Rev. # 37~11:11-19 The Two Witnesses Raised Series
Contributed by William D. Brown on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Here in Rev.11: we’ve been reading about how Moses and Elijah tormented the earth dwellers for the 1st three and ½ years of the 7 year tribulation through the power of God, in that the rain was with held and different kinds of plagues was directed on the
Rev. # 37~11:11-19 THE TWO WITNESSES RAISED 1-9-10
Here in Rev.11: we’ve been reading about how Moses and Elijah tormented the earth dwellers for the 1st three and ½ years of the 7 year tribulation through the power of God, in that the rain was with held and different kinds of plagues was directed on the earth dwellers as it so pleased the two witnesses, they were unstoppable so long as it pleased the Lord.—{remember, earth dwellers are the lost people that were left behind on earth after the rapture of the True Church}.
Because these two witnesses testify for God, they will be hated by the ungodly. But they will be invincible and immortal until their ministry is completed.
Then finally when they had finished their testimony God allowed the beast, “that is the antichrist” who ascends out of the bottomless pit to kill them, and the earth dwellers were so glad and happy about their death that the world over begin to have big parties, making merry, sending gifts to one another in celebration, their calloused hearts and worldly minds were so corrupted and hardened that they didn’t even allow their dead bodies to be buried. {I told you, and read scripture why we believe the beast, “antichrist” will be Judas Iscariot as he hung himself and went to his own place.}
Lets keep in mind that the entire world is seeing their dead bodies as they lay in the street of Jerusalem as it is beamed all around the world by satellite as people are viewing it on their Televisions.
Ø Think about this; John was writing about televisions and had no idea what it meant, but being Gods prophet he pinned it down just like it was given to him. –“Revelation” is the only book of prophecy in the N.T.
There are many prophetic statements but there’s only one complete book of prophecy in the N.T.
With satanic cunning and deception, the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit has won over the masses to himself.
Ø The three days and a half of verse 9 are obviously intended to be literal days.
Listen as I read verse 11 of chapter 11: here in our Revelation study.
11And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
I want to point something out about these “3 ½ days”, whether it has any great significants or not I’m not sure, but the thought come to me that these 3 ½ days would be according to the Jewish days, John was a Jew, and the Jewish day begins at sun set and starts a new day the next sunset, the reason their calendar is not like ours is because the Jews look at the day beginning at “evening” because God does.
In each of the new days of creation God said,
Genesis 1:5--And the evening and the morning were the first day. And He does so with each new day of creation.—unlike ours starting at mid night each night.
We’re told in verse 7 that the beast shall over come the two witnesses and kill them, and then in verse 9 we’re told that people the world over shall see their dead bodies for 3 ½ days lying in the street.
So we read here in verse 11- And after three days and an half –
So they will have to lie in the street for 3 ½ complete days, not 3 days, not 3 ¼ days, the scripture says 3 1/2 days.
This seems to me that the “two witnesses” are killed about sunset and are raised from the dead after 3 sunsets and about 12 hours later at sunrise. —3 ½ days. –Jewish time scale--
Israels clock is 7 hours ahead of us here on the east coast, so when they are killed there in Jerusalem it will be about 6:o clock in the evening there, and about 11: A.M. here.
If they are raised from the dead at about 6:A.M. there, {the ½ day} it will be 11:P.M. here on the east coast.
It reminds us of the fact that Jesus had to be in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights, not 2 ½ days, as a lot of people count it to be. They try and place His crucifixion on what is known as “good Friday”. –There’s no way to get 3 days and 3 nights from Friday to Sunday morning.
Jesus had to be in the tomb for 3 complete days and 3 complete nights in order to fulfill prophecy about His burial and Resurrection.
Jesus said in
Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.