Return Of Christ Series
Contributed by Paul Clemente on Feb 12, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: If you truly believe in Jesus Christ and that He can return to earth for you at any moment, what should your attitude be?
Please open your bibles to the Gospel of Luke Chapter 17.
We noted a few weeks back that Luke 17 focuses on faith.
Faith can move deeply rooted trees and even mountains.
Faith can do miracles! Faith is powerful!
In our passage today we will note that faith will heal!
How is our faith?
In your heart right now, on a scale of 1-10, how is your faith in Jesus Christ??
A faith of 10 can move mountains!!
Our commitment for this new year should be “Lord, increase my faith!”
What is faith? We already noted from the beginning of Luke 17:1-10:
1. Faith is believing in truths, not lies!
2. Faith is love in action!
3. Faith is humility under God!
Faith is living God’s truths in a loving way. Faith is based on truths, love in action, and humility!
Luke 17:11-37 gives us more insight to what faith is.
I preached before from Luke 11-19 for Thanksgiving, but let us read it again and note the message on faith…..
And so we note that faith will heal even those who are not thankful.
Ten lepers came to Jesus for healing. After following Jesus’ instructions, the ten were healed BUT only one came back to Jesus to give thanks. We note that the one who gave thanks was praised by Jesus and the only one for sure completely healed.
Faith which gives thanks to Jesus Christ is assured by God!!
How often do we give thanks to Jesus Christ?
As Christians living in faith, we should be giving thanks to Jesus Christ constantly!
What else can we learn from Luke 17? Let us continue to read v20-37….
There are two major things we can note about faith in this passage. First of all, the Jews were looking for a Reigning Messiah but Jesus said in v25….
And so, we add to our faith a belief in the suffering Messiah.
Faith is belief in Messiah Jesus Christ who suffered and died for man’s sins!
And what does v26-37 tell us? Jesus proclaimed that He is the Suffering Messiah who will die but rise from the dead, go back to heaven, BUT, will come back to earth one day to take His Believers completely to heaven!
And look again at v34-35…..
How quickly will Jesus take His Believers??
Jesus can come back to earth at any time now and He will take His Believers in a flash!
Faith is belief in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to earth!
Now, there can be many interpretations of v37, but I believe Jesus was basically proclaiming His death, resurrection, and return to earth.
Now, if you truly believe in Jesus Christ and that He can return to earth for you at any moment, what should your attitude be?
- Look for Him always
- Be aware of your doings and goings (Where will Jesus find you?
What will you be doing when He Jesus shows up for you?)
- Be comforted in spite of troubles around you (lean on Him)
- Have a sense of urgency in sharing the Gospel to people
And so, in summary, how we are to apply these Biblical principles?
May you and I commit to doing the following:
1. Pray daily, “Lord, increase my faith!”
Faith is living God’s truths in a loving way.
This of course is Basic Practical Christianity: Pray always, Daily study the Bible, Yield to God the Holy Spirit who will give you godly fruit!
How are you and I really doing with these basics?
2. Give thanks to Jesus Christ constantly!
3. Always look for the return of Jesus Christ for you!
Anticipate the appearance of Jesus Christ!
Say everyday, “Jesus can come for me today!”
And so,
4. Take comfort that Jesus can take you to heaven at any moment!
In other words, always rest on Jesus Christ with everything!
Health concerns… see a doctor but wholly trust on Jesus
Financial concerns…. see an advisor but…..
Social concerns…. be involved but…
Relational concerns….. do your part but….
All concerns….. wholly trust on Jesus!
5. Be sensitive to the time left for people to believe in Jesus Christ!
When we relate to people, do we really think about where they will spend eternity?
Time as we know it is running out, be sensitive to what will happen to your relatives and friends when Jesus appears!!