Satan Wages A War In Heaven Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 27, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: This message seeks to uncover more of Satan’s motive and his reactions to God's holiness. It is important to know God's word, and the end times events, so we are united in the truth vs. man-made assumptions.
Alpha and Omega, Part 37, Revelation Part 14
Satan Wages a War in Heaven
Revelation 12:7-17
- Been studying Revelation together, to understand God’s plan for creation
-- This is the continuation of our Alpha and Omega series since January
-- REM: Redemption of sin has been provided through Jesus; we have a choice
- Last week, we discussed: The Woman, The Dragon, and The Child
-- These 3 represent: Israel, Satan, and Jesus Christ
-- A great battle and war over Israel will be fought in Heaven
-- RE: The struggle for all souls occurs in the spiritual realm
- KEY: The fight for Israel is one that God is willing to fight
-- He has provided a place of safety for Gentiles - found in Jesus, the Messiah
-- He has also provided safety for His people, the children of Israel
- Here is God's promise to do this: Romans 11:25-26, "I want you to understand this mystery, dear brothers and sisters, so that you will not feel proud about yourselves. Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ. And so all Israel will be saved. As the Scriptures say, "The one who rescues will come from Jerusalem, and he will turn Israel away from ungodliness."
- Today we will uncover more of Satan’s motive and his reactions (teaching)
-- It is important to know so we are united in the truth vs. man-made assumptions
- Read Revelation 12:7-17 / Pray for understanding
- TR: BIG: When we speak of spiritual matters, we must use the bible to validate:
Point 1 – We must “Know thy enemy”!
- Let's ensure we refresh ourselves on who the enemy is ... lots of scrip. references
• He is the “god of this world”, 2 Corinthians 4:4
• He is the evil one, Matt 6:13
• He is the tempter, Matt 4:3
• He is called a lying spirit, 1 Kings 22:22
• He is the father of lies, John 8:44
• He is called the enemy, Matt 13:39
• He is called a murderer, John 8:44
• He is called Apollyon (destroyer), Rev 9:11
• He is called the wicked one, Matt 13:19
- Know this: Satan has two reasons for waging war against God:
1. His desire is to be worshiped (pride) – especially worshiped above God
- APP: He does this in three very specific, and very sinful, ways:
• He opposes and disturbs God's work
• He discourages believers through wicked strategies
• He provokes God's judgment by leading mankind to desire sinful things
2. His purpose is to attack and hurt God … through God's creation!
- Why? Because God has condemned him and cast him out of Heaven
-- His reactions/motives are simple to diagnose: Anger and Revenge
-- These things are not of God - they are sinful, they focus on "you"
-- APP: Carrying these around? Need to get rid of them before they control you!
- In God, we see the eternal deliverance of God's people through His Messiah
-- Jesus never once gave into the devil's temptations (rem: 3 of them)
• Satisfy personal need (hunger) - turn stones into bread
• Test God by forcing Him to act - jump off a cliff and be rescued
• Worship anyone but God - bow down and receive glory
- Also, Jesus destroyed the devil's power over death - He was not captive to it
-- How? By resurrecting, He defeated what Satan previously held dominion over
- APP: Because Jesus' victory was complete, in Him we can find the same
-- 1 John 4:4, "But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world."
- TR: So, if we know why Satan does these things, we can explain Chap. 12
-- Satan’s motives are why there is a war waged in the spiritual realm …
Point 2 – The Spiritual War in Heaven
- RE: The great war over Israel will be fought in Heaven (v7)
-- It is in the spiritual realm that the battle for souls takes place (not physical)
-- Israel will have to flee in order to survive, a place provided by God (v6)
- IMP: This war will be fought in a way that forever bars Satan from Heaven (v8)
-- Did you know scripture teaches God has assigned angels to look after believers?
-- Hebrews 1:14, "Therefore, angels are only servants - spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation."
- The bible also teaches there are ranks of angels, a hierarchy to their roles