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Sermons on 1 Samuel 17:1-52:

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  • There's Always Something Standing In The Way

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on May 5, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    This sermon deals with David & Goliath. Even though God Anoints us for special events, there will be problems in our lives to keep us from reaching what God has for us, but we can be victorious

    There’s Always Something Standing In The Way 5/5/2002 NLF 1 Samuel 17:1-50 1 Sam 17:1-30 Hebrews 12:1-3 1 Samuel 17:1-50 It would be great in life if the only thing necessary for us to get things was to just show up. What would it be like to go to school and say “I want a diploma and more

  • Facing Giant Problems In Our Familiy Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This message instructs believers to biblically deal with the problems they consider to be "GIANTS" in their home.

    “HAPPILY EVERY AFTER…” – PART FIVE JACK & THE BEANSTALK –- FIGHTING THE GIANT PROBLEMS FACING OUR FAMILIES 1 Samuel 17 • Larry L. Thompson (June, 2002) Introduction: There are many people these days that live in a family full of fear. Fearful of health problems, fearful of failure, fearful of more

  • And The Giants Keep Comming

    Contributed by Derrick Garth on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 492 ratings

    Youth inspiration

    The Giants Just Keep On Coming! I Samuel 17 D. P. Garth 1st night revival Bethlehem (Alabama) Song: I need thee Text: 1 Samuel 17 (We want to call your attention to this chapter and I urge that you read the entire chapter) However, because of the limitation of time and the length of the more

  • Losing The Battle To Win The War

    Contributed by Ryan Johnson on Jun 10, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    A easy alliterated outline that people remember on Monday. Story of winning life’s war

    Losing the Battle to Win the War 1 Samuel 17:28-54 (sorry Illustrations are not fleshed out) Intro: David said, “I want to fight God’s War, not his own battle. We may win momentary battles in life, but lose war (success, kids, marriage) How did David win the war... 1.) RECONGIZED THE REAL more

  • David And The Fiery Furnace

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon looks at the examples of David and the three Hebrew boys and finds four charateristics of Courage.

    I. Introduction a. Christians are in need of courage today. b. Nathan Hale epitomized courage when he said, “My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country.” c. We are all in the midst of a battle, and we need the courage to stand up for Jesus. d. We can look to a boy named more

  • Stand Courageously

    Contributed by Brent Williams on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    Giants come at us all through life. David’s example shows us how to deal with the Giants that try to attack our lives.

    Stand Courageously 1 Samuel 17 1-58 Giants come at us all through life. Some kill our enthusiasm for Christ. Some attack our attitudes and habits. Personal relationships, compromising situations, sinful additions become giants that taunt us day and night. The giants win one small battle and more

  • How You Can Be A Giant Slayer

    Contributed by Larry Horn on Jun 23, 2001
    based on 70 ratings

    This sermon helps Christians realize the importance of remembering their testimonies.

    Remember Your Testimony 1 Samuel 17: 32 - 37 Opening: The entire Israeli army was afraid to fight this giant. Goliath was great warrior and no one would accept his challenge. Goliath boasted and mocked God and His army. David was a young man, to small to fight. His father sent him to the more

  • Take Out Some Giants

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jul 1, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    This sermon deals with the need to face our problems and take them out in the same way David faced Goliath and took him out.

    Take Out Some Giants in 94 2/9/94 1 Sam 17:1-30 Ephe 6:10-18 1 Samuel 17:1-50 In our Old Testament reading, we met a young ordinary fellow who had a giant of a problem standing between him, and what God intended for him to come. Up to this point, he was just a more

  • How To Fight Your Fears. Series

    Contributed by Lynn Floyd on Jul 6, 2001
    based on 319 ratings

    I describe what fear does to a person then talk about how to fight those fears.

    How To Fight Fear July 7, 2001 New Community Church Intro: We have been talking about things that rob your joy these past few weeks. There are all kinds of things that rob the joy in our lives at any given moment. For instance, you get up in the middle of the night to go to the kitchen for some more

  • A Sling And A Stone Series

    Contributed by Richard Maxey on Jul 8, 2001
    based on 63 ratings

    If I am going to defeat the Goliaths in my life: 1. I must be trained to trust God 2. I must be trustworthy in the small things 3. I must testify t what God has done.

    A SLING AND A STONE Heroes of Faith – Part 1 of 8 So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down Goliath and killed him. (1 Samuel 17:50) If I am to defeat the “Goliaths” in my life: 1. I must be ___trained_______ to trust God. Your more

  • Overcomers

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Apr 18, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    Just like in the life of David, obstacles will come our way, but how will we overcome our obstacles and struggles, the giants of our lives?

    “OVERCOMERS” I SAMUEL 17: 41-51 JANUARY 14, 2001 INTRODUCTION: What was your New Years Resolution? Congregational response: New Years Resolutions are really about overcoming Life struggles/Life Obstacles. Church Struggles are just the same. They are opportunities to overcome. TRANSITION more

  • Showdown In The Sanctuary

    Contributed by Charles Trout on May 25, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    A young boys affection for Western Pictures turns into an illustration of the showdown between David and Goliath. Our Churches are following the scripts of the old serial western films and the characters are identified!

    My Father grew up in the early Fifties and like most youngsters Saturday afternoons found him at the theater for the matinee which usually consisted of the great westerns of the time. These westerns have been a part my growing up as well. My Father’s terminology for a good western movie is a more

  • Where Are They?

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 29, 2001
    based on 144 ratings

    A sermon for "Men’s Day" asking the question "Where are the men in our churches?".

    WHERE ARE THEY? 1 SAMUEL 17:32-52 Introduction: 1. As a small boy, I can remember all of the noises and shadows I saw at night. a. I would be laying in bed and the tree outside my window would brush upon my window and the shadow of that tree would look as if someone was coming more

  • Lessons To Help You Fight Giants Series

    Contributed by Michael Cassara on Sep 8, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    Learn from King David how you can overcome the giants in your life.

    SEEKING GOD FAITHFULLY- A LOOK AT THE LIFE OF DAVID Message #3 Lessons To Help You Fight Giants 1 Samuel 17 INTRODUCTION It was February of 1980. A group of 12 American amateur hockey players took the ice in Lake Placid NY to face the toughest and best hockey team in the world, the more

  • Slaying The Giants In Our Lives

    Contributed by Bud Martenn on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 295 ratings

    Giants do not go away, they have to be faced and defeated

    Num.13:26-14:11; I Sam.17:3-4; II Sam.21:15-22 1. A Giant is anything that STANDS between you and God’s plan for you 2. A Giant is anything that SEEMS bigger than you and your desire to serve the Lord 3. A Giant is that which is STRONGER than us and cannot be faced alone I. THE TRUTH more