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Sermons on 1 Kings 16:29-21:29:

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  • Faith's Power Amidst Testing Times

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    How God used Elijah’s faith to demonstrate His mighty power to skeptics

    How God used Elijah’s faith to demonstrate His mighty power to skeptics Elijah’s Contest – I Kings 18 Illustration:Dr. B.J. Miller once said, "It is a great deal easier to do that which God gives us to do, no matter how hard it is, than to face the responsibilities of not doing it." Today In more

  • Where Is God?

    Contributed by Brent Williams on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 134 ratings

    There is no need to wonder where God is. God is on the mountain, in the fire, and in the water. God is here for you and I. How can we find Him?

    Where’s God? Two young lads had terrorized their neighborhood with their pranks and thefts. The parents didn’t know what to do and finally with the assistance of their minister, it was decided that the clergy would intervene and attempt to straighten out the boys. The more

  • Patience And Its Purposes

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 8, 2001
    based on 57 ratings

    To lead the people to understand some of the benefits of patience as given by God and used for His purposes.

    Unit 14 – Patience Lesson 38 – Elijah, The Little Cloud and the Great Rain – I Kings18:41-46 Preparation for the Teacher 1. Aim: To lead the people to understand some of the benefits of patience as given by God and used for His purposes. 2. Explanation of the Aim: Elijah teaches us some of the more

  • Victory On Mount Carmel

    Contributed by Maurice Brown on Jun 18, 2001
    based on 77 ratings

    How one godly man stood against the forces of evil, and triumphed!

    INTRODUCTION A. Elijah was one of the greatest of all the OT prophets 1. During the dark and difficult days of King Ahab and Jezebel he was a voice in the wilderness and light in the sp. darkness that existed 2. He was willing to stand in the gap for God when it was needed most. more

  • There Are Great Lengths To God's Love

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Jun 21, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    shows how God is willing to put to death and bring to life just to strengthen faith

    June 24, 2001 1 Kings 17:17-24 17 Some time later the son of the woman who owned the house became ill. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. 18 She said to Elijah, “What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?” 19 “Give me more

  • The Cost Of Discipleship.

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Jun 24, 2001
    based on 67 ratings

    Year C. Fourth Sunday after Pentecost July 1st, 2001, 1 Kings 19: 15-16, 19-21 Title: “The cost of discipleship.”

    Year C. Fourth Sunday after Pentecost July 1st, 2001, 1 Kings 19: 15-16, 19-21 Title: “The cost of discipleship.” In chapter nineteen, Elijah has taken to the hills in flight from the wrath of Jezebel who has put out a contract on his life. She blamed him for killing her prophets of her god, Baal, more

  • God Is Our Lifeguard

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on Jun 25, 2001
    based on 70 ratings

    God is the ultimate lifeguard because he saves us from eternal death and he is always on duty.

    The series “Baywatch” has ended after almost a decade of being on television. How many here are familiar with the show “Baywatch”? Supposedly it was about the lives of life guards on the beaches of California (but in all reality it was more about scantily clad men and women running on the beach). more

  • Dios Es Nuestro Salvavidas

    Contributed by Andrew Schroer on Jun 25, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    Dios es el mejor salvavidas que hay porque nos ha rescatado de la muerte eterna y porque nunca abandona su puesto.

    La serie “Baywatch” (Guardianes de la bahía) se ha terminado después de casi una década en la televisión. ¿Han visto esa seria? Supuestamente trataba de la vida de un grupo de salvavidas en California, pero en realidad trataba más de personas bonitas corriendo en trajes de baño. Pero en la vida more

  • How God Provides In A Drought Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 374 ratings

    Journey to the ’Cherith Brook’ as God gives Elijah (and us) 5 instructions for getting out of a drought!

    How God Provides in a Drought… The question I want to start out with this morning is..."What do you need more of?" "What is it this morning that you find you have a shortage of? "Maybe you don’t have a shortage of water more

  • Not For Sale

    Contributed by Jeeva Sam on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 191 ratings

    Some things in life are simply not for sale.

    You can tell that the season of summer is here, if not by the traditional signs such as higher temperatures, at least by the signs of garage sales popping up all over the place. Has anyone been to any yet? Has anyone hosted one yet? Picture this. There you are, keeping one eye on the more

  • To Be Or Not Be

    Contributed by Colin Mcgeer on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 8 ratings

    Rather than Judging stand in the gap as a person of mercy interceding for salvation.

    TO BE OR NOT TO BE! WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY? 1 Kings 19 The LORD Speaks to Elijah But the LORD said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 10 Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the LORD God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and more

  • Abundance

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Jun 28, 2001
    based on 110 ratings

    God desires for us to live in abundance. But what does that mean? How do we manifest abundance in our life?

    Abundance 1 Kings 17  God has intended for us to live life in abundance. John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.  What does abundance mean? • dense • more

  • Come Out Of The Cave!

    Contributed by David Smith on Jul 2, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    A challenge to come out of the places we feel safe or hidden and tackle what God has planned for our lives.

    Come out of the cave!! 1 Kings 19:9-12 1 - I give up! A - Living For God can make you feel alone - none left but me Lord. 1- right choices with friends (lost friends) 2 - right choices on job (may cost you acceptance) 3 - right choices in world ( may keep you from fitting in) B - God’s plan more

  • God Of The Mountain, And The Valley Too!

    Contributed by James May on Jul 11, 2001
    based on 108 ratings

    God’s Love and His power are with his children whether we are on the mountaintop or in the valley deep. He is Jehovah-Nissi!

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • Using Power Evangelism In Cross - cultural Communications

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 11, 2001
    based on 10 ratings

    Cross-cultural communicators, in the past, have sadly neglected the issue of spiritual-power thinking that the use of reasonable Christianity is the best way to produce change. However, in most non-western societies, the issue of power is central to most

    USING POWER EVANGELISM IN CROSS -CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS Illustration;About 40 percent of Americans characterize the nation’s moral values as "poor" and 41 percent say the state of moral values is "only fair." Only 18 percent rank the situation as "good" or "excellent." Weekly church attendees had more