
Summary: My son found this letter I wrote to my students 44 years ago. Some of the words are powerful. I was leaving school teaching to pastor.

ROSE HILL: My son Josh found this 7/27/2024… 44 years after I wrote this.

My advice to you my students: (To the seventh grade class at Rose Hill, Virginia) 5/26/1980

I have taught you for one year, and you have been mine, but time calls us away. You will now go on to the next step in life’s ladder. I am changing my career to follow God’s leadership. While the time we face here has bitter-sweet emotions. We are just being promoted, you your way and me to my way. Life is a series of promotions, until the final call comes to take us home. That is one test I pray we are prepared and ready to face at all times.

My first point, I would suggest to you is to follow close to God. Read your Bible to learn and grow into spiritual maturity. Always find time to pray. See, prayer just means talking to God. Many times life will be cruel and you’ll need understanding, so pray about your problems and your blessings. Always be thankful. Attend a good Bible believing church and be faithful.

Next love your family, respect each one. Go out of your way to help. You must understand that your mom and dad are on your side. They love you and want the best for you. They are not perfect, but neither are you. Don’t argue and fuss back, you’ll just compound your problems. Don’t ever forget all the hours of hard work, sweat, worry and loss of sleep your mom and dad have given for you. Try not to fight constantly with your brothers and sisters. One day you will give anything just to see and talk to them. So treat them with all the love possible.

Thirdly, take your education as far as possible. If you would work as long as you watch television, you would make all A’s. You have great potential, but potential means very little unless you dare to be different. Even a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes work and determination to fight your way up stream. Don’t just sell out for passing grades, do your best and forget the rest.

Now, let’s look at you, you have a beautiful body. My how proud I was you at graduation night. Girls you were like pretty flowers, hey guys, you looked outstanding. If you don’t learn to treat your body right, you’ll get into deep trouble. Sex is not necessarily love. You can ruin your name and your life, if you can’t handle this. Don’t let someone use you and then when it is over you will feel so cheap. If you don’t respect yourself, why should anyone else? You’re so special, keep it that way. Don’t fall for the lie “everybody else does.” Remember you can’t hide, just because it is dark or you are far away, GOD SEES. IF YOU DO FALL GET UP AND GO AGAIN.

Next learn the two hardest words to say in the English language. The hardest word to say is a little word: “NO!” Learn how to say “NO…” and when to say “NO” and don’t be ashamed to say the little word: “NO!” The second hardest word to say is S-I-N! Sin stinks both to man and to God. Today, we try to call sin sickness or a little sin is OK. The more you stay away from sin the better you’ll be.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT WORD IS love. My students perhaps you will not understand this but I love you so much. You were mine! Sometimes you were a headache, you just didn’t understand what I was trying to teach you. Maybe you were lazy or inconsiderate. I have loved you! I HAVE PRAYED FOR YOU. So love is the only thing that I can give away and still have more. Thank you for loving me back. Sometimes teaching is so hard and students and parents don’t understand the lesson. You have returned my love. Always love, even when you won’t get anything back for it. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!

Please don’t do as many do as you get older and start drinking, smoking, using drugs and using your body. I have done all I could to help you, now you leave me as a baby bird flies from the nest. I worry over your future for I don’t know what the future holds for you and what you have for the future. But I know the God that holds us and I commit you, my students to His care.

Perhaps the word I hate the most is “GOODBYE.” In this world, it seems like I am always saying: “GOODBYE.” “GOODBYE SEEMS SO FINAL.” I GUESS THAT WILL BE ONE OF THE BEST THINGS ABOUT HEAVEN. For on heavens shore there will never be a goodbye. Heaven will be worth it all. So meet me there. I will not live in a trailer there. I have a mansion and so do you. If you claim it. So until we meet again at Jesus’ feet, I will pray for you and please pray for me.

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