
Summary: James is going to make the case that we are not saved by good works but once we are born again good works will be the natural response to our love and gratitude to God.

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James: Practical Faith 

James 2:14-26

Pastor Jefferson M. Williams

Chenoa Baptist Church 


Where’s the Fruit?

I once had a conversation with a guy in his 20s. I’ve known him since he was a little kid. He went to church every week, Christian school, said a prayer in 5th grade, student ministry every week. He said he was a Christian.

But as we talked, it became clear there was absolutely evidence of Jesus in his life now. He had no interest in reading his Bible, (boring), going to church (stupid), or loving God’s people (hypocrites).

As I listened, he suddenly stopped and said, “I bet you think I’m not a Christian.” I swallowed hard and said, “Just because you had a Christian mom, doesn’t make you a Christian. Just because you went to church or was baptized or attended Christian school doesn’t make you a Christian. And just because you prayed someone else’s prayer in 5th grade doesn’t mean you are born again.

He smiled and said something I couldn’t believe. He said, “i think you are right Jeff.” So I walked him through the Gospel and challenged him to have a real conversation with Jesus about the destiny of his soul.

He shook his head and said that he wasn’t interested right now. Too much “fun” to be had while he was young.

As he drove away, my heart was so heavy because I knew where he had learned that kind of “faith.” His father would tell you that he was a Christian yet committed adultery on his wife multiple times with multiple women and was basically known as a conman and a liar.

In American Christianity, many times we turn the work of the Spirit into a little formula. I know of a church that if the kids in Sunday school said the “sinner's” prayer, they got cookies. Many of them prayed the prayer every week just to get cookies.

?On the surface that seems sweet, but it is deadly dangerous. Because then they grow up and will tell you that they are Christians because of a prayer they said when they were 5 years old, no matter how little fruit their is in their lives.

And that’s what James is going to focus on in this section - the fruit of our salvation.

This is the most controversial section in the book of James. It is because of the verses we will study this morning Martin Luther called James the epistle of straw.

The Text in Context

In chapter one, James focuses on how God uses trials and temptations to strengthen our faith and shape our character.

In chapter two, he shifted gears to our behavior as Christians - particularly the ridiculous practice of showing favoritism to rich people who came to their meetings, while looking down on the poor. James exposes their motives and shows that their behavior should line up with what they say they believe.

Please turn with me to James 2 in your copy of God’s Word.


Talk is Cheap

James begins this section with a bone to pick with his readers.

Look at verse 14.

“What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?” (v. 14) 

James has already told us his thoughts on the kind of behavior that should be exhibited by Christians - keeping a tight rein on the tongue, looking after orphans and widows, and keeping one from being polluted by the world.

James addresses his audience and asked them what benefit it is to keep talking about having faith if there are no deeds to back it up.

Rich Mullins wrote a song describing this:

It's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine

Faith without works baby it just ain't happenin'

One is your right hand one is your left

It's your light your guide your life and your breath

Faith without works is like a song you can't sing

It's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine."

It’s like having a driver's license but have no interest in driving.

Eugene Peterson paraphrases James question this way,

“Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere. In this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it?”

There was a problem between some of his readers’ words and actions and James was preparing to call them out.

He asked, “Can such a faith save you?” The answer to this in James mind is a resounding no.

He’s going to give four case studies to prove his point.

Case Study #1 - Good Luck

“Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.  If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” (v. 15-16) 

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