
Summary: This message came about when I recently had to drop everything in the United States and move to the Philippines to conduct revivals. There, I met a young, lonely, fatherless boy who needed to feel and experience the majestic amazing Love of God.


(John 3:16-17) (16) "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him Should not perish but have eternal life." (17) "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

(Romans 5:8) "[8] But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

(1Peter1:18-19) (18) " For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers," (19) " but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect."

(Romans8:35-37) (35) "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, or sword?" (36) " As it is written: "For your sake, we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." (37) "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."


The love of God is an all-encompassing love that extends to all of creation and is available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances or station in life. It reminds us that we are never alone and always loved and valued, no matter what; it brings hope, comfort, and joy to all who experience it and endures forever.

After a forty-three-year career in trucking, I felt a calling from God to move to the Philippines to help with the beginning stages of the end-time revival. This meant leaving behind a new car and several new suits I had just purchased.

After a few revivals, I realized that some people in the Philippines had trouble understanding me when I presented my message in a loud, emotional way that I was used to in the United States. So, I worked on developing a new way to deliver my message that would resonate with the audience in the Philippines.

One day, I was scheduled to speak in a Miracle Life Church on "The Majestic Love of God." I soon realized that God had given me this message to prepare me for a young, troubled boy who had just lost his father.

My wife and I met a nineteen-year-old boy at a Christian bookstore a few days before the meeting. He had lost his father while they were visiting another country, and he was now stranded in the Philippines with his mother.

Feeling lonely and confused, he sought refuge in the bookstore and would often read books about understanding the love of God.

The store manager, a kind-hearted woman, became friends with the boy and allowed him to browse and read through the books in the store. My wife and I, along with the store manager, spent a few days ministering to the boy and were able to lead him to Christ.

It's incredible how God can send someone ten thousand miles away from home to answer questions and demonstrate His love to a confused young boy in a bookstore who is missing the love of his earthly father.


God's Love is a Proven Love. It is a testament to the enduring strength and constancy of God's love. God's love has been tried and tested through the ages and has stood the test of time.

God's love is unwavering, unchanging, and is not subject to the whims of circumstance or the indecisiveness of human emotion. God’s love is steadfast and sure, a constant source of comfort and support for those who believe in it.

God's love is not a fleeting or temporary emotion but a deep and abiding love that endures through all life's trials and tribulations. God’s love is visible in the testimony of past generations, which shows that God is a benevolent and loving God that seeks to guide us toward a life of purpose and fulfillment. Gods love is a love that provides comfort and security, knowing that we are never alone and always loved, no matter what.

Beloved, whether going through a difficult time or experiencing great joy, may we embrace God's love which is always present to remind us of our value as humans created in his image.

Throughout the ages, countless individuals have experienced the undeniable power of God's unwavering love. Just like a warm blanket to a street person lying in the cold, His love will fill you with warmth, comfort, peace and guide you through life's journey, no matter the challenges that come your way.

It's interesting to note that even though we can attempt to categorize God's love into seven distinct categories, it's still not enough to comprehend or fully describe the depth of that love which encompasses so much more than words can express

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Rhondia Page

commented on Jun 20, 2022

This opened my eyes to stop running from God. I ask God to forgive me for turning away from him. Thank you God for the blessings I have received from him. Evangelist Jerry thank you for following God direction.

Dr. Jerry Hulse

commented on Jun 25, 2022

Amen, Thank you Sister Rhonda Page This message started in June 26, 2017 when I was still trucking This was on my Facebook memory today June 26th, 2022 which really shook me up, it was in Eau Claire, Wisconsin Here it is: Im up to drive all night but my the Lord came in my sleep and invited me into his secret place and stated I got something for you. He said while you were writing on my love and you mentioned providing Love, He said my love is an indwelling Love. I literally was shoutimg in my sleep that he is that concerned about the way he is presented?

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