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Sermons on Acts 1:1-18:

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  • They Went Up

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Aug 17, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    Not everybody that comes in goes up, Find out who they are and whether or not you want to be in that crowd

    Acts 1:12-13 Lu 24:49 Jesus tells his disciples to tarry in Jerusalem until they be endued with power from on high. Acts 1:8 Jesus tells his disciples, Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you,....... Acts 1:9-11 As Jesus ascends into heaven his disciples stand watching his more

  • The Plan

    Contributed by Dan Borchert on Aug 30, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    We need to have a plan when in comes to missions, in this passage God give us a plan

    The Plan! Acts 1:8 Introduction A. I love Strategy games. I think they are the best. I can not tell you how many times I have stayed up really really late planing a strategic game. For example, if you ever wonder what future pastors did while they were in college I will let you in a little more

  • Can I Get A Witness

    Contributed by T Marshall on Sep 1, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    Well receive evangelistic message preached to wide ranged age group.

    Can I Get A Witness ?? ( before i get started i want to read a passage out of 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 ever since i surrendered to the call to preach this has been my motto, my guideline " And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit more

  • Gospel Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Ed Mcneely on Sep 14, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    The Holy Spirit, like a powerline makes the Gospel of Jesus Christ come alive. It, too, is a timeline on which to hang all the epistles.

    GOSPEL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: Our Christ, our responsibility 9-1-02 Acts 1:1-15 Join me today in the Book of Acts. Luke started this book … for at least two reasons: · First, as an extension of the Gospel of Luke … that presented Jesus as the Christ … and told of his life and teachings… and · Second, more

  • Converted But Not Changed!

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Sep 18, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    A sermon that goes through the basic step of Spiritual growth, and challenges the saved to move into a deeper walk with God.

    Converted But Not Changed! Pastor Glenn Newton March 17, 2002 Acts 1:4-5; 7-9; 2:1-4 This morning’s message is an important one, I’ve been wrestling with it for a while and I Need God’s help this morning to help me deliver it effectively. Let me tell you why it’s more

  • How To Turn The World Upside Down

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    The Book of Acts tells how the Gospel spread throughout the world, turning the Roman Empire upside down, what can we learn from it?

    Acts: How to turn the World Upside Down for Jesus Many times we see how good intending people attempt to change their community with the Gospel, go into not knowing exactly what to do. In reading through the Book of Acts we see how the early church impacted their world turning it upside down more

  • Fulfilling God's Mission For Your Life

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Feb 24, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    God the Father sent His Son, Jesus on a mission to our world. Jesus called 12 men to follow Him. For three plus years Jesus poured his life into his disciples and then he was arrested, crucified, rose again and then ascended into heaven. Prior to his a

    -Fulfilling God’s Mission for Your Life- Acts 1:8 “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The story is told about God in heaven and an angel comes up and God says: “My plan is to give the Good News to My children on earth and ask them more

  • Showers Of Blessings Series

    Contributed by Tom Mccrossan on Feb 28, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    Sermon outline for Ascension Sunday. From Christ’s present position at the Father’s right hand of power He rains down blessings upon His people.

    SHOWERS OF BLESSING Acts 1:1-11 This is Ascension Sunday. Christ reigns now at the Father’s right hand. This is the basic meaning of the Ascension. From Christ’s position at the Father’s side, He rains down blessings upon His people. A. Christ Won the Decisive Battle on the Cross and Reigns more

  • How To Turn Around Your Church

    Contributed by Kevin Keeling on Mar 19, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    How To Turn Around Your Church

    How To Turn Around Your Church 1 George Barna 1996 A. Interdiction 50-75 churches close their doors each week. What kind of impact is our church we having on are Community? B. The benefits of studying church decline To see what has happen to other churches so that we can see the success and more

  • Living In The Power Zone Series

    Contributed by Rick Adams on Mar 30, 2004
    based on 56 ratings

    Discovering the Champion in You Part 3. God doesn’t want us to "vacation" in His power, but live in it everyday. This message focuses on the power of the Holy Spirit that empowers every born again believer.

    INTRODUCTION For the past few weeks we have been looking at a short series entitled, “Discovering the Champion in You.” I believe that all of God’s children are destined to be champions of the faith. Often times we don’t feel like we are, but the reality is, God has declared us more than more

  • A Mighty Miracle On Mount Olivet

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on Apr 13, 2004
    based on 49 ratings


    A MIGHTY MIRACLE ON MOUNT OLIVET ACTS 1:9-12 When I was a boy I used to read Superman comic books. I remember when superman would fly up into the sky, he would say up , up and away. Of course that was not reality. But in our text, we see reality, actual history, when Jesus went back to Heaven. more

  • Many Infallible Proofs

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Apr 14, 2004
    based on 81 ratings

    The resurrection of our Lord Jesus is one of the best substantiated facts of human history...indeed by "many infallible proofs".

    MANY INFALLIBLE PROOFS " whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God." Acts 1:3 (NKJV) The resurrection of our Lord Jesus is one of the best substantiated more

  • The Ascension Of Our Lord Jesus

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Apr 16, 2004
    based on 65 ratings

    Our Lord Jesus died for our sins; arose bodily from the dead; ascended into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father; from whence He will come again in power and great glory.

    THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD JESUS “Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of more

  • Missions: The Heartbeat Of The Church

    Contributed by D Todd on Apr 22, 2004
    based on 56 ratings

    This message was designed to to introduce the concept of worldwide evangelization to new Christians and renew the fire of missions for others.

    We are going to discuss some things today that several of you will find very basic. Many of you will find this new information so I want you to remember several things. First of all remember that I am not crazy. The ideas and concepts presented here are not new neither do they originate with me. more

  • On The Way To The Upper Room

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Apr 24, 2004
    based on 55 ratings

    This sermon tends to illustrate the difficulty in becoming completely obedient to the command of total discipleship.

    Scripture: Acts 1:1 – 14 Title: “On The Way To The Upper Room” Introduction: This small group of men that had followed Jesus around for about three years stood and watched as Jesus disappeared up out of their sight as He began His trip back to heaven and the right hand of the Father. RINGING in more