listening to more

  • Your Best Life Now Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jan 25, 2010

    another sermon in the series of vision regarding our commitment to strengthen families

    Text: Deut 6:1-25, Title: Your Best Life Now, Date/Place: NRBC, 1/24/10, AM A. Opening illustration: One writer says that Moses indicates our land and our churches will be as our homes are.” Samuel and Susannah Wesley, see below, B. Background to passage: Reminder of the presuppositions that more

  • Resolve A Better Relationship With God Series

    Contributed by Mark Jones on Jan 11, 2014

    Last week we introduced RESOLVE. This week we begin with the most important resolution, a stronger relationship with God. This is part 1 of 3 parts. Here is the outline. The second part contains numerous Scriptures on the Fear of God from the ESV.

    When you think of God, what action verb comes to mind? The phrase “Thank the Lord” or “Thank God” appears approximately 8 times in Scripture. The phrase “Love the Lord” or “Love God” appears approximately 18 times in Scripture. The phrase more