
Summary: A breif sermon on sanctification. Justification is the work of God FOR us Sanctification is the work of God IN us Regeneration the impartation of a new Nature Sanctification in the destruction of the Old Nature

Sermon Our Sanctification

I Thes 4:3

Justification is the work of God FOR us

Sanctification is the work of God IN us

Regeneration the impartation of a new Nature

Sanctification in the destruction of the Old Nature

I. The Nature of Sanctification

a. A consecrating I Chron 29:5 –

i. The setting apart for a sacred use

ii. The Sabbath, A Building, a person etc

b. A cleansing I John 1:7

c. A filling Eph 5:18

d. It begins with the heart

i. It is called as such The adorning, the hidden man of the heart

e. It is entire

i. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL they heart…

ii. The very God of peace sanctify you wholly

iii. It affects our whole being – Body soul and spirit

1. All our actions thoughts, words and deeds

2. All our intercourse with God, Man and Satan

f. It is progressive

i. Compared to walking to Growth

II. The Necessity of Sanctification

a. God wills it and commands it

i. This is the will of God

ii. Be ye holy

b. Without it – None of Christ’s if any man have not the spirit of Christ .. etc

c. Without it no acceptable worship: Unto them that are defiled, nothing is pure

d. Without it no heaven – Without it no man shall see the Lord…. There shall enter nothing that defiles

III. The Evidences of Sanctification

a. Hatred of sin

b. Delight in the things of God – Prayer, Testimony, giving, Fervency of spirit

c. A Well ordered life. Be ye holy in all manner of conversation

IV. The Inducements of Sanctification

a. Renders us well pleasing to God

i. It is Gods will – This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased

ii. Secures highest attainments Peace Purity and Power

iii. Fits for highest fellowship, here and hereafter

iv. Prepares for the first resurrection

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