
Summary: Sermon on Resolutions based on the Bible

Resolutions of Bible Characters

Ecclesiastes 5:4


Resolution Time Again

Resolutions are limited

Doing Better cannot save us

Works don not commend us to God

The Value of Resolutions

It is good to set goals for ourselves

Resolutions of Bible Characters

Let’s examine some Bible Resolutions

I. Jacob’s Resolution to Give His Tithe (Gen. 28:22)

a. Conditions under with the resolution was made

i. Jacob fleeing from Esau because he has defrauded him

b. Some thoughts about tithing

i. Abraham commenced it (Gen 14:20)

ii. Jacob continued it (Gen. 28:22)

iii. Malachi commanded it (Mal. 3:10)

iv. Jesus commended it (Matt. 23:23)

c. Does tithing apply to Christians?

i. It is clear we are to give a portion of our income (I Cor 16:22)

ii. Notice that tithing began before the law was given

d. This is one of the easiest places to let down

e. It also is one of the most practical areas to prove faith

f. Note the challenge of Malachi 3:10

II. David’s Resolutions concerning God’s Word (Psalms 119:15-16)

a. “I will meditate in thy precepts”

i. The importance of meditating on God’s Word

ii. “For as he thinketh in his heart so is he” (Prov. 23:7)

iii. Taking God’s Word into our minds on a regular basis

b. “I will delight myself in thy statues”

i. Not to be drudgery, but daily delight

ii. Like a love letter from the Lord

c. “I will not forget they word”

i. This calls for memorization

ii. Memorization of the Bible is no just for children

iii. Why not begin to memorize verses each week this year?

d. The value of a resolve to read the Bible through this year

i. 4 Chapters a day gets us through the Bible in a year

ii. Reading 3 chapters on weekdays and 5 on Sunday will also cover the whole Bible in a year.

III. Daniel’s Resolution concerning a clean life (Daniel 1:8)

a. The testimony of a teenager (about 15 years old

i. His county was taken by a foreign power

ii. He had been chosen to study at the palace

b. Decided in his heart to dare to be different

c. So easy to just go along with the crowd

d. The word “defile” means to soil or pollute

e. Plenty of pollution around today

i. Plenty of reading material that defiles

ii. Plenty of viewing material that defiles

f. A decision for holiness of life will go against the flesh

g. Holy living always pays dividends


Your resolutions for Christ Today? Are what

Think of the Impact these could make on the New Year 2007

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