
Summary: Do you need reconciliation in your life? Is the fear of confrontation holding you back from fulfilling GOD’s Purpose in your life? Have you changed from what or who you once were? Don't let the past hinder your future. When we surrender ourselves to the LORD, we should...

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2024.09.01.Sermon Notes. Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau - Genesis 33:1-20

William Akehurst, HSWC

BIG IDEA: Do you need reconciliation in your life?

Is the fear of confrontation holding you back from fulfilling GOD’s Purpose in your life?

Have you changed from what or who you once were? Don't let the past hinder your future.

When we surrender ourselves to the LORD, we should trust HIM to Order our Steps and have the Faith to see HIS plans unfold.


Scriptures: Genesis 33:1-20, Genesis 27:29, John 13:13-17, 1 Timothy 6:6, Genesis 31:13, Jeremiah 32:17, Jeremiah 32:26-27, Luke 1:37

Recap Genesis 32. Mahanaim. 2 Camps. Jacob was headed back to Canaan to his parents, but Jacob was facing his fears with confronting his brother who had sworn to kill Jacob for stealing the blessing of Isaac.

The first recorded prayer in scripture is Jacob’s Prayer.

And Jacob prayed because he didn’t want to die.

Jacob sent all his possessions across the river and stayed back all alone.

“GOD as a Man” met Jacob and wrestled all night until morning and finally “broke” Jacob. Jacob held on, until he received another “Blessing”.

This Man was GOD in Flesh, who would be JESUS, the Covenant Blessing for all people of every nation.

And after finally surrendering to GOD, to this “Man” who gave Jacob the Blessing, Jacob and Esau meet.

Esau and Jacob meet…peaceably

Jacob is cautious.

Esau is ready to reconcile.

They never mention their differences.

Esau is inquisitive of Jacob’s large family.

The Meeting of Jacob and Esau

Genesis 33:1-20

Genesis 33:1-2. Jacob prepares to meet his brother.

1 Now Jacob lifted his eyes and looked, and there, Esau was coming, and with him were four hundred men. So he divided the children among Leah, Rachel, and the two maidservants. 2 And he put the maidservants and their children in front, Leah and her children behind, and Rachel and Joseph last.

Jacob sees Esau coming with 400 men.

Jacob divides the children of Leah and Rachel and the two maidservants.

He first sends the maidservants Bilhah and Zilpah and their children, then Leah and her children, and finally Rachel and her son Joseph last.

Jacob’s favor and love for his wives and children are shown in the order of the groups sent. Keeping his first love, Rachel and Joseph as the last to go.

Perhaps the order was to protect those he loved most in the event something went wrong.

Genesis 33:3

3 Then he crossed over before them and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.

Vs. 3a. Then Jacob crossed over BEFORE them.

Remember, he had sent gifts of herds with his herdsmen to shower Esau with gifts, and saying these are gifts from Jacob who comes behind us.

But after Jacob’s encounter with GOD, having been conquered by GOD and surrendering to HIM, Jacob now puts himself before his family.

This shows us a change in Jacob’s Character. From using others to get what he wanted, to going first, and protecting those he loved.

Vs. 3b. and bowed himself to the ground 7 times until he came near to his brother.

Jacob had already sent gifts to show he didn’t want anything material from Esau.

Now, by bowing down, Jacob was submitting himself to his brother in humility.

Jacob had learned humility in his encounter with GOD (Chapter 32).

Isaac’s Blessing over Esau/Jacob

Genesis 27:29 (NKJV)

29 Let peoples serve you,

And nations bow down to you.

Be master over your brethren,

And let your mother’s sons bow down to you.

Cursed be everyone who curses you,

And blessed be those who bless you!”

Compare JESUS at the Last Supper, washed the disciples feet and told them to lead others by serving them.

John 13:13-17 (NKJV)

13 You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. 16 Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. 17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.



Jacob’s mother Rebekah and he both tried to make the blessing happen their own way.

In doing so, they sinned, and sin has its consequences. Jacob has gone through some of those consequences and has been adjusted by GOD. GOD wrestling Jacob until he surrendered.

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