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Sermons on 1 Kings 1:48:

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  • Promises To Keep Before I Sleep Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 18, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    As young people we make many naive promises, which are diluted by the demands of the day. But God sends people to intervene with the truth, so that at the end we are able to praise Him for the grace that helps us feel some degree of fulfillment.

    The shouts of today are so loud that I do not hear the echoes of yesterday, nor do I listen to the faint whispers of tomorrow. All I really know is what is clamoring in my ear right here, right now. That makes me lose perspective. The shouts of today are so insistently loud that I do not hear more

  • The Past Has No Future Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Nov 15, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Kings of Judah, Part 1: "Solomon" - Sermon 1

    THE PAST HAS NO FUTURE (1 KINGS 1:11-22, 41-53) I went to my psychiatrist to be psychoanalyzed, To find out why I killed the cat and blacked my husband’s eyes. He laid me on a downy couch to see what he could find, And here’s what he dredged up from my subconscious mind. When I was one, my mommie more

  • Finishing Strong Series

    Contributed by Alan Tison on May 21, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Good starts are good, but the important thing is to finish well, this is what we learn from the life of David

    INTRODUCTION, Have you ever noticed in life that a good start isn’t always enough. Now there is nothing wrong with a good start mind you, but it is often not enough to get us to the finish line, or to the winners circle. And if you don’t believe me, ask the Atlanta Braves who won the first 2 games more

  • Promises To Keep Before I Sleep

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 8, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    We find it difficult to keep promises because we are focused on dealing with today’s issues. We back off our commitments to God because they are hard, but we can receive help from accountability partners, and can know joy and fulfillment.

    To be a saint is not to be perfect; to be a saint is to be someone who makes promises and keeps them. Sainthood is not some magic status, conferred by the church for merit or miracles; sainthood is ordinary people living in extraordinary faithfulness, making promises and keeping them. Did you more

  • Lust For Power - Adonijah Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Aug 19, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a fierce lust for power in every sphere of life these days, that includes the Christian circle as well.

    Adonijah ! 1 King 1:50”Now Adonijah was afraid of Solomon; so he arose, and went and took hold of the horns of the altar.” There is a fierce lust for power in every sphere of life these days, that includes the Christian circle as well. The society is awash with brazen disregard for more

  • The Horns Of The Altar

    Contributed by Darin Gary on Sep 25, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Adonijah sought mercy and forgiveness while gripping the horns of the altar of sacrifice in the tabernacle. King Solomon had mercy upon his step-brother Adonijah. However...

    The Horns of the Altar (1 Kings 1:47-53) “…the king’s servants have gone to bless our lord King David, saying: ‘May God make the name of Solomon better than your name, and may He make his throne greater than your throne’ Then, the king bowed himself on the bed. [48] Also, the king said thus: more

  • Promises To Keep Before I Sleep Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 4, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    We make promises to God but do not keep them because we let life overwhelm us, but if we listen to those who care for us, they will bring us back to our promises.

    The shouts of today are so loud that I do not hear the echoes of yesterday, nor do I listen to the faint whispers of tomorrow. All I really know is what is clamoring in my ear right here, right now. That makes me lose perspective. The shouts of today are so insistently loud that I do not hear the more

  • The Complications Of Neglect Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Dec 7, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Although doing nothing can sometimes be the best choice, more often people do nothing, not out of choice, but out of fear, neglect, or procrastination; as a result, others needlessly suffer.

    The Complications of Neglect (I Kings 1) Reception Grade (how my people responded; alertness, compliments, relevance, etc.): A+ 1. One of the lowest feelings in life is when we create problems for other people. 2. Back when I was in college…ECAP…Jim typed up key punch cards….one computer for more

  • David's Son Solomon Anointed As King Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Mar 12, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    First Kings 1:11-53 shows us the coronation of God's king.

    Scripture We are coming to the conclusion in our study of “The Life of David.” In the final days of his life, David’s son Adonijah set himself up as the new king over all Israel. That prompted a crisis because God’s choice for David’s successor was not David’s son Adonijah but David’s other son more