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Sermons on Deuteronomy 1:38:

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  • When God Says "Go!” Don't Say "No!”

    Contributed by Jim Twamley on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    What new thing is Christ calling you to? Where is God saying to go? Where in your life are you telling God “No!”?

    What new thing is Christ calling you to? Where is God saying to go? Where in your life are you telling God “No!”? What new territory is Christ calling this church to? The principle of “accelerated blessing.” = “The faster you trust and obey, the faster you will receive God’s blessing.” In more

  • Encouragement: Making Others Strong

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 23, 2005
    based on 128 ratings

    As long as the church of Jesus Christ has the potential to improve, we need to be serious about encouraging others.

    Encouragement: Making Others Strong 1. Why is it that many of us are into “approval addiction?” 2. Some of us need a lot of approval, whereas others needs less. But we all need it. Why? 3. The answer is simple: life is rough, and it tears away at our self-esteem. People, circumstances, our more

  • Give Me This Mountain

    Contributed by Mark Christian on Dec 14, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Lessons from the life of Caleb.

    Give Me This Mountain Mark Christian This morning we talked about God sending people for a particular mission. Tonight we are going to examine Caleb, one of the spies sent into the Promised Land to scout it out. We will read from Deuteronomy 1:19-33. In this passage, the Israelites are ready to more

  • Containing Our Complaining

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Feb 13, 2004
    based on 141 ratings

    Paul wrote: "Do all things without murmuring or complaining ?" Pretty tall order isn’t it ? This sermons deals with "Containing our Complaining"

    “CONTAINING OUR COMPLAINING” Phil. 2:14, Deut. 1:26-38 On the seventh day God rested....and on the 8 th day God started answering complaints. A man dreamed of joining a monastery. His goal in life was to become a monk. So one day he went to a monastery and talked to the head monk and said, “What more

  • Faith’s Journey

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Mar 21, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Leaving Egypt was just the beginning of journey for Israel. Every step taken would be determined by their faith. So it is for every Christian from the moment they experienced salvation then begins the journey of faith.

    Faith’s Journey Deut. 1:1-2, 21-46 Leaving Egypt was just the beginning of the journey for the nation of Israel. Every step taken would be determined by their faith. So it is for every Christian from the moment they experience salvation. Then begins the journey of faith and this passage is a more

  • Back To The Basics

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jun 28, 2010

    Inspired by a message from Andy Stanley at the 2010 SBC Pastors conference, this message helps us examine the state of the church in AMERICA today.

    BACK TO THE BASICS Deut. 1:19-46 / Acts 15 * Most all of us remember the story of the Children of Israel and their Exodus from Egyptian Captivity. We recall that God had ‘given’ them a land flowing with milk and honey. Additionally, we know that because of unbelief, disobedience, and employing more

  • Encouragement: Making Others Strong

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Oct 12, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    As long as the church of Jesus Christ has the potential to improve, we need to be serious about encouraging others.

    Encouragement: Making Others Strong (2015 Revision of an earlier sermon already posted) 1. We are often discuouraged. 2. There is an old story about a pastor leaving a church. At his farewell dinner, he tried to encourage one of the pillar members, “Don’t be so sad. The next pastor more

  • The Promised Land

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Oct 28, 2016

    Is the church willing to risk to move into the Promised Land

    The Promised Land October 30, 2016 Deuteronomy 1:19-40 I was working on a sermon for today, was about 3/4 done, and then I was prompted to throw it away. I really don’t like it when God does that to me. It usually happens a few times a year. I thought I had a really good start to an more

  • You Shall Make It

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 23, 2018

    God hand-picks one man Joshua and said that he will ‘cause’ Israel to inherit the promised land. That’s something!

    You shall make it Deuteronomy 1:38” Joshua the son of Nun, who stands before you, he shall go in there. Encourage him, for he shall cause Israel to inherit it. “ Though I had read the above scripture many, many times during my walk with God, yet that particular day, when I sat there in my more

  • A Legacy Through Mentoring

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Feb 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    It is difficult to cross generational lines; and yet, we are supposed to share the love of Christ with the next generation (Psalm 71:17-18). One way to minister to the succeeding generation effectively is through mentoring.

    When we become older we start pondering our spiritual heritage and faith in Jesus Christ, and we begin to wonder whether or not the succeeding generations will carry on what we have learned. So, we try to provide young people with exposure to our worship services, hoping that our values and more

  • He Goes Before You Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 14, 2024

    The Lord carried you thus far. He is going before you and he will guide you, lead you. He will reward you. May God be with you and bless.

    Text: Deuteronomy 1:29-40 Theme: “The Lord Goes before You”   Greetings: A Happy and a Prosperous New Year 2024! The Lord is good and His love endures forever!!   Introduction: Deuteronomy means “Second Law”. This Book of Deuteronomy is didactic rather than historical. It consists of a more

  • Ready Too Late

    Contributed by Paul Robinson on May 17, 2023

    Is it possible to "miss the boat" when it comes to doing something for God? That's exactly what happened to Israel when it was time to enter the Promised Land.

    The twelve spies were sent into the Promised Land as a reconnaissance team. This was the big day, the day Israel had been waiting for. This was the reason God brought them out of Egypt and why they made the long trek through the wilderness. The time had come for Israel to go into the land of more