
Revive Your Spiritual Passion

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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A sermon focusing on reigniting our spiritual passion and commitment.

Title: Keep the Fire Burning


If you have a fireplace at home, you know that you can't just light a fire and expect it to burn continuously without any attention. You need to periodically stoke the fire to keep it burning. Similarly, if we don't give constant attention to our spiritual gifts, they will diminish over time. We must "stir up" the gifts that God has given us.

In this sermon, we will explore the importance of discovering, using, and developing the talents and abilities that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Just as Paul encouraged Timothy to stir up his gift, we too need to heed this counsel and apply it in our own lives.

I. Discover Your Gift

Every Christian has been given a spiritual gift by the Lord. It is crucial for us to discover this gift and use it for His glory. The Bible provides guidance on various spiritual gifts, such as administration, discernment, evangelism, exhortation, faith, giving, healing, hospitality, knowledge, leadership, mercy, prophecy, serving, teaching, and wisdom. By studying these passages and seeking God's guidance through prayer, we can uncover our spiritual gifts.

II. Use Your Gift

Once we have discovered our gift, we must actively use it to serve the Lord. Our gifts are not meant for our own glory but for the advancement of God's Kingdom. We should evangelize the lost, edify fellow believers, and exalt our Savior through the use of our gifts. It is important to remember that our gifts come from the Lord and that He empowers us through the Holy Spirit for service.

III. Cultivate Your Gift

Using our gifts is not enough; we must also continuously develop and cultivate them. By seizing opportunities to employ our gifts, we become more familiar with them and better equipped to use them effectively. Just as natural talents improve with practice, spiritual gifts also require cultivation. This process involves cooperation with God and a willingness to walk through the doors He opens for us.

IV. Guard Your Gift

As we use our gifts, opposition and challenges will arise. We may face persecution, criticism, or discouragement. It is crucial to guard our gifts and protect them from being extinguished. Satan will try to undermine our faith and discourage us from using our gifts. However, God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control. We must remain steadfast, unashamed of our testimony, and willing to endure suffering for the sake of the Gospel.


In conclusion, each of us possesses a spiritual gift that God has given us. It is our responsibility to discover, use, cultivate, and guard these gifts for His glory. Let us not neglect the gifts that God has bestowed upon us but instead fan the flame and keep the fire burning. By doing so, we can serve Him faithfully, impact others for His Kingdom, and bring glory to His name.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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