
Summary: Describes the things that were torn at the Resurrection of Jesus.

1. Man was rent(separation)

A. from his Paradise (in Eden)

B. from his Position (of Glory)

2. Jesus was rent(crucifixion)

A. from His Father (because of Sin)

B. for His Friends (because of Love)

3. Veil was rent(accession)

A. from our Exclusion (from His Glory)

B. to our Access (into His Presence)

4. Earth was rent(rejection)

1. for the Saints (treasures released)

2. from the Security (of earthly values)

5. Stone was rent(resurrection)

A. from His Tomb (He Arose!)

B. for our Transition (Changed!)

6. Heaven was rent(ascension)

A. for Jesus’ Coming (Rapture)

B. for our Comforter (Holy Ghost)

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