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Sermons on Deuteronomy 1:23-28:

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  • Tasting The Fruit

    Contributed by David Tijerina on May 4, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    The children of Israel tasted of the fruit of the promised land...and still not entered in. There are Christians that will taste, but...

    Tasting the Fruit: Yet Losing the Land September 29, 2002 Intro: Where are you headed? Are you going to get there? How? Deut 1:25-26 25 "They also took some of the fruit of the land in their hands and brought it down to us; and they brought back word to us, saying, ’It is a good land which more

  • Submission Means Development

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Apr 22, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    We can prevent God’s blessing by unbleif

    SUBMISSION MEANS DEVELOPMENT Deut. 1:19-36 "The positive side of life" Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year. How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you’re on. Birthdays are good for you; the more you have, the longer more

  • New Beginnings

    Contributed by John Gullick on May 9, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    A sermon that looks at new beginnings and starting over. Really a new year message

    New Year - As we travelled around on holiday we saw these signs here and there = You are now entering Southland district - Lakes district and so on. On the journey there came a point where we had left one district behind and had entered another. January is the month when it is drawn to our more

  • Why We Become Discouraged

    Contributed by Lindeal Greer on Jan 22, 2001
    based on 44 ratings

    Let’s determine to make this week end meeting every bit as good and successful as our last one.

    Why we become discouraged! I. Inactivity or Laziness Rom 12:9-16 There is something for everyone to do. Don’t look for someone else to start activity. Anyone can invite someone over after church... Anyone could provide cookies or coffee for fellowship. Anyone could visit the more

  • Where Are We Going

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 114 ratings

    Thesis: To reach the promised land we must choose trust over fear.

    Thesis: To reach the promised land we must choose trust over fear. Intro.: 1. It has gone down as one of the greatest baseball games ever! a. 6th game of 1986 American League championship series. 1) California Angels ..... Boston Red Sox. 2) California led series 3 games to 2 (best of 7). b. more

  • When God Says "Go!” Don't Say "No!”

    Contributed by Jim Twamley on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    What new thing is Christ calling you to? Where is God saying to go? Where in your life are you telling God “No!”?

    What new thing is Christ calling you to? Where is God saying to go? Where in your life are you telling God “No!”? What new territory is Christ calling this church to? The principle of “accelerated blessing.” = “The faster you trust and obey, the faster you will receive God’s blessing.” In more

  • Give Me This Mountain

    Contributed by Mark Christian on Dec 14, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Lessons from the life of Caleb.

    Give Me This Mountain Mark Christian This morning we talked about God sending people for a particular mission. Tonight we are going to examine Caleb, one of the spies sent into the Promised Land to scout it out. We will read from Deuteronomy 1:19-33. In this passage, the Israelites are ready to more

  • Containing Our Complaining

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Feb 13, 2004
    based on 141 ratings

    Paul wrote: "Do all things without murmuring or complaining ?" Pretty tall order isn’t it ? This sermons deals with "Containing our Complaining"

    “CONTAINING OUR COMPLAINING” Phil. 2:14, Deut. 1:26-38 On the seventh day God rested....and on the 8 th day God started answering complaints. A man dreamed of joining a monastery. His goal in life was to become a monk. So one day he went to a monastery and talked to the head monk and said, “What more

  • Have No Fear, God Is Here! Series

    Contributed by Nate Barbour on Jan 22, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    A vibrant tale of Joshua and Caleb’s fearless feat of entering Canaan.

    “No Fear” Series Have No Fear, God Is Here! Fear Not 10/2/02 I. Introduction No Fear T-shirts a. I’ve Never Lost (but I have been a little behind when time ran out) b. It’s not the pace of life that scares me. It’s the sudden stop at the end. II. What is Fear? a. Anxiety caused by real or more

  • How Negitive People Can Affect A Positive World

    Contributed by Dean Meadows on Apr 27, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a sermon that deals with the negitive affects on people and the dangers that come with it.

    How Negative People Can Affect A Positive World Deuteronomy 1:20-34 Many of you have came to me and said, “I’ve got a question for you”. For those of you who have, you know what my reply is, “true”. The problem with that answer is that I have not even heard the question yet. I simply want to try more

  • Negative Ninnies And Nincompoops

    Contributed by Sam Peters on Feb 28, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    A contemporary message on dealing with negative people and those that keep you from being the Pastor, teacher, Christian God is calling you to be.

    Negative Ninnies and Nincompoops Deut 1:8 8 See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers — to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — and to their descendants after them." 19 Then, as the LORD our God commanded us, we set out from more

  • The Disaster Of Spiritual Discouragement

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jun 19, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as an intoxicated person will exhibit certain characteristics, even so, those who are spiritually discouraged will exhibit some disturbing responses to life.

    THE DISASTER OF SPIRITUAL DISCOURAGEMENT Text: Num.13: 21-25; Deut.1: 24-28 Intro: Discouragement is certainly no stranger to any of us. It is a malady that plagues everyone at some time or the other. As a matter of fact, one might even say that occasional discouragement is a natural part more

  • How To Make God Angry

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Unbelief makes God angry. Moses saw that personally in Exodus 4:1-14 and among the people of Israel in Deut 1:26-36. Cultivate a willingness to trust and a readiness to obey.

    RECAP – Romans 8:28-30 • God is concern with our CHARACTER, more than our comfort or our competence. Your character is what you will take into eternity. • He is restoring us to back to His perfect and glorious image and therefore He uses every experience we have on earth to do more

  • Our Brethren Have Discouraged Our Heart

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on May 6, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    “But I determined this with myself, that I would not come again to you in heaviness,” - 2 Corinthians 2:1. We can learn a lesson from Paul when he wrote and told the Corinthians that he was determined not to come to them again in heaviness! HOW RELIEVED O

    “OUR BRETHREN HAVE DISCOURAGED OUR HEART” Text: Deuteronomy 1: 19-32 Life is hard for all of us. We all have a load that we carry, and most of us would believe that our own burden is heavier than that of others. If one could lay his burden in a heap with those of others and then, more

  • Back To The Basics

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jun 28, 2010

    Inspired by a message from Andy Stanley at the 2010 SBC Pastors conference, this message helps us examine the state of the church in AMERICA today.

    BACK TO THE BASICS Deut. 1:19-46 / Acts 15 * Most all of us remember the story of the Children of Israel and their Exodus from Egyptian Captivity. We recall that God had ‘given’ them a land flowing with milk and honey. Additionally, we know that because of unbelief, disobedience, and employing more